Apr 28, 2022
I had no big biases and preconceived notions going into it, only read it cause the library had it and its from them sweet sweet 70s. Briefly skimming the synopsis and jumpin in near blind. NO SPOLIERS! not in the slightest. Just giving my brief opinion on its elements and such. wont be explain 1/2 the dam manga lol
Its a nice concise little space opera that I found to be incredibly intriguing and mediocre. 4.60 ~ Borderline bad. But also still worth a read imo. Now let me elaborate:
This thing is great in the creativity and concept department however lacks in the execution and
the writing is VERY hit or miss, being just intriguing as it is boring.
~ Characters are fine. They can be flat at times but are rather intriguing at the very least. Even when it was lacking I still had a strong itch to see their "story"
~ Pacing is straight dookie. Its super slow and just makes it drag bringing down everything else it has going for it. This was the main component to my boredom when reading it. Creating gaps of days where i wouldn't pick it up cause I was so disinterested. Despite being short it manages to overstay its welcome more than desirable.
~ Story. Very cool and interesting, story beats hit, it has plenty of genuine moments of mystery, suspense, & intrigue along with a sweet ending . But this is still sadly stained by the mid writing :(
~ Art. While most of the time being merely "fine". Them highs are immaculate, thanks to the aforementioned cool concepts being displayed. Also i just love me that classy 70s swagger.
~ Enjoyment: ugggggggh. It bored and dragged constantly but was also so cool, wanting you to know what happened. Making a mostly unbearable reading experience. High highs n low lows :(
In conclusion:
To Terra is a wildly creative adventure sci-fi 70s manga that is just as stellar as it is terrible, that despite its glaring flaws makes it a painful yet very worthwhile read. If you like sci-fi stuff GO FOR IT :)
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Bro if you gives this anything above a flat 7 then youre trippin and tasteless. (thats majority of these bozos that read cause its most given score is an 8)
How in your right mind can you call this a masterpiece when the craftsmanship is so freakin shoddy. like dam bro stop lyin to yourself. you can enjoy mid there's nothing wrong with that. (that just means im better than you. which is already a know fact anyways 😈)
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Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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