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Jan 8, 2022
I'm not the world's biggest fan of Mechas or military-based series, but there are quite a few shows in the genre that have had me glued to my chair...and this just isn't one of them. None of the characters feel super human to me and all anyone does 75% of the time is cry about their emotional trauma. I really...genuinely thought this show would be one something great after they left sector 86, but it just became even more banal military bullshit than it started off as.
Their only major enemy are robots made of dead people that, as of now, show no characterization beyond being
walking balls of metal and angst.
I see major characters die in this show and I feel nothing...the show devotes more time to military minutie than it does to establishing good and human backstories for its characters. I would consider Milize to be the only interesting and markedly human character in the entire show and she has been shelved in support of Nozen and his suicide squad getting more screentime.
Which leads me to my next point...Nozen is a shit protagonist. He is just edgy and that is all he is. He has no inherently human qualities that make him relatable or a personality that makes you enjoy seeing him on screen. When Nozen is on screen he is doing one of two things: blowing shit up...or just being a "doesn't say much" edgelord. Nozens only goal in the show and in life is to end the Legion...and that is IT. He is essentially just another Sasuke-esk edge character that adds very little substance to the show.
Watching Milize struggle with the weight of her job, her desire for change, and her subconscious prejudice is interesting. She is someone at the top of a society that works for her benefit but not for her values, and that becomes a core tenant of her struggle. Milize...great character...Nozen...not.
You watch a show for one of three things: the action, the story, or the characters (setting aside the art or OST)...And imo I can't see how 86 has any of these things. It is a military snoozefest centered around a conflict that has no emotional stake against and enemy that couldn't be less interesting. Find me one person that lists a fucking Legion as one of their favorite characters...
Bottom line... it's not bad... But, god is it mediocre...
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 4, 2021
I honestly don't at all see how people enjoyed this for more than 3 episodes. The production value is there but everything else is just terrible. My itch for Taisho Era stuff was the only thing that got me through this dumpster fire.
The story and characters are especially terrible...well...the story could have been "fine" at least if the characters were well written. I cannot tell you the name of a single character because they really had absolutely zero buildup in the story. You do not get to know ANYONE. There are minimal backstories and minimal setup. You see characters rise and fall before ever even
getting to know them. Everyone seems to have this intricate relationship but because of how the story is told you do not get this intimate understanding.
As it is the big bad villian of this series has absolutely zero backstory other than his goals just being a power trip. They wanted to make this deep but just did not write the story that way.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 25, 2020
To keep this review short, and to the point: everything about the show's production value is good. The fight animation is solid, the animation and direction are both good, and the art and music fit very well with the vibe of the show.
HOWEVER, the pacing of this show is absolutely impossible to follow if you are an anime only like I was. Past the first 2 arcs of the story, the pacing is so fast that you will be utterly lost as to what the fuck is happening for the duration of the show. Random characters that you don't know at all will pop up
out of nowhere like they've always been there, and Manji and Rin just seem to change to a completely different location every episode with no warning. Watching this show without prior knowledge of the plot is like watching a 50 episode series, but only watching every other episode; you will have a very rough idea of what is happening, but you will still be lost.
That is the sole gripe I have with the show, and is the sole reason this show gets a 6 from me. Great direction only goes so far when you can't even comprehend the plot because of the pacing issues.
My consensus is to watch this if, and only if, you have read the manga, and will therefore have an understanding of the plot outside the anime. A lot of the fights are pretty cool, so it may be worth it for some manga readers out there to seen those parts animated. Otherwise if you are interested in partaking in this series, start with the manga and only watch this if you want to see some parts animated.
I will end this review with one final warning, which just about sums up everything I just ranted on: DO NOT WATCH THIS WITHOUT READING THE MANGA EXTENSIVELY FIRST.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 17, 2020
I want to start off by saying that I'm a huge fan of the original Madoka Magica. I would easily call it one of the most entertaining and engaging shows I have ever watched....but.....the plot just isn't there in Magia Record. For a show that is a spin off of a dark suspenseful story like Madoka, the story is unexpectedly dry and slow paced.
Aside from the story, I have no issues with anything else. It still uses the main series' stellar soundtrack and art style, and the characters are all cute and interesting in their own rights. However, the plot holds back the show an
insane amount. I have no idea how the story plays out in the mobile game that this show is based off of, but the plot here is just entirely unengaging. It's supposed to be a mystery type plot rather than a thriller type plot like the original Madoka was, but at the same time nothing happens to make it interesting. The revelations and twists aren't really mind blowing, and most of the time nothing of interest actually happens episode to episode. It's just painfully slow and uneventful.
