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Mar 24, 2025
What a letdown. Only rarely have I seen an anime bungle an otherwise strong premise quite so thoroughly that it leaves me wondering, "How the hell did this get a second season?" Truly, beyond an admittedly engaging two-episode opener, the rest of the show is bland, confused, self-important, and, worst of all, ugly. What makes all these sins even worse is the fact that they failed to learn any lessons from their first season, and seem to not only repeat them in the second, but even expand their repertoire of cut corners and nonsensical plot points. I suppose that's where I'll begin, with this anime's
"strongest" (a term I use loosely here) aspect- the story. At first, the premise seems creative and interesting, with a distinct world where humans have lost the use of natural fire, and have to turn to hunting monsters in the forest to use their energy-infused blood as a replacement. However, instead of exploring this world, spending time with the fascinating implications of this outlandish limitation, it makes the strange decision to rush about with wild pacing, only giving its world precious moments to breathe and express itself in between long, drawn-out chunks of boring expositionary dialogue, and moments of action that are so sloppy and narratively rushed that it feels as though the show is too impatient to get them over with to execute them with any serious weight. It spends literal hours of its runtime fawning over itself about all the conflicts and prophecies and mysterious questions the writers crammed into this show that the viewer is never really given a reason to actually care about any of them. Ultimately, the story of The Fire Hunter is a failure of show don't tell, and really fails to do either correctly, since that principle can often be subverted in a way that is interesting with the kind of skill that this anime simply doesn't have on offer. It quickly becomes far too tied up in the pursuit of its own bizarre and underwhelming story, and it becomes immediately clear just how smart and cool the writers thought they were. That sense bleeds through every moment of this anime, because it's evident they never stopped to consider things more deeply, or do any kind of serious quality control.
Speaking of which, this is also true for the art, which is perhaps this anime's gravest sin. At first, when they're putting in the most effort, it's clear that it's a pretty stylized art direction, and that can be pretty good- indeed, it seemed like it was. The monsters in the forest had a threatening, otherworldly character to them, the architecture seemed unique and realistic, and the characters themselves felt forlorn and grounded in a pale and kind of tired way. However, this anime quickly drops that pretense past episode two, and all of its ugliness is laid brutally bare. The people become lazily drawn, the monsters become ill-defined squiggly blobs inspired by regular animals, and, worst of all, the entire show completely gives up on any sense of depth or perspective. For example, when something like a hunting dog is running towards the viewer, instead of the scene having a sense of movement or depth of field, it looks like the dog's proportions are freaking out on a stationary two-dimensional plane. Instead of his snout appearing closer and his hind legs further away, his snout appears bent and squashed, while his hind legs seem to jut out the side of his torso. This kind of shot happens over and over again, with people, creatures, and even objects, and they all look like total garbage. The Fire Hunter simply does not understand perspective in the slightest. Another crime in regards to motion is how many cheap shortcuts this show makes to save on its animation budget, be it the use of a slow-panning background shot overlaid with comic book style cutaway boxes to handle dialogue, the downright repulsive CG that shows up at the worst moments, or even the random inclusions of colorful, hyper-detailed, stationary art shots that are jarring in the extreme as they embody a totally different aesthetic than the rest of the show. Furthermore, even if it did have a grasp of basic animation principles, it wouldn't change the fact that this art style is simply just ugly. It leaves behind any pretenses of an ethereal, storybook kind of vibe at episode two, and goes ahead looking like a poorly-scrawled gas station postcard. In short, it is rough, bleak, and amateurish. In a word: ugly.
There is much less to say about this anime's other aspects, which themselves feel like relative afterthoughts. The sound is alright, meeting the basic standards of quality in all respects, though the soundtrack is actually pretty good, even if the same songs are reused over and over again- It certainly can't be said they didn't get their money's worth out of it.
