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Aug 12, 2023
"Live your best lives."
Summer Ghost teaches us about the journey we are on. We have been granted a life that is completely unpredictable. It is gracious to some and cruel to others. Some people have the pleasure of living a long life, while others, such as the character Ryou, are deprived of it too soon. In this lesson, three complete strangers facing different problems come across each other with the same question. They are curious about what comes after life, as they are not satisfied with their lives. Tomoya Is not able to follow his passion and feels as though he is already dead. While
Aoi is not being allowed to live in peace and is bullied. She doesn't seem to have friends or anyone to talk to about it. So she wants to put herself out of her misery. On the other hand, Ryou, who seemed to be full of life, learned that he would be passing away soon. All three of them were suffering, and they were suffering alone. Through Ayane's tragic story, they learn that life is what you make of it. Life is similar to a sandglass, in which you have control until the grains of sand run out, but the catch is that you never know how much they remain. Through Ayane, all three of them learned to accept their fate and decide to keep fighting their circumstances until they can. I believe Ayane's fate taught Tomoya, Aoi, Ryou, and us that even though we are unsure about the destination, we should make the journey a memorable one. The most tragic moment was when they were all together once again lighting the fireworks, but this time it wasn't for Ayane's ghost to appear but that Ryou had passed away. I believe that scene was the most tragic yet, at the same time, most crucial scene in the whole story, which preached at how it isn't just one life that is affected by death but also the lives that are connected to that one life.
In conclusion, Summer Ghost was a beautiful and memorable movie. A movie that will stay special to me. A movie that gives a life lesson that life is precious and limited. It would be a waste not to live it. We come into this world without choice and depart this world the same way. We are all travellers. Our destination is uncertain, but each of us is on our own unique journey. Life, no matter how long or short, should be valued and, above all, lived.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 3, 2023
This movie brought back so many memories. It reminded me how much dearly I held this series in my heart. How I wish this series could have gotten some more installments before reaching its conclusion. There were some things that I didn't remember being mentioned in the previous two seasons like how the quintuplets were adopted or how the girls moved into another apartment before getting evicted. The school festival with each quintuplet held so much importance for their character development. It just goes to show how much of a positive influence Futaro has on each quintuplet. How much each of them need Futaro in
their life. The movie portrays that excellently. The flashbacks of Futaro spending time with the quintuplets was a show of how much their relationship has blossomed. Some dialogues like "Which one of the girls was the first one you could tell apart?" or "Remember when we talked about kissing yesterday? Nino, Miku, Yotsuba and Itsuki-chan. Who would you have been happiest to find out it was?" were spectacular and seemed to make the path for futaro to decide a little narrower. The scene where after the school festival ended, they quintuplets tell Uesugi that they will be waiting for him, each one at a different place and he can be at only one of those places, It was a gorgeously crafted scene. It was the moment when not four but five hearts were broken. Futaro choosing Yotsuba was certainly unexpected for me. It wasn't that I did not like Yotsuba. I really liked how caring she was for her sisters but at the same time, how care-free she was for her own life and especially in academics. The movie provided a well-constructed context behind that. When I watched the first season of this series, I really liked Miku's character. But as the show progressed, I started seeing each quintuplet in a different light with their own unique personalities and significance. Honestly, I wanted to root for all of them. That is why when Futaro chose Yotsuba; Itsuki, Nino, Miku, and Ichika weren't the only ones who were heartbroken. I could feel their pain. As much as they wished well for each other, deep down they were all hoping that Futaro would come to them. The flashback scene where it is shown that young Yotsuba was the one who implanted the idea of studying hard to make money and ultimately, provide a better life for your family in Futaro's head gave a well needed explanation behind Fuataro choosing her. Yotsuba worked so hard to distinguish herself from her sisters only to realize that the similarities she has with her sisters do not make her ordinary but the bond between them was what made her special. The fact that the other sisters accepted Futaro's decision and started supporting Yotsuba showed how much they truly loved and cared for her.
Background and Context:
The first time I watched "The Quintessential Quintuplets" was on November 19, 2019. I couldn't understand why, but it just touched me in a way that no other anime could. It became precious to me. I could understand the characters' emotions. Somehow, I felt connected to them. Since then, this series became a constant in my life. Through joys and sorrows, it was always present somewhere in my subconscious. The past four years have been a roller coaster of emotions for me. I worked extremely hard and achieved an outstanding academic feat; I fought obesity and got into shape; I began looking after my health; I trained and disciplined myself. But as I mentioned, it was a roller coaster of emotions, so it couldn't stay up for long. I lost a dear loved one, mental health deteriorated, made some dumb decisions, couldn't perform academically, contracted Covid twice due to which I got diagnosed with asthma, and I underwent two surgeries. The path I had envisioned for the future, which used to be bright and crystal clear, became drab and blurry. During that time period, I recall thinking about this series on numerous occasions. How eagerly I anticipated watching the upcoming season. Like when I was burning midnight oil trying to achieve the academic feat that I mentioned, the thing that motivated me and kept me persistent was the fact that I used to tell myself that I should work myself to the bone now so I could later enjoy the second season of this beautiful series in peace and without any tension. Even while working extremely hard and doing something that
was completely unrelated to it, the prize I set for myself was to watch this series. And so I did. On August 9, 2021, the day of my last exam, as soon as I came back home, I started watching the second season of Quintuplets. I still remember how beautiful it was. How excited I was to watch the second season.
Personal Experience:
As I watched the first season, I found myself wanting all the characters to have happy endings. They simply meant too much to me to see their stories not getting a satisfying conclusion. But after watching the second season, I realized that the author, Negi Haruba, would almost certainly take a more realistic approach. The thought of only one quintuplet finding love saddened me, but I was curious to see who Futaro would end up with. While the movie was released for an international audience in March, I decided to wait until the end of my examinations so that I could properly appreciate this final chapter. On July 2, 2023, which was again the day of my last exam, I started watching The Quintessential Quintuplets movie.
After completing the movie, I wished to rewatch the entire series from the beginning. But I could not bring myself to do that. It would just cause more grief. Even the faintest recollection of prior seasons causes a sensation of pain in my heart. Futaro made so many beautiful memories with Miku, Itsuki, Nino, Yotsuba, and Itchika. They spent so much time together and grew so close to each other. They all needed Futaro. I can't seem to bring myself to accept it as a satisfactory conclusion. But the ending did not matter much to me. For me, it was always more about their journey than their destination. Hence, this anime still retains that same special place in my heart. Nevertheless, I can't help but wish that it could have come to a better conclusion. I could therefore always cherish and remember it fondly. I find it difficult to accept that the series is coming to an end. As I mentioned in the background of this review, it had established itself as a constant in my life. I wasn't obsessed with it, but I did treasure it dearly. For the past four years, I've felt as though it has been by my side in my heart. As my life progressed, so did theirs. But now, the story of my life goes on while theirs stays in the same place. I move on alone yet again. I wish someday I could rewatch the entire series again. I am grateful to this series for the lessons it taught me, for the emotions it made me feel, for the laughter it gave me, for the joy and the excitement, and for staying by my side for all this time. Undoubtedly, for me, it is the most precious anime I have ever watched.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 31, 2022
Storyline: 10
Animation: 10
Music: 9.5
Overall: 10
A beautiful end to a seemingly tragic story.
Personal Experience:
Violet Evergarden has been one of the very few series that have become very special to me. I started watching it at the start of 2020 and have just finished watching the movie, bringing the series to an end. I think anyone who has gone through some kind of tragedy in life can relate to this series. Violet Evergarden has always been full of emotions. This movie was no exception. It was the first movie ever to make me cry. I am not talking about getting teary-eyed. It was extremely difficult for me
to keep from crying. It was amazing to see Violet, who has learned to feel and express emotions, including lying. I was so proud to see Violet caring for other people. She always wanted to help people but could not because she couldn't understand their emotions. The way that the misery of life is portrayed and how people find solace is beautiful. It somehow teaches a person how to accept the tragedies of lie and move on. This is undoubtedly a series I will never be able to forget.
Movie Summarized:
The movie starts with the funeral of a character that we have previously seen in the series. Daisy who is the granddaughter of Ann Magnolia (The character who passed away) reads the fifty letters the Violet had written on behalf of Ann's mother to Ann and decides to go find more about the writer of the letters, Violet Evergarden. In the present day of Violet's story, she was performing her duties as usual. She had become an incredibly famous auto-memory doll. But she still missed and thought about Gilbert everyday. Incidentally, she meets a boy named Yuris who is terminally ill. The boy wanted her to write three letters for him that would be delivered to his Father, Mother, Brother and a friend named Lucas after he passes away. Unfortunately, he did not have the sufficient money for it. She lies to him that due to a special kids discount, the money will be enough. He doubts her at first but then she shows him a piece of paper as proof knowing that he can't read well. I was so surprised at this scene because I had forgotten that she had learned to lie. It was so heart-warming to see her care so much for they boy. In the same time, we get to know that Gilbert is alive and is living on an Island helping the people there. Gilbert writes a letter on the request of a little boy to his father who had gone to war but had still not returned and sends it but sadly, we get to learn that the letter could not reach the address as the little kid's father did not survive in the war. The letter is kept temporarily in the inventory where Claudia coincidentally sees it and recognizes Gilbert's handwriting. He informs about this news to Dietfried and then, to Violet. The way Violet reacted was so emotional. She cared for Gilbert so much. She loved him so much. She had gone through nothing but pain and agony her whole life and Gilbert was the only one who had shown her affection and kindness. She along with Claudia decides to go and meet him. When they reach the Island, Gilbert refuses to meet Violet as he still blames himself for the arms that Violet lost. He believes he caused her pain. Violet tells him that she finally understands the meaning of "I Love You" and that she loves him too. But Gilbert, with tears in his eyes, tells Violet to go back. Claudia and Gilbert stay the night at the lighthouse where she comes to learn that Yuris is in a very dire condition. She realizes her sense of duty and tries to leave the Island but could not due to no boats being available at night. Iris goes to Yuris in Violet's place but he doesn't seem to be in a condi
Memorable Scenes:
It took me by surprise when I realized that the character who just passed away was someone we were already familiar with. I then understood that the story currently being portrayed is set in an era much later than the existence of auto-memory dolls. They had become a thing of the past.
One of my most favorite scenes of the entire series is when she lies to Yuris that due to a special kids discount, the money will be enough. He doubts her at first but then she shows him a piece of paper as proof knowing that he can't read well. I was so surprised at this scene because I had forgotten that she had learned to lie. It was so heart-warming to see her care so much for the boy.
The scene that made me cry was when Yuris passes away and his family reads his letters. As someone who has gone through the pain of losing a family member, I literally cried with them. I felt every bit of their pain. The disbelief that someone they had loved so much is no more with them. The whole scene was very accurately portrayed.
I love that Violet and Gilbert reunited. It was so cute to see Violet not being able to say "I love you" to Gilbert. I was so happy that after numerous trials and tribulations, Violet finally got what she always hoped for. Her strength, her hope, her Major, her love, her Gilbert.
The animation was breathtaking. The story was crafted to the finest extent. The way the story was concluded feels just a bit incomplete. I would have loved to see a few glimpses of Violet and Gilbert's life together. I still don't understand the significance of Daisy in the story and beginning from the future. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to learn about the cruelties of life and the beauty of living with its wounds. The series might have ended but Violet Evergarden will live on in my heart forever.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 28, 2020
[This Review contains only mild spoilers related to the characters of "Your Name" that won't effect you're enjoyment of the movie]
First of All, A great movie. I wanted to cry when i was looking at the visuals. They were just so beautiful. The songs were great. But i think that they should've taken this movie to finally give a complete ending to Taki and Mitsuha. 'Cause the director Makito said in one of his interviews that it had an incomplete ending. If only they would've given them a complete ending, This would've been perfect I understand why people say that it couldn't reach what
your name reached. It did touch the heart but not as emotionally as Your Name. But at least we got a good and complete ending.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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