Aside from how adorable the characters are, there's almost nothing to hold attention in this story. Bottom line is....the show isn't captivating, and is hard to pay attention to most of the time. I feel like this should have been a movie or something, because the pacing is TOO slow, which is a rare issue in anime nowadays. If this had been cut down to only include the important parts, or was sped up significantly, it would have probably raised my score up to a 7 or 8.
As much as it pains me, I'm going to have to label this show as a pass. If you want more Madoka, this isn't it. Aside from the OST and style, none of what made Madoka so great as a story is present in this spin off.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 16, 2020
This show is probably the least interesting out of the "person solves problems involving spirits" shows I've seen. Unlike similar shows like Natsume or Monogatari or Mushihshi, or even Hanako from this same season, this show seemingly has no flare of its own. The show is mainly talking, which would be good if the series had interesting art, characters, or direction to make all the long winded talking bearable.
Like in monogatari mentioned above. The entire show is 80% dialogue, but the series is still interesting because each character is unique in the ways the interact with the main protagonist, and there's interesting art and scene
changes that give you something to look at while the talking is happening, all wrapped together with a beautiful soundtrack. These are all things that make dialogue driven shows bearable to watch, but this show seemingly has none of that.
None of the characters have memorable or interesting personality traits or diverse interactions with each-other. When Kotoko isn't being one-legged Sherlock Holmes, she's drooling over Kurou, and when Kurou isn't being a literal punching bag, he's an emo tsundere with a side of OP superhuman abilities. I don't even remember the name of the female cop off the top of my head....but she's also forgettable. Pretty much a vanilla character there to be a foil for the other two.
Kotoko also has the personality of a paper plate. She is not interesting to listen to at any point in this show. Listening to her talk about the solutions to the mysteries covered in this show is about as interesting as listening to your math professor go over the answers to last night's homework. When you have an uninteresting protagonist coupled with droning textbook reminiscent introspection , and average soundtrack, and uninteresting visuals, you get a lecture.......which is boring. It would have been better if this had ended up being a battle anime like Noragami (which is where I thought this was heading based on the 1st episode) because this is just......so boring.
Only pluses I can give the show are Nanase's titties, and the fact that the mystery writing isn't actually terrible like that of another show this season (ID: Invaded....).
If you haven't watched it, don't watch it. Between Magia Record and Hanako, there's other shows this season that cover similar plot themes (Hanako being the better of the two). I would highly recommend checking out one of those two before even considering this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 15, 2020
Love comedies tend to be one of those hit or miss kind of shows.....and this one is more of a miss than not.
I was really excited when I saw the trailer for this, and expected to really like it. As a college student with a job I enjoy watching slice-of-life type shows with people in it that are not always high-schoolers. I thoroughly enjoyed Wotakoi from couple years back (it's probably one of my favorite rom-coms) and saw that this had some of the same vibes. However, I was disappointed to see that it fell flat in comparison with it's samey gags every episode and
less than interesting characters (except Kosuke, we love Kosuke).
One of the shows worst areas is its humor. Every episode is more of less different takes of the same overall gag which is "Two nerds over complicating love." Which I thought would be an entertaining concept......up until episode 5 or so.....then it just got kind of boring. Every episode is basically them doing some "love" related experiment to test their feelings for each-other (such as trying to kiss, touching, going on dates, etc) and basically over complicating the hell out of it by bringing in scientific methods and concepts. Like I said, it's fun for a while, but it's really just all part of the same joke extended over 12 episodes.
Now, that wouldn't be a problem IF the characters were interesting and fun to watch on screen. A good example of good characters overcoming repetitive humor is Mairimashita Iruma-kun, or Gintama. While the humor in those shows are repetitive, the characters more than make up for it. The characters in both of those shows have high energy, interesting and fresh reactions, and are just genuinely fun to see interact with each-other. This is something that Rikei ga Koi doesn't have. The only character I actually really liked out of the whole show was Kosuke, since he had an original and wacky personality that was fun to watch. In comparison every other character hardly had a personality to speak of. Yukimura is a nerd, Himuro is a nerd, Ibarada is a cut and paste Tsundere, Ikeda is buff (pretty much his whole character), and Kanade is just average.....she's kinda supposed to be the straight man, but ends up contributing nothing to the show outside of commenting on everyone's strange personalities. The author tried adding little quirks to each of the characters to make them more interesting (like Ikeda being buff and Kanade randomly Judo flipping people) but they weren't funny outside the first few uses.
