[Summary/spoilers for the first 5 episodes]
"What if...?", the question humans always have asked, why do we ask this? Its because we are naturally curious and this show took this idea of "What if...?" very subtle, our hero tried to live a normal life but an accident throws him out of his normal life and back into the past. Anyone would think, "Hey, I know what will happen in the future I might take advantage of this for personal gain." Not our hero, he remembers the murders of three children in the town he was raised in, so he takes advantage of his memories to change
Feb 29, 2016
Nerawareta Gakuen
I like this movie, after watching this movie the first thing I thought of was the old love quote, "I love you to the moon and back." This anime movie is indeed a bit cliché, but in a good way.
Not too many animes try to take the concept of using an old story, "A Midsummer Night's Dream" which is continually referenced, but made a subplot out of it and making a somewhat modern story out of it. I do agree that the title, "Psychic School Wars", a bit of a disappointment when you don't see too much psychic abilities featured or warfare. I was kind of ... |