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May 13, 2024
This is the perspective of an anime-only, so take it with a grain of salt.
Blue Archive the animation... Also known as, what in God's green earth is going on.
I picked this up because I have a plethora of friends who play Blue Archive, and I was hoping this would give me some sort of insight into the world of it. Alas, that is WAY not the case.
We are thrown directly into conflict. The world is encased in desert, the girls are all trying to figure out how to keep their school from going under, even though they are a gorillion dollars in debt, the school
is foreclosing, the girls are up in arms, and woo! We get a new teacher. His name is Sensei apparently, he is not important enough to have a name. Shame. Also as an anime only, I find myself googling more stuff just to understand what's going on. Like, why do they have halos? Why doesn't sensei have a halo? Why are they all different? This show as an anime only has ZERO WORLD BUILDING. NONE. Also NO character development! It's like, here's the girls, that's what you get, enjoy.
But who cares about that? We have random battles with other schools to focus on. And man are they great.
It's a slaughter fest! Bullets flying everywhere, missiles, grenades, dynamite, machine guns! Sniper rifles! Dear lord it's a BLOOD BATH...
Except it isn't. The girls are apparently all gods, or something. No idea, but bullets to them are basically paintballs, or BBs. They do about as much damage as stubbing a toe. So in this anime, no matter how many bullets or explosions happen, there's zero consequence, effectively making all conflict meaningless. Literally zero damage taken. Sniper to the face? Eh, walk it off. explosions? Flashy but useless.
This anime also breaks one of my fundamental character design rules. Some of the girls have TWO sets of ears. Why? It's such a dumb design characteristic.
Anyway, the girls are the only pros of this show. They are all different, the designs are cute, the voice acting is fantastic, their personalities compliment each other well, and we have a good mix of different viewpoints with all of them. So thats cool.
Overall as an anime only I'm giving it a 4/10. There's just nothing explained, the conflicts being pointless takes a ton of excitement out of the show, the world building and character development are non existent. It's just not worth picking up.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 29, 2024
My review is going to be split up into three parts, the good, the bad, and the "what?"
I dropped this twice early on (mostly because my list was FAT this season) because I didn't see it going anywhere, and for the most part I was right. Saijaku tamer in a nut shell, a 9 year old is booted from her village, cross dresses and ends up surrounded by burly adventurers who sing of her praises.
I'll start with the good.
Ivy's design is cute, it's animated very well, some of the characters are enjoyable, the OP and ED are good, and the post-credits scene
in the last episode was very heart warming to say the least. The general pacing of the show is good, and the music is good. For the most part, i'd call it a "good enough" anime on these merits alone.
The bad -
The "tragic back story" is shoved in the viewers face far too often. If the anime were any longer it would almost be competition for Naruto's swing scene.
The main character's mindset makes no sense (more of that in the what? category)I feel like she could've just been a boy to begin with.. I just don't know what the crossdressing had to do with the show. Sure, surviving as a guy is easier? But only one character even said anything about it. Was every other character blind or just inept? Maybe viewers vibe more with a loli in distress, personally it just seemed unnecessary. And "Ivy" .. what a CoOl name bro. Could've just been steve. It's also great that she knew how to catch and eat game, and the supplies to set up traps. Also, we barely touched too much dumpster diving in the entire season. Kinda odd.
The What???
Alright, here's where most of my grievances come in. I know it's explained in the end that inversely, being weak allowed her to tame a slime that became stronger over time. I get it, but how does that explain Ciel? He's like a Fenrir sort of thing, a legendary cat? I know she saved him but she also named him? What's the asspull there, only weak tamers can tame legendary beasts?
Why does she compare everything to rat meat? She got RICHES from the last episode, probably enough to become some sort of noble, but she considers how much rat meat she can eat. Is this a gimmick? It just makes no sense. Buy a house, or invest in crypto. Why rats?
WHYYY are all these GROWN ASS MEN working with a 9 year old? Boy or girl these guys have WAY too much faith in a 9 year old. Even mid anime these guards are her "guarantors" like.. I'd be suspicious as hell of a random 9 year old travelling by herself, where are your parents?
Last episode she reveals that shes starless... "You must tell them everything..." - doesn't mention that uhhh, she's not a dude. If she said that along side her being starless it would've had a much stronger impact in my opinion.