Artistically, the art and animation are both passably average, and the OST is forgettable, the only good song being the ending them (only reason sound gets an 8).
In all, Rikei ga Koi is overall "meh" in my opinion. It was probably the show I looked forward to watching the least this season, and I feel like I could have not watched it, and would lose nothing if every memory of this show was ripped out of my head.
Altogether, this is a show that can be passed up with nothing missed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 28, 2020
[Spoiler Warning]
I'm gonna choose to be honest here: this show is mediocre at best. I know this is not the common opinion when it comes to this show, but it really has to be said.
Now, I have no issue with the show's concept....it's a pretty interesting concept that would have made a good show if it was actually introduced well and use to its full potential (which it isn't).
To begin with, there are a stark lack of detail about how the whole well system works (the system of going inside a criminal's psyche) and why they even need a person to go inside the well
in the first place. In nearly every episode they send the main character Sakaido into the well and he solves "mysteries" (which are a problem of their own.....) by making observations about the well.....which is all fine and dandy, execpt for the fact that the computer running the well simulation is seemingly capable of scanning and identifying anything and anyone in the well once sakaido notices it. Which is confusing because if the computer can just scan and identify anything in the well why do they need someone to actually go in for them? They can't just remotely view the well like they already do when Sakaido is in it, or just have the computer scan for relevant information??? It wouldn't be an issue if they said something along the lines of "someone has to link with the well to make clues appear" or "things in the well won't change unless someone is there to experience it".....but they say neither of those things, which leads to multiple conflictions that should have been closed in episode 1 but 5 episodes in were never touched on once.
The second issue is the "mysteries." I have no clue how anyone watching these shows thinks that the characters solving these mysteries are being skillful of being "good detectives" because so far there has not been one compelling mystery this entire show. I feel like half the people reviewing this show have never watched a mystery series before, and therefore don't understand what an well designed mystery looks like. The show does an excellent job making the characters sound like they are expending some serious brain power, but 90% of the time all the analysis is for literally nothing. Like in episode 2, where Sakaido is in a well trying to identify the location of a sniper that he believes must be the killer. He does all this analytical BS only for a random guy to just crawl by him, say one sentence to him and he's like "he's the killer." And in the most recent episode where Sakaido does this lengthy deduction (which I don't know if it was poorly translated or what but half of what he was saying didn't even make senses, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was just the writing) only to literally just look under the body of a girl that was killed (which was floating up in the air like waist level btw....) and find the clues he needed. Even the dumbest cop in the world would have enough brain cells to look under something conspicuous like that. It's like dropping your pencil when your working and having to do logical deduction and advanced mathematics just to justify yourself in looking under the table for the pencil......just stupid.
In the more recent episode too, one of the female detectives is literally quaestioning some random woman with ties to a suspect in a serial murder case, and she just asks her random questions about hever current and past love life, and whether or not she ever had a crush on the sustpect.....all of which she gives perfectly normal answers too like "no I don't have a boyfriend" and "I wasn't really close to him" which the detective says probably isn't true (which was evident) and that she did have a crush on him in middle school (which isn't "damning evidence" in the least) and she just pulls a gun on her and says she is the killer. Literally 0% of anything said in that exchange even slightly hinted to that fact, but because everyone in this show is a SUPER GENIUS the actual evidence doesn't matter and everyone just falls into the answer. Every solution to a mystery is just a fucking Deus-ex-machina that the writers try really hard to sell as actual problem solving. THAT is the level of mystery solving this show has to offer in a nutshell......
The characters are also nothing special and have very little to offer in terms of depth or back-story. I don't even remember most of their names, but here, imma list every main character using one phrase, and if you watch this show, I'm sure you'll be able to fit these to the characters: dead family, obsessed with holes, stereotypical cutesy girl, hard-boiled detective. That is every even slightly memorable character (in terms of I recognize them each episode, not in terms of whether they left and impression because none of them did that) described in their entirety......seriously.
To end off on a positive note, the music is fucking great. This show doesn't even deserve the spectacle of an opening song that it has....
