It will either take something incredibly amazing or something so bad you just have to finish it so you are 100% sure it's as bad as you initially thougt it would be for me to review an anime.
This fell on the bad side of the coin.
How this got animated in the first place, I don't know.
The anime starts of by blowing its load in the first episode with an extremely unlikely pairing of two characters and to be honest the first episode wasnt all that bad- but when they get together the rest of the show becomes generic and predictable. Or so I
Mar 3, 2015
My first review. Never thougt I would review anything, it's not really my thing but after watching this anime I just want as many people as posible to experience what I did, watching this.
And that is the feeling of being glued to the screen from 1 to 12 feeling extreme joy, satisfaction and interest in every aspect of this anime despite it not having any action, romance, harem, drama or anything that seems to be the selling point nowdays. I still can't point out what exactly this anime does so amazingly well, but whatever it is, it will make you want more. Story. (Slight spoilers) The story ... |