Ivy is perfect! Ivy is so strong! Great job Ivy! Your cooking is so good Ivy! Couldn't have done it without you Ivy!! Sasuga I V Y!
I will conclude that this is not the worst anime i've watched recently. I would just have a hard time recommending it, it could be that we got WAY too much fire in the season that this aired. Every Friday i'd gather all my other daily anime and when I got to this, i'd think to myself "alright... lets get this over with."
Music - 8
Animation - 8
Characters - 3
Story - 4
Enjoyment - 4.5
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Feb 9, 2020
Sidenote - I'm not here from "raiding" or whatever. My account is hella old and I've watched a ton of anime. (feel free to check out my list) I'm just voicing my opinion on a show that's needlessly a point of controversy right now. If people sat by and watched as Kiss x Sis and Highschool DXD, Kenzen robo Daimidaler, etc were animated, this show deserves zero backlash. Onto the review.
Possible spoilers ahead-
In a world of 10 Isekai anime per season, constant rerolls of Sword Art Online and other generic dribble, one show broke the mold so hard, it was dropped by one of the
biggest anime companies in the world.
Originality always comes at a price, and be it legality or censorship, it has hit what many consider to be the anime of the season, or quite possibly, the anime of the year. Ishuzoku Reviewers.
The story has never been done before, there are no other anime to compare this to. Which is marvelous! How often do you see some new anime and think of 5 others that were seemingly copypasted and resold as new? Not here.
The premise is simple. Our varying adventurers embark on a great journey, to "mingle" with all sorts of species of women. There are some minor fights and sidequests along the way, but thats pretty much it, and that's all it needed to garner the attention it has gotten.
Anyway, onto the numerical justifications of my score.
Story - for the reasons i've stated above, this show is great fun to watch. It's not super serious, dark, or some epic adventure. It just is what it is.
Art - The style of the characters is all very different from eachother. Everyone is animated fluidly. The colors are all vibrant and I've seen no issues with framing or transitions.
Sound - The opening and ending themes are great. The lyrics are hilarious in the OP. The moans and squishy noises in each episode are also.. well done? The voices of the characters are all unique as well. Nothing bad to say about it.
Character - by far my favorite thing about this series. Crim is my overall favorite and watching this little angel dude get more and more corrupted each episode makes my sides burst. The differences between the main cast all adds up to a great watch and hilarious endings when they all have different tastes. It mirrors real life in a way most wouldn't think about otherwise. We all have a preference in a partner - and this anime shines a spotlight on that in a great way.
Zel is an elf who finds more pleasure in a womans mana than anything else
Stunk is more into the looks of his partners, and can't sense mana.
Crim is a hilarious mix of Zel and Stunk being quite the pervert himself and also being able to sense mana. He's also packing the most heat we know of so far (which is hilarious)
Enjoyment - The easiest 10 I've ever given. I'm constantly laughing loudly when I watch this and have to pause it often. I've had tears streaming down my face during certain scenes in this show. I don't think I've enjoyed an anime this much since NouCome. The last few seasons have been saturated with generic isekai and idol anime. This is the biggest breath of fresh air to hit anime in years.
Overall it's an obvious 10. If you can watch an episode without enjoying it, just move on. This show isn't for everyone, and I'll be the first to admit that. But for those of us who this show is for, it's great fun, and I look forward to every episode.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 12, 2020
Warning - Hella spoilers. Not that it matters, this was a dumpster fire of an anime.
The source I watched this from had 5 minutes of credits.
I would never put my name on this anime. I'd rather eat my own head. Welcome to my review.
Hell. Lets just get on with it.
Characters - you have a random chick who knows everything about bugs because ... a mantis landed on her one time, and now she learned everything. Sick.
you have a douchebag guy for some reason. Cool.
You have a douchebag girl for some reason. Ok. She sucks all throughout. At least DBGuy had one redeeming feature! He cared
about one dude. That was cool.