And also I thought episodes 2 and 4 were pretty acceptable. I would even go as far as to say that ep 4 in particular was actually good. It got my hopes up for a second until I watched episode 5 and realized that this show was probably just going to stay trash with maybe 2 or 3 more good episodes sprinkled in.
In all, this show is a clusterfuck plain and simple. Only reason I'm giving the enjoyment an 8 is because I love just seeing where this show fucks up every week. I don't think I've ever furled my brow in confusion and said "what???" so many times while watching a show. This is probably my favorite hate watch since Cheating Craft from a couple years ago lol.
But yeah, if you know what a good mystery police show looks like, then you're not going to enjoy this sorry excuse for one. If you want an actual Sci-fi police drama, watch Psycho-Pass, as it actually has realistic mystery solving and police work that isn't just Where's Waldo every fucking episode like this dumpster fire.
Watch it if you want a good hate-watch, but if you're trying to watch this seriously I suggest you look elsewhere.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 28, 2018
I haven't really done a formal review on this site before; usually I just include some brief comments on the tags of each entry in my anime list, but I just finished this show today, and I have some thoughts on it, so I figured this was a good time to start writing reviews :D
Anyway, I'm not going to bother delving into each sub-category, since I know that some people may just want an earnest reflection instead of a fragmented review (which is what I prefer in reading them)
Bunny-girl Senpai is not a show I originally intended to watch this season, as the title and
poster made me believe it was a harem of some sorts, and that genre isn't something I typically jump at without reason to. But after seeing how well it was doing I checked it out, and ended up loving it. I don't know how many people would agree with this remark, but the show screamed "Monogatari"....Like....a stoic and detached protagonist helps one tsundere girl get rid of her paranormal problem brought upon her by her mental and emotional distress, then ends up dating her afterwards, then helping other girls with similar problems.....it literally sounds just like Monogatari's synopsis. I think that similarity is the primary reason why this anime has done so well....However it's lackluster in comparison to the great Monogatari. For one, while I love stoic protagonists, I feel that Azusagawa became less and less interesting as the show went on....one of the major things that killed him is how his demeanor did nothing to match his personality. To take Araragi as an example: Araragi started his series heavily detached, and stoic, but as his relationships and experiences grew it was apparent that his demeanor was loosening. He became more social, and outgoing, and wise as a result of his exploits. Azusagawa on the other hand, goes through similar experiences but doesn't really change as a result. The only changes we see are in his freakouts which are super uncharacteristic to the point that they just weirded me out, because Azusagawa really just went from one extreme to another, rather than slowly getting more emotional as the story progresses.
One strong point that this series has (and everyone seems to acknowledge) is the realistic and charming nature of the relationship between Azusagawa and Mai. This however, is also a bootleg version of Araragi and Senjougahara's relationship from Monogatari.....as in the dynamic is LITERALLY the same, only that, yet again, there is no growth outside the start of their relationship. Their interactions are enjoyable, but the sad part is that the relationship doesn't really deepen at all, which loses it a lot of points.
There's also Futaba, your bootleg Tsubasa (aka large chested, glasses wearing science girl who acts as the main protag's guide of sorts in dealing with numerous situations) also from Monogatari :D Only that yet again......you can guess the rest at this point :\
Anyway, to sum it all up, this show had an extremely strong start, which is why I was so into it during the 1st 8 episodes or so (I even considered a 10 rating), but then the show's hard weakness set in: its lack of development. And I know I compared this show to Monogatari a lot, but that's because Bunny-girl is literally the same show only shallower and sub-par by comparison. My end verdict: If this show interests you and you haven't watched all of the Monogatari series yet: Watch the Monogatari series. It is far, far lengthier, but it is well worth it. Otherwise, for those who have watched Monogatari: watch it if you really feel like it, but be warned that this show becomes more lackluster as it goes on, ESPECIALLY if you start to become aware of the Monogatari similarities, as they'll make you appreciate the show less. However, if you watch the show all in one sitting, I think that the momentum from the 1st half of the show should carry over to the other half. I watched this show as it was coming out, so I didn't really get that option :(
I really don't think that this show deserves the 8.67 it has as of me writing this review :\ If I could give decimal ratings, I would rate this show more of a 7.7. I think there are plenty of shows this season that deserve that score instead.....*cough**cough* SSSS Gridman *cough**cough* Run with the Wind *hack*
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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