The characters, again, meet the basic standards of quality, and are generally unremarkable beyond their fulfillment of their roles within the story, which feels distinctly on-rails and as though it's completely beyond their control- this is for the best because their motivations are either mind-numbingly simplistic or so nebulous and non-directed that they're not worth trying to understand in the first place. Overall, The Fire Hunter is an anime that goes nowhere and does nothing, having squandered the glimmers of quality it had at its outset. The writers should have really pursued a more discerning round of editing during production. Perhaps, if they had, they could have realized that what they were writing was a genuine waste of time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Feb 28, 2025
There's just not that much to say about Soutai Sekai. It's a vanishingly brief title that conceptually harbors some interesting potential, but it fails to really capitalize on much of it, and it's unclear if it even would live up to that potential if it were given the chance. Beginning with the story, which is this anime's strongest aspect, it does a good job of setting the scene quickly and getting right into the narrative and its various concepts. However, many of these themes are simply too big for such a short little production, with things like inter-dimensional travel and cyborg telekinesis playing a central
role. As such, while it does a good job getting right to the meat of things, it ultimately fails to give its concepts time to breathe, and ends up feeling somewhat confused and uninteresting by the end.
However, this sense of dullness is due in most part to the art, as this anime is pretty much entirely CG, and it is glaringly bad throughout. While things like combat choreography is crisp and fast-paced, everything else feels downright robotic. The whole production, outside of combat, just feels very packaged and artificial. Perhaps it is because the fights are largely between two robots that the combat is the only area in which this doesn't feel out of place. In any case, everything here feels flat and dull, even with decent fight scenes and a competent sense of color. The CG really is just that terrible, and makes for a very dry and uninteresting watch.
The sound is unremarkable, as it meets the basic standards of quality for the time, however the J-Pop group they brought on to do the music can kind of feel out of place, especially in the fantastical other-dimension version of Japan, as it steals any sense of grounded reality or stakes, exchanging it instead for an almost goofy concert vibe.
The characters are absolutely boilerplate, and do not rise above their archetypes or even fulfill them particularly well. All in all, they're hardly worth talking about, though it is worth noting that the people behind this anime felt the need to make the two main characters cousins, which definitely changes the vibe of their romance throughout this show's brief runtime.
Overall, Soutai Sekai, despite having some glimmers of quality in regards to its basic concepts and fight choreography, ends up being held back by a crowded story and stiff, unsightly CG throughout. As such, it's not really a title that's worth anyone's time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 31, 2025
Sailor Victory is a goofy little hour-long romp that combines iconic tropes with a colorful and energetic art style to make a bubbly OVA that today serves as a microcosm of anime's most dominant themes in 1995- giant mechs and sailor uniforms. Beginning with the story, there really isn't much of one beyond its simple setup- in a city that's plagued by people in giant robots committing crime, the incompetent police force fails to do enough of anything to combat the problem, leaving a group of girls in their own giant robots to carry out vigilante justice. It's more than enough to justify the flashy
action onscreen, and even manages to sneak in a couple of clever scenes here and there.
The strongest point of this anime by a mile is the art, which boasts a bright and fun color palate, and a kinetic and flashy sense of movement, wrapped up in that hand-drawn style that defined the 90s. This is the real reason to give this anime a watch- at the end of the day, it's good old dumb fun. The character designs are distinct and memorable, the fights are fast-paced, and the art style as a whole is stylized and colorful.
The sound is good, meeting the basic standards of quality for the time, though the intro and outro songs are pretty catchy.
The characters are kind of one-note tropes, but that's all they really have to be in a two episode OVA. Of them, Kyomi and Mika are my favorites, each for their character designs, the designs of their respective mechs (The red one and the blue one, respectively), and how much them and their personalities add to the general comedy of the show. Overall, Sailor Victory is a simple little romp that you are meant to sit back and enjoy, rather uncritically, which makes this review kind of paradoxical in the first place. Who cares if it feels a little rushed since it's only two episodes, or that the story doesn't really go anywhere, or that the conflicts are all kind of shallow since there's no time to develop them- it's a magical girl giant robot fight anime. Grab a snack and enjoy!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 31, 2025
Seirei no Moribito's defining characteristic is its total immersion. It possesses a rare quality and depth that reveals the amount of love that was put into it, manifesting in a world which feels extremely rich and believable. I cannot overstate how many small details there are, and how they come together to craft a world in which it is effortless to get lost in. This anime spends time on the tiniest aspects of its world that most anime would simply gloss over, and that is what makes it such a beautiful and effective story, a potent journey that the viewer finds themselves effortlessly swept up