The rest of the cast are useless. like nipples on men. Useless.
story -
Everyone is together in an airport
everyone is on an island. No real explanation. They say their plane crashed, but no crash was animated. Nothing at all there. Yoo hoo. Apparently there are big ass insects. They eat humans. Gr8. Luckily ms. insect knowitall is here to tell you how to deal with that. They wind up in a place where ticks are not only easy to see, but are the size of kittens apparently. Yet they need to undress and get into the water to drown the cat sized ticks. Why. who knows. Fanservice x 10? Yes. There are tiddies in this. Might be the only thing keeping this movie from being ranked in the negatives. Anyway. Nothing happens for a while. they stumble into a bunker, bug chick figures out how to kill a big ass fly, and everyone is happy. Woo! The end. Literally.
Art - Terrible. Lots of sloppy animations. Background characters are inanimate (try not blinking for 20 seconds. or moving, or reacting at stuff happening around you.)
Sound - For some reason, there's a literal 2 minute segment where MC. Mc buggypants is walking to a sick guitar riff. No reason why but I guess that was pretty cool? Not really. It was irrelevant to everything and felt like the studio was trying to "up" her badassitude, which... didn't work. Otherwise, sound is pretty irrelevant here.
Enjoyment... I mean. if you can scoff at it being a "horror" anime and laugh at instead at how awful it is. it could very well be a solid 4. It's so bad it's hilarious. I don't remember watching anything this bad that was trying to be something different. But this takes the cake in a big way. It's so bad it's good. but not how it was trying to be. Is irony important? If so, this is great. If not. Eh...
Honestly. This show was a dumpster fire. Emotions were shallow. Art was bad, the story was pathetic at best. Characters were boring and predictable. I'd rather watch the platelet song for 10 hours than watch this 1 hour 16 minute failure again. I'd like to score it for being so bad it's good, but when i think that someone green lighted this and thought it was a good idea... I couldn't rate it ironically. This was someone's "good idea". That's bad. We need less "good ideas" like this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 26, 2019
Easy. Read on, peons.
We're given many isekai where some noob winds up the ultra mega douche of the world. He is given everything he wants and all the powuh he could ever need (ahem kenja no mago)
But Tate fights that trope. This dude, Iwatani Naofumi gets shafted right from the get go.
Screw it, lets get on to the review, I've been consuming the sake so try to keep up,
STORY - 10.
Aight so this dude is isekai'd the hell to some new world, where he's a hero without doing NOTHIN' but... his party betrays him. He has NOTHING. Zilch, nada zero. And this dude fights his way back alllll the way up to the top. surpassing his peers in a way that is indescribably fun to watch. This dude is supposed to fight the world in a defense-based way and he beats ERRRTHANG. The other heroes have swords, spears, and a goddamn bow to fight with but they don't even hold a candle to the DEFENSE ONLY GUY.
Art- 9 ish i mean it's good nothing wrong with it but the art style works for the show.
Sound - 9 Easy, all SFX works well and leaves nothing to be desired by the watcher.
Character - 10. Easy 10. Raph stays true to her character, All characters are great. All of em.
Enjoyment - easy 10. How many shows do you watch where someone's cast away and thats it? Well, not this one. This dude is beaten down like roadkill on a highway and makes his damn way back up to royalty. This dude beats the mould like no other isekai MC does. 10/10. Hell yeah naofumi, you get em.
Overall - 10/10. I think this anime left very little to be desired. The powers were amazing. The character devopment left nothing to be desired, the ending was fulfilling and the path to the last episode was very enjoyable and filler-free.
Easily one of the best anime of 2019.
~Rob R
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 30, 2014
Alright you. You, who hath stumbled upon this anime and feel like getting a grip on what you may or may not be watching in the future. Sit down and read this review.
So, normally I don't review anything. I've watched a good amount of anime and maybe reviewed two. One was because it was being hated on for it's genre, and now this, because... I've never seen such a twist in my life.
Anyway on to the review.
1: Story - It's interesting. Creepy girl who is detested for just being creepy, but why is she creepy? Because she's being tormented all the time, until Po comes
around. The twist in the last episode is so different than what you'd expect.
2: Art - the art is surprisingly good. It's interesting, not like all other animes you'll see on your journey into the weeb kingdom. I personally liked it.
3: Sound - 10/10. Why? Because the ending theme was interesting and changed over time, and there's this piano OST that comes in at some random times and sometimes as an ending theme that sounds just beautiful and touches my soul. You'll love it too. Probably. I'm not you.
