story 9/10
art 10/10
artwork was fabulous! Best artwork I've ever seen in anime.
sound 9/10
the music was beautiful but not memorable
character 8/10 The characters were very relatable and addd drama to the story
Dec 28, 2010
Mari Iyagi
story 5/10
art 5/10 Most of the time the art was really lacking. When it got to the fantasy world parts it was fantastic sound 4/10 Nothing memorable character 3/10 There was no connection with the characters whatsoever ... Dec 28, 2010
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
story: 8/10 Very original
Art 9/10 Art was superb, very smoothe. The transitions from each of the scenes were well done too. sound 8/10 The music was uplifting character 9/10 Charcter devlopment was well thought out. Simon became like a second Kamina. The characters were very memorable. I especially liked Viral and his honor. ... Dec 26, 2010
Story: 10/10
Art: 8/10 There was really nothing unique about the art. the artwork was pretty much average throughout the entire series. However the artwork really shines when it gets to fighting scenes. Sound: 8/10 The songs pulls you into the situation of the characters whether it be sadness, anger, or happiness. It makes the characters feel more real and can sympathize with. Character: 10/10 Character development is what really special about Naruto. I have never felt so much for the characters in any other anime than in Naruto . I really appreciate getting insights with the characters' pasts then you really experience the emotions the character ... |