in. I'll begin here with this anime's strongest aspect, the story, which houses some of the best worldbuilding I've ever seen at the time of this writing, which is a monumental achievement all its own, and must be directly addressed before talking about anything else. There is a richness and dedication here that makes it feel like the worldbuilding took place first, only for a story to later be placed in its boundless setting. It feels like a tour de force of cultural anthropology. Everything from the kingdoms to the geography to the economy to the cultures to the history to the religion and food and architecture and traditions and clothing and everything else is crafted with such lavish detail that it genuinely feels like the places told in this story are actually real, existing somewhere out there in existence. In order to properly capture what I'm talking about, here are just a few standout examples- In one instance, they spend the entire episode covering the detailed currency system of the Shin-Yogo Empire, and a popular street gambling game, including all of its rules and how it could be gamed. In another instance, they show a festival celebrated by all in the Shin-Yogo Empire, including a tradition of bonfire making and a fighting tournament, but celebrated at different times by the aristocracy and the common folk. The nobility of the Shin-Yogo Empire celebrate the festival in the spring, since it commemorates a mythic event that happened in the spring, but since the common people are so busy with agricultural work during the spring, they celebrate it in the summer instead. Even all of the myths and customs feel fascinating and realistic, like how they believe a commoner would be struck blind if he made eye contact with a highborn, or how a warrior must never witness a sword being forged, how how they hang these bird bone wind chimes in their doorway to ward off evil spirits when they brush against it. This is to say nothing of the totally unique flora, fauna, and weather patterns that define the visual reality of this show in a way that is consistent and relevant throughout. They really did think of everything, right down to the ethnic differences between the people of Shin-Yogo, Rota, and Kanbal, their unique weapons, combat styles, and even the stitching on the clothes they're wearing. In this respect, Seirei no Moribito is a masterpiece. In other respects, the story is still very solid- a complex and vast mystery that reaches back into centuries past and interacts with politics, mythology, and religion, all the while facilitating the exploration of such a rich and incredible world as our main characters journey from place to place. The journey itself is a well-executed hero's journey for the most part, and while it is gripping in its own right, it does waste its time with some pretty basic moral themes that feel a little played-out, especially in regards to the killing of one's enemies. Still, it's a very minor sticking point, and after all, the real main event here is the worldbuilding, as I said earlier. As such, when considering its moral themes and dedicated worldbuilding, it reminds me quite a bit of Avatar: The Last Airbender in a lot of ways.
This comparison also, interestingly enough, extends to its art, which I will talk about here. Seirei no Moribito is a gorgeous anime, with a quiet beauty that fosters a thick atmosphere which simultaneously feels magical and distinctly grounded. This atmospheric quality squares very well with the fact that it aired on Adult Swim in the late 2000s, and I'm personally shocked that it's not more widely recognized as one of the greats of that era. Its color palate and detailed backgrounds also remind me once again of Avatar, but with notably higher production values throughout. Another way it reminds me of Avatar is how sparingly blood is used, which sometimes feels a little awkward, but that is again a minor factor in the grand scheme of things. That worldbuilding mentioned earlier is given life by a highly adaptable art style, which can capture the lowliest comforts of peasant life, all the way up to the soaring grandiosity of the imperial court. Regardless of what it's portraying, it always manages to feel firmly grounded and believable, save for the spirit world of Nayug, which feels appropriately mystical and otherworldly. However, the absolute strongest aspect of the art is how it handles combat. In a way, an argument could even be made for calling this title a martial arts anime given how it handles the skillful application of violence. Combat in this anime truly is an art form, and it lovingly details and develops many styles, from different schools of unarmed combat, to swordwork, and of course, the art of the spear. Each strike and maneuver has an appropriate sense of gravity, weight, and impact, while also being so finely choreographed and calculated that a pitched struggle between two skilled warriors almost feels like some kind of complicated dance. Combat here is beautiful in a solemn, heartfelt way, handled in such a fashion that is rare and admirable. In short, there is an enormous amount of respect paid to this aspect alone, and is easily one of the most striking things about this anime, making it stand out from the moment we see two people come into conflict.
The sound is quite good, with a strong, orchestral soundtrack that deftly matches the emotion of a given scene, and with sounds of life that are detailed and immersive. This goes so far as to cover the gruesome noise of a grievous wound, all the way down to how footsteps sound different on stone versus dirt, for example. The sounds of life are an underappreciated aspect in anime in general, and I think they are especially important in this anime.
