Alright so I have only written a few reviews but I decided I will write one for Horimiya. I feel the best way to explain Horimiya is to write the same thing I have said to my friend:
I really enjoyed Horimiya when it first came out. I had it rated at 10 out of 10 for a long time, but I realized that nowadays I am no longer excited to see a new chapter being released. Now, I kind of feel like I've been forcing myself to read this manga. I've read 92 chapters of the story so I have been keeping up for a
Jun 15, 2016
I didn't get that interested in the anime.I couldn't get to far into the story when I found out it was different from the manga. I think the manga was so much better. In the manga the romance was sooo good, the comedy was really funny(I guess the show didn't do bad in it's comedy either,it was probably on par with the manga's comedy), and plot.Things like dramatic moments were done so well in the manga. Overall the story in the manga felt like a good romcom and by the end I was completely satisfied,so if you didn't like the anime due to the it