4: Characters - Were pretty basic aside from the main character and po.
5: Enjoyment - It's comedic and fun. A girl has her life turned around by a weird Kirby-like thing. Happy go lucky.
And then the end. Where enjoyment goes to pure unadulterated feels.
I'd give it a chance. The whole series is under an hour long. Why not give it a shot?
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 24, 2013
Many people consider this to be an almost blatant rip off of Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Which, lets be honest here, it's easy to see; there's malevolent animal beings that seem to not give a rats ass about the people who they work with, physically or emotionally. Lapalace and Kyubey seem really similar in that sense.
There's 4 girls who turn into stronger versions of themselves and fight in an interdimensional space against evil beings, one nice one, one bad ass one, one that's more set in their own goals, etc.
However a few things set them apart.
1: The main character Akari Taiyou willingly accepts her powers, although she seems to be upset by what her actions entail (killing people who've turned into Daemonia - the enemy who takes over people's hearts). Madoka was horribly indecisive about becoming a magical girl until the very end. Not saying either route is a bad one, but it's a good difference.
2: The so far "end goal" of Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou is also unique. Instead of saving the entire world and everyone, which is (honestly) played out a bit. Sure, the end goal of Genei/Taiyou is awful, but it's unique and the way the artists play out facial features among other emotional cues is incredible and adds depth to it.
With that out of the way, I'll go on to say why I like this anime.
1: The story is neat. Tarot cards being the basis of their powers is a neat new theme i've personally not run into so far. I also like how violent some of the fights are, even though its between monsters and 12 year olds. The only thing I don't like too much is simply how easily Akari accepts her new role, which may seem hypocritical after I've stated the similarities between this and Madoka Magica, but nevertheless. This show is -almost- as good of an emotional rollercoaster as MM, but it falls just short of greatness as there's no -extremely- sad moments. (yet)
2: The art style. I didn't care for it at first and lets be honest, Seira looks like she was beaten with the ugly stick by a mean daemonia, but it grew on me. I think Akari is adorable, which adds even more emotion to the current horrible setting. Luna and Ginka are relatively unique, I've never seen a power like Ginka's in an anime. And again, the battles are very well animated.
3: The characters are a tad basic but they do their job well. There's the determined bad ass one who simply wants to exterminate, the caring supporter, the defensive character who's always around to help cheer up the group, and the protagonist who seems to be flawless in her love for her friends and family. The enemies/daemonia are very uniquely drawn out, and some of them are the epitome of evil. I've never hated an antagonist as much as Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou's.
4: I can't say too much about the sound. The background music helps to pump up the action during the fight scenes, the characters voices are done well, I find it funny that some of the voice actors also worked on Kodomo no Jikan together. Overall I feel the characters were voiced perfectly.
Overall. I really like this anime and can't wait for the next episode. It truly has me on the edge of my seat.
I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys magical girl genre, action genre, or just looking for a good anime with cute girls fighting evil.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 16, 2013
Alright, let me start off by telling you one thing. I dropped this anime twice.
I had it on my list for months and never watched it. I finally went around to cleaning out my "plan to watch" and this went.
Then I saw a small clip from it somewhere on the web. I decided to give it a one episode chance. It was hilarious, and the characters were instantly well developed.
My favorite part of the anime was Kotoko's persistance, and Irie's consistently cold nature, I loved how sarcastic he could be and how mean he was. It was absolutely funny through out.
The intro and ending songs
were okay, but I didn't particularly enjoy or dislike them. The rest of the music was alright.
All the characters were very well defined immediately. The story has many arcs that are thoroughly played out and absolutely enjoyable. I don't want to spoil anything major but I will say the anime is wonderful for a huge reason - it goes past the point most anime end and continues into the future.
It's a great, yet overlooked anime.
I recommend it to everyone looking for a good laugh, some feels here and there, and an anime that'll make you want to just want to watch the next episode.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 16, 2012
everything was good up until the last 9 episodes where they swapped out Gash's voice actor for another person and sped it up completely.
I read the manga afterwards because they cut out like 1/3rd of the story, mainly the ending (which has the most awesome battles.)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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