The characters are a perfect fit for the story, as though the cast is large, each person with their own complex motivations and personal interests, they are all individually coherent, and come together in the context of the larger story in a way which makes definitive sense. I'd describe the characters and their positions and interactions within the story as Shakespearean, to make a point of comparison. Of them, my favorites are Balsa, the main heroine, and Shuga, a dedicated star reader of the imperial court. Balsa stands out as a unique protagonist, as she is a capable warrior in her late 20s who is uniquely gifted in the ways of war, but is by no means a mary sue. She grows and learns and struggles, and she makes mistakes along the way, all of which make her interesting and human. This is especially true as her backstory is revealed over time. Meanwhile, Shuga is an interesting character as a young up-and-comer in the imperial court, a gifted star reader who is ingratiated in court politics, but also dedicated to the pursuit of truth. Seeing him gradually unravel the grand mystery, and eventually risk life and limb to do so, makes him a fascinating and admirable character. Overall, Serei no Moribito is a truly great anime, and is surely underappreciated given just how much dedication and skill is paid to its world and the story that takes place within it. It is an atmospheric, immersive, and extremely memorable title, and I absolutely recommend it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 27, 2025
Call of the Night is a gorgeous, quick-witted, unconventional vampire rom-com that spends most of its runtime as a lighthearted romp, but harbors the unexpected capability of crossing into some shockingly heavy territory. On top of all this, it also throws some real curveballs at the viewer in how it establishes and handles its more ecchi themes, especially the ways in which it plays with significant romantic age gaps. All of these factors come together to make Call of the Night a unique creature indeed. Beginning with the story, this is the source of most of its many oddities, both good and otherwise. First, it
nails the atmosphere of a fledgling and unsure romance, surrounding it with this understanding friendship built upon trust and curiosity. This is present throughout the anime, and demonstrates a consistent emotional intelligence in regards to interpersonal relationships, which is a good fit considering our protagonist, Yamori, struggles with understanding human relationships in general. The whole cast has their own set of problems to navigate, intellectually, morally, and emotionally, and it makes them all quite intriguing. The story deals with themes of uncertainty, love, relationships, friendships, responsibility, consequences, and overall morality in ways which are accessible, and, depending on your situation, relatable. The elephant in the room here is the fact that Yamori is 14, and the vampiric girl who turns his life upside down, Nazuna, is decades older, though her particular age is unspecified, and as a vampire, she is ageless. To be honest, this aspect fades into the background of the show pretty quick, and doesn't serve to change basically anything about it. It only comes up when the show brings it to attention, usually for some gag or deadpan observation. All in all, for all the relative noise made about it in regards to this show, it doesn't end up being that big a deal- the age gap is way bigger in Twilight, after all. In relation to this point, Call of the Night is a very sexual anime, though with relatively little explicit fanservice, which is interesting, but I'll cover that more when I talk about the art. A final point about the story, it spends the first half of its episodes as a kind of lighthearted ecchi comedy, almost like a slice-of-life, filled with little misadventures and fun encounters, coupled with some meditation on life or friendships or some other theme. Honestly, I would have been fine if that was the whole anime. However, without getting into spoilers, the story suddenly expands to encompass much more than the private lives of our main duo, mixing in some really heavy topics that I personally thought it was both uninterested in and generally incapable of conveying, but convey it did. Honestly, it was kind of anxiety-inducing in a really unexpected way, even if the show makes sure to remind you of what its true identity still is. Still, while it was done well and I am rather impressed, I'm not sure if such a dramatic contrast is actually such a great fit for this show. I was really digging the fun, goofing-off vibe it had going, and being taken out of that frame of mind was pretty jarring, even if it was done well.
Speaking of done well, this takes me to Call of the Night's strongest aspect, the art. Right off the bat, this anime is stunning. Its most striking aspect is its effulgent use of color, over which it has a rich and immersive command, the pinks and blues flooding the nighttime environment, and changing at will to reflect the emotion of a given scene. The color gives life to an art direction which is stylized and utterly unique, with distinctive linework and smooth, seamless illustration and animation. The character designs benefit from this dedication immensely, as they are visually distinct in ways which are impactful and visually interesting, right down to the subtleties of their anatomical differences to each other. This brings me back to the ecchi aspect of this anime, which manifests in a rather unique fashion. As I said before, while there's this constant sexual energy hanging in the air, there's very little hard fanscervice, which is to say, there's a near-total lack of things like upskirts or actual nudity. Instead, it draws attention to other aspects of their characters' anatomy while keeping them clothed, things like necks, thighs, and midriffs. It's an interesting choice, as this puts a lot more emphasis on body language as a mechanism of erotic attention, and sets this anime apart from many other of a similar type in this regard. It's almost like it's demonstrating a certain kind of restraint, which itself leads to creativity.
