"The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You" is so dumb and over the top crazy and I am all here for it.
I wasn't a mega-fan of this show starting out. It was fine, but nothing amazing, just a decent watch to come back to here and there for some stupidity and giggles.
BUT let me tell you, halfway thru this show it just got better and better with each episode.
I love the different personalities of the girlfriends and how they interact not just with Rentarou (MMC) but also with each other.
I have been laughing almost to the point of crying with
Jan 13, 2024
Nov 4, 2023
Ojou to Banken-kun
Story - 2/10
Art - started as a 8, ended with a 3/10 Voice/music - 5/10 Personal enjoyment - as in the words of Tyra Banks "It was so bad, I want to give you a zero, but that's not possible, so I give you a one." 1/10 I usually finish whatever I'm watching, however bad it is. I just don't really drop anime's in general. But this one might be both the first and only. So congrats on that I guess. I don't have anything against age-gap animes, I even like age-gap stories quite a lot and was pretty excited about this one when I heard about it. BUT when ... |