Waist of a good opening song. Don't watch. Only reason I haven't given it a 1 is because I managed to finish it. It is truly horrible from animation to weird cuts to leaps in character arcs to trying to make incest a good thing to just being plain boring.
None of the characters are good they all look like shit and even worse when they constantly slip off model. There's basically no explanation into the main character's sister and they just cram some of the most important stuff into the last episodes. it was painful to look at in the best of times while being
Aug 18, 2024
Renai Flops
The first half is like Spider-man 3, it has absolutely ridiculous scenes while then trying to pull off serious scenes that make you feel for the characters, which in my opinion is what makes it great. To go with this it has lots of actual funny lines that made me actually laugh out loud due to the absurdity of them. It plays all the characters girls very tongue and cheek as they are all the average harem girl stereotype but it's self aware in the fact and uses it to the stories advantages making character arcs around the flaws of the stereotypes.
The twist to set ... |