Moving on, there's less to say about the sound, but it's still a very strong showing. The voice work is lively and distinct, the sounds of life are rich and multifaceted, and the OST is a perfect fit, especially when one considers how hype the songs which border each episode are- I don't think I skipped either a single time.
Finally, the characters are also quite strong, demonstrating an independence and unpredictability that makes it feel as though this story is simultaneously about and for them, as they seem to move the plot along as they please. Of them, the main duo, Yamori and Nazuna, are my favorite characters here. This is due in large part to how natural their chemistry feels, and how they seem to interact and develop as genuine friends before true romantic feelings even develop. Overall, Call of the Night is a beautiful anime with some amazing production values and a story that is both fun and unique, and even considering some of the trickier aspects for most viewers, like the front-and-center age gap and the drastic tonal shift, there's no denying that this is still a solid piece that highlights the nighttime for all of its wonderful weirdness.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 23, 2025
Looking Up at the Half-Moon is an anime that is built upon a poignant and emotional premise, but fails in a variety of ways to live up to the potential of that premise. Even the title is symbolically laden with the concept that it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, yet isn't nearly as visionary and multilayered as that stroke of titular genius might imply. Beginning with the story, it is both the strongest aspect of this anime and where the bulk of my problems with it lie. Following the story of two young patients in a
hospital and the story of how they fall in love despite the odds is a very unique premise, and the hospital setting provides a fun and interesting twist to your usual romance fare. The adventures that Rika and Yuuichi share are also touching, and it's easy to get emotionally invested in them and their bond. However, while it does manage to get quite emotional, and deals directly with many of the existential questions surrounding life, death, and love, it has some problems that muddy the waters a bit. For starters, it suffers from a distinct overreliance on hiding key dialogue and important events from the viewer in order to artificially manufacture big reveals later on, which feels especially cheap and obnoxious in a show that is as short as this at only 6 episodes. It also suffers from a general lack of understanding in regards to how people think and make decisions, much of these choices feeling contrived and bizarre throughout. My biggest problem with Looking Up at the Half-Moon, however, is how it undermines its strength as a sweet, innocent love story between two star-crossed youth with elements that make it feel desperate to be perceived as 'mature'. The pervy nurse-groping grandpa in the first episode with his porn stash falls flat as a strange and needless addition to the show, and the fact that this hospital breaks every rule and regulation in such a way that would get them shut down in real life makes suspension of disbelief rather difficult, but the worst offence relates to how it defines the boundaries of relationships and fidelity. I'm not going to spoil anything specific here, but again it feels like it blindsides you with something edgy and 'morally grey' just to seem cool and 'grown-up' before returning to the adorable romance at hand, as though nothing happened and we should just forget about it- all the characters certainly do. All in all, they actually did pretty good with the story they were trying to tell in regards to Rika and Yuuichi, but everything that goes on when the two of them aren't onscreen together is simply riddled with flaws, which is a shame. The art is subpar, and notable as a general weakness of the show.
The art direction itself is fine, and the color palate also fosters this dreamlike quality that fits well with the hospital setting, but the technical execution is seriously lacking, with shoddy animation in a variety of areas, especially facial animation. Many of the expressions seem wild and sloppy in a way that is out of place and jarring.
The sound just barely meets the basic standards of quality for the time, even if the OST feels generic, giving off a distinct 'soundtrack in a can' sort of vibe. The songs which bookend the show at its opening and closing sequences are strong, however.
The characters are good, even if they feel like they're on rails a lot of the time, tossed about by the story they're in and the conveniences it demands of them, but as mentioned earlier coherent character motivations and emotional intelligence proves to be an issue throughout. Of them, the main couple, Rika and Yuuichi are my favorite, as their romance forms the very core of the show, and the message communicated through their relationship is a beautiful one- does not a half-moon still light up the night? Overall, Looking Up at the Half-Moon is a fundamentally good story at its very center, but it stumbles over itself a lot, either by trying to be something it's not, or by the simple limitations of raw resources and natural skill. With this in mind, if you're willing to forgive a lot of flaws, there's something worthwhile in there, even if it is distinctly bittersweet.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 22, 2025
Read or Die is an extremely fun, distinctly unique OVA from anime's transitional period into a largely digital medium. It is also a love letter to campy, 007-style spy movies, as well as a celebration of the unbound, freeing nature of anime as a medium of storytelling. It is unapologetically its own, weird, wonderful self, and it is this dimension of it that makes me love this anime quite so much. All of this is borne out and encapsulated in the story, which is where this review will begin. Its premise is striking and strange, focusing on a globe-spanning secret
network of rare book hunters who also task themselves with saving the world. They have agents with special powers who work for them, and this OVA focuses on their conflict with a terroristic group of famous geniuses from history who have been cloned in order to carry out a nefarious plot against mankind. It is so in-your-face wild, but plays this premise completely straight, taking this state of affairs for granted while the story plays out. One of these agents, the bookish and disheveled Yomiko Readman, has the power to manipulate paper at will, and finds herself in a central role throughout this conflict. In this way, it is completely unpredictable, and keeps you firmly on the edge of your seat from start to finish. It feels both classic and totally original, hitting many of the well-worn spy movie tropes while somehow preserving all of its mystery. However, due to its brevity, things can feel a little rushed, and its fascinating world feels relatively unexplored as a result. Still, even if there's only so much you can really do with 3 episodes, this OVA manages to do quite a bit, and packs in one hell of an adventure along the way.
The strongest aspect of this anime, however, is the art. As I mentioned earlier, this anime is from the transitional period of the medium between hand-drawn and digital production methods, and I believe that plays out here in its unique and at times experimental aesthetic. The world of Read or Die is brought to life in this visually complex, detailed manner, and coupled with that distinctive early 2000s palate of muted colors and warm, unassuming highlights. The animation is also fluid, with a lavish use of frames given to moments of distinct movement, even outside of combat. Furthermore, the fight choreography has a sense of weight, consequence, and overall lethality that many anime tend to fall short of in some capacity. This feeling of impact gives the whole title a kind of weight that is absolutely essential for a good story, especially for an anime that's quite as short as this. Though, perhaps my favorite aspect of the art is the fact that it embodies the aesthetic spirit of early 2000s anime perfectly, and expresses the lengths of that period's overall creative potential. This resonates with me on a personal level, but I feel it still bears mentioning here.
The sound is wonderful, and has that same characteristic flair that the rest of the anime enjoys. The soundtrack is populated by a rich, orchestral score, with significant tracks that stand out on their own as distinctly energetic, jazzy, and original, and it is these pieces which really capture the spirit of the anime as a whole in musical form. The sounds of life play their part as well, with the sounds of crinkling paper and splattering blood playing a significant role, making this world feel three-dimensional and lived-in. The voice work is also a good fit for this anime. For reference, I actually watched the dub for this anime on DVD, and while I have heard more technically skillful English dubs, this one is still a perfect fit, and should be the preferred method for watching this OVA. This is especially true for the main character, Yomiko, as her VA is spot-on from start to finish.
This brings me to the characters, who are surprisingly varied, developed, and distinct, which is an impressive feat considering this anime had about an hour and a half total to achieve that. These characters feel authentic, and are instantly memorable from the very moment of their introduction. Of them, my favorites are easily Yomiko and Makuhari. Yomiko stands out as delightfully strange, as a character that is simultaneously capable, eccentric, optimistic, and unapolagetically herself, just like the OVA is as a whole. In many ways, this anime feels like a wider extrapolation on her oddball personality. Meanwhile, Makuhari, beyond her role as a badass femme fatale, stands out for how her friendship with Yomiko changes and develops over time, in a way changing her as well. Overall, Read or Die is a wonderful early 2000s anime OVA which is for sure more obscure than it should be, but perhaps that's a good thing, adding to this sense of it as its own unique thing, outside of the mainstream, like nearly all anime was in the west during the time of its release. It is an artistically impressive, high-production OVA that is easy for me to recommend to just about anyone. If you're looking for a real gem that's a little off the beaten path, Read or Die is the perfect fit.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 20, 2024
This anime is a masterpiece. In every respect, it is majestic and powerful, saturated with beauty and craftsmanship in every regard. An anime like this one is a precious treasure, one that only comes about very rarely, and one that will stay with you for the rest of your life, representing a high watermark of storytelling that will forevermore serve as an example of just what anime can achieve as a medium when everything comes together just right. As of the time of this writing, Frieren is the 200th anime I've watched, and has earned its place as one of the exceedingly few that I
have given the prestige of a perfect 10. In short, it is a work of absolute genius, in every sense of the word. It is difficult to begin anywhere with a title such as this, when everything about it is so incredible, but I'll begin here with the story. Frieren handles its masterful storytelling in such a uniquely potent way that it lands among the absolute greats, nearly inimitable in its impact and excellence. It is immediately apparent that, this story, about an eccentric elf who has outlived her adventuring party learning more about the human condition by starting another one, feels like a strong return to form in terms of fantasy. It feels classic and timeless, mastering all the pieces that make the famous fantasy epics of the past work so well. It feels hopeful, and adventurous, and exciting, and above all offers up a refreshing take on the defeat of ultimate, objective evil. How Frieren handles the problem of demons is intelligent and all-encompassing, championing the concept of the good and proclaiming without any reservations that the destruction of evil is always righteous. It eschews the played-out modern trope of 'misunderstood demonkind' and 'grey morality', instead championing heroism, strength, and persistence in the face of deception, lies, and uncertainty. This aspect alone would be more than enough to declare the story this anime's strongest aspect, but there is still so much more to it. Beyond its flawless execution of fantasy's most important and timeless themes, it adds unique and engaging aspects that deal with the most profound aspects of the human experience. There were many moments where it moved me to tears. This story takes on so much, and yet deals with all of it with such impressive skill. Be it Frieren's reckoning with her near-immortality in the context of the human relationships which mean so much to her, or Fern's grappling with belonging and what it means to be a mage and practice the craft she loves so much, or Stark's challenges with cowardice and fear when he has so much potential and how his friends bring out the best parts of him as a person and as a warrior, this anime is emotionally intelligent on a level that I have only rarely seen before. This anime understands what it means to be a person, what it means to grow. Even beyond its epic narrative, even beyond its sense of adventure, this story captures so much of the human experience, so much of the soul of man. Even the little things, like helping villagers clean a statue, or telling a story to your friends around the bonfire, or even taking in the sights and sounds of a new place, this anime gets it, and even if this were the only great part about this anime, it would still deserve every ounce of praise that it is getting now. But, indeed, there is so, so much more to say about Frieren.
The art is every bit as impressive as the story, and stands out from its peers with a degree of aesthetic mastery that is rarely seen in a given season. It is colorful, and interesting, and vibrant, and detailed, but beyond all of this, it has vision for the world it portrays. The world of Frieren feels alive and full of history. The architectural styles, which change between regions as they head north, are so carefully imagined, depicted down to the slightest cultural detail, that it's clear this anime was given nothing short of complete and total love during the entire length of its production. On the other hand, the fight scenes are so richly executed that every hit, every blow, feels like it has weight, like it punches through to the screen so that you can feel it in your chest. This is not even to mention that Frieren has one of the richest and most indulgent color palates I've ever seen, and even some of the smoothest and most impressive animation in general. Beyond the fantastic art style, the animation itself is smooth and seamless, animating the finest details like hair physics, eye movements, and light filtering through leaves with a dedication and mastery that will give you chills.
The sound, like everything else in this anime, gets similar praise from me. The soundtrack is soaring and orchestral, with so many layers of emotion and majesty that are rare, not just in anime, but in general. It is suited to every possible moment, from the most jubilant highs, to the most melancholy lows, and even the quiet moments of peace, where nothing in particular is happening. No matter what, this soundtrack wreathes the entire anime in excellence, and is overall one of the best scores in anime. The sounds of life, too, are detailed down to the minutia, from the rustling leaves, to the squelching of mud, and even all the moving parts involved in the grand cacophony of a pitched magical battle. The sound is an honored companion to the art and story, especially when the voice work is considered, which is characteristic, unique, and emotional from start to finish. It even earns its place as one of the few anime for which I prefer the dub, given just how impressively well-cast everybody is in this regard.
