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Oct 4, 2022
Yosuga no Sora is on the cathegories of Soft-Hentai / School / Drama / Harem based on an Eroge game. The plot start when Haruka and Sora parents passes away in a car accident because of that both have been forced to move in to his old town so They will meet again his old friend Nao, on concequence She'll help them in this new part of his life.
I rate with a 6.4 to be fair 'cause the anime has goods elements and is really enjoyed It could be better though, Is not dissapointed but if the anime has a different direction maybe I'll
rate with a 7 or even 8.
Spoiler Alert
Story 6/10
It's very simple but isn't bad I'd prefer removing Kazuha and Akira arc despite of this means remove harem cathegorie too. I don't like the develop of the story is like a "Eroge Anime" 'cause is chopped in every arc.
Art 8/10
This is one principals reasons for watching Yosuga no Sora the Main Characters, Scenes, Landscapes, are pretty good taking into account was created in 2010 although when anime has wide scenes It fell empty in certain way there isn't enough enviroment or enough filler cheracters.
The opening is great with a catchy melody but the ending is boring on the anime soundtrack ain't got no variety.
Each Characters has their own development and a unique personality but without nothing special.
Is very entertening I think is the main attraction of Yosuga no Sora is the incest and I recommended it for those who watch this cathegories or for those who start watching anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 2, 2022
This Extra episