Now Horimiya isn't really that bad of a show. It's just that it could've been much better. The first 6 episodes are something I genuinely enjoyed but then... They decided to focus on the side characters and they were extremely bad.
In fact, if you take out the main characters then the show deserves a rating in the negatives. Absolutely bland, shallow and downright uninspiring characters really killed the show for me. I have seen my fair share of "badly" written characters but characters with little to 0 effort put in them is what Horimiya has accomplished.
Like I said, I really liked the main characters. If
Sep 24, 2020
I want something Genuine
How about shut the fck up? lul Oregairu is the type of stuff that is killing the writing in Anime industry. At least the generic isekai openly admit that they suck. This, however tries to be more than what it really is and that is a very poor highschool drama filled with extremely cringe-worthy and corny characters acting way too unrealistic for their age. Honestly this didn't deserve past the first season. Problem with Anime like these are that characters acting far too unrealistic and mature for their age and that makes things extremely uninteresting like NO. I am not going to take them ... Sep 21, 2020
Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai
The single most overrated thing I've seen in probably any medium of entertainment. I want to eat your Pancreas is one of the most uninspired and offending content I've seen in Anime.
The Anime deals with the idea of a "loner" dude getting back on his feet and stops being a loner with the help of a girl. As poor and unoriginal as it may sound on the surface, it was somehow able to become even more dull than that. The opening hospital scene offended me to no end. The main characters have little to zero chemistry between. How their interaction started, how clingy the ... Aug 31, 2020
Asobi Asobase
You know the humor is dead when Asobi Asobase is everyone's definition of a "Comedy" Anime.
This is just... I tried to enjoy it but Goddamm this was just so bad. >The jokes felt forced like they were trying too hard. In result it turned out everything but funny. >Relying too much on weird faces which at times felt way too weird and out of place. You see weird faces can be funny too if executed perfectly. Prime example would be Grand Blue and maybe even Great Teacher Onizuka. >Voice Acting was full of cringe. I am sorry but the voices in this show was ... Aug 13, 2020
From terrible voice acting to lame comedic moments, Nichijou is something every comedy anime should avoid to be like. Honestly after watching Asobi Asobase I thought nothing would beat the awful voice acting and ridiculously bad jokes but once again the Japanese propaganda for mentally disable the entire humanity proved me wrong when I watched this show.
Seriously they had an entire act where a girl was trying to hide the drawing of her giving a head to some senpai. How's that funny in any sense man? And that's just one of the many cringy stuff this show has to offer. It's like people are biased ... Aug 13, 2020
Golden Time
there's this dude with dual personality sorta bs going on (because everyone love that) but used in a bland way. He bumps into a dude with anger issues and his clingy and annoying grillfrand. He then becomes his friend only with the intention of getting laid with his clingy girl and actually succeeds in it because the girl is a thirsty hoe who needs a man no matter what.
There's this other girl called Linda. she's the childhood friend of the main character and khrush as well but main character doesn't know anything about that. Well, to put it in more detail his one side does ... |