The characters, too, are incredible. They feel like they're the ones driving this story, as it is their adventure, and that feels right. I was consistently impressed by this show's characterization, as though I immediately fell in love with our main cast, I was skeptical about every new person added in, especially in the second half, but I was blown away by how this anime manages to make every character, no matter how recent or how secondary, feel complex and interesting, to the point where I found myself invested in them and their stories as well. This is a genuinely impressive feat, and one that should be celebrated by all and emulated by other anime looking to do the same. Of the cast, my favorites are the main adventuring party of Frieren, Fern, and Stark. Their relationship just feels so genuine and familial, and they way they build each other up is both inspiring and moving. Overall, Frieren is an actual masterpiece, a work of art that is on par with the absolute greats of history. I absolutely recommend it, and, going further, will say here that it is a necessary watch for anyone who calls themselves a serious enthusiast of anime. It will become a part of you, and stay with you for the rest of your life. Frieren really is that amazing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 17, 2024
Honobono Log is a beautiful, fleeting little tale, featuring a collection of brief snapshots into the everyday lives of people and the ones they love. It is a quiet, unique contemplation on that emotion, which expresses itself well in the OP song, "Every time I look over at you, I realize that I'm happy." As such, the story is the strongest part of this anime, as despite being nothing more than a pile of vignettes, it manages to be beautiful and impactful all the same, capturing so many emotions in the silent moments between words and the small things that people do for each other.
It's the kind of thing people might usually forget, but when presented in such a tender and contemplative fashion, it speaks directly to the heart. Like catching snowflakes on your tongue, each story is beautiful and unique in its own way, but it doesn't stick around for long. As for the rest of the anime, we are left with precious little to say about it.
The art is pretty but fairly static, which nonetheless compliments the anime and its themes, even if the near-total lack of backgrounds can feel a little strange at times.
The sound meets all basic standards of quality, with a touching OP that's a perfect fit for this show, and voice work that is quiet and tender throughout, reflecting the nature of the anime itself.
As for characters, they're so fleeting that it doesn't make sense to choose favorites, so instead I'll choose a favorite vignette, that being the one featured in episode 9. That episode and the dynamic of the couple in it is positively adorable, and quite heartwarming. It is the perfect package to convey, in a single episode, what this show is all about. All in all, Honobono Log is delightful, and a wonderful way to spend 20 minutes, even if it is just an ad for the art book its based on.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 17, 2024
Fushigi na Somera-chan is short, fast-paced, and very strange, which in its own way counts in its favor. Despite its unorthodox format, or perhaps because of it, this anime manages to get quite a few laughs, both at the well-timed absurd comedy, and at the jabs it takes at various other genres as well. Beginning with the story, it'd be a stretch to say this anime has one, even if by merits of its comedy this is the anime's strongest aspect. It follows a magical girl, her sister, her friend, and a girl they hired in the second episode, and follows their misadventures. These situations
are more than just random humor, even if it has the essence of that style, which is refreshing to see for an incredibly short comedy title like this one, which can be completed in under 35 minutes. Typically, when an anime is this short, it just ends up being nonsense, but here it actually sticks the landing with its scenarios and dialogue. Be it aliens which try to repay property damage with insect dung, or a "GMO" version of one of them that terrorizes a village in the forest, or even the semi live-action credits sequences that sing a little traditional tune while drawing a picture, it all manages to be pretty consistently funny.
The art is quite strong, exceeding any expectations this genre has for its titles, complete with a fun and dynamic art style that lends itself well to physical comedy, and an animation quality that matches the energy of the anime as a whole.
The sound is also good, meeting all basic standards of quality, with a good OP and strong, fast-paced voicework that doesn't trip over itself, despite how fast it goes.
The characters are perfect fits for this type of anime, and stand out as real drivers of the comedy at hand, their interplay elevating the absurd atmosphere throughout the show. Of them, Shizuku and Somera are my favorites. On the one hand, Shizuku has some of the best comedic timing in the whole anime, mischievous, deadpan, and wry the whole time, she is a major source of this show's comedic value. On the other hand, Somera, being the protagonist of the anime, proves to be a source of such chaos that without her this anime wouldn't have the proper steam to keep it going. Be it turning a dog into a bizarre food-themed beast, or releasing a "GMO" version of her friend into the wilderness where it attacks innocent bystanders, she is the nexus for much of this show's random conflicts. Overall, Fushigi na Somera-chan is a fun, fleeting little title filled to the brim with energy and enthusiasm, and I'd recommend it on the grounds that it is indeed quite funny, and at under 40 minutes, even if you don't like it you'd have hardly wasted any time at all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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