Dear Anime Connoisseurs,
Ok, so hear me out. This guy can kill anything with one punch. That's wild! Man, this guy, right? This guy. He like- he... he like... trains, right? Like, so hard, right? That his hair, like, falls off his head, right? And like, that's like... wild... Right? I mean like, so wild, right? like. crazy! I don't know if i'd go that far. but like, definitely wild. for real for real. I'm still a virgin, but I know this show is better than sex! PLEASE watch this show, like. PLEASE. I'm telling you. This show. Is the best. This guy kills ANYTHING
Dec 20, 2020
Dear Anime Connoisseurs,
Keijo!!!!!!!! is without a doubt the greatest collection of thoughts ever thought all combined into one perfect bundle of excellent action and drama. The physics were very realistic, and it really helped build the world and make me feel invested in the characters. The show features some of the greatest character designs, even giving birth to original architypes and creative moves like "Titty Hypnosis" and "Buttack on Titan." We got to see all the characters grow throughout the show and develop stronger butt muscles and thicker butts. The thicker butts really drew me in as I dove further into the alluring and mysterious ... Dec 18, 2020
Ponkotsuland Saga
Dear Anime Connoisseurs
Now, hear me out. If you've got 400 hours spare, this is the show for you. It's got everything from a complicated romance, to amazing fight direction and animation. It truly is the pinnacle of Anime. Ever since Astro Boy (often considered to be the first anime ever made) anime-tors have been striving to create the perfect anime. Well, gentlemen (and especially ladies), it has been done. Ponkotsuland Saga was the best thing that ever happened to me in my 37 years on this planet. I'm still a virgin, but I know this is better than sex. Please watch this Anime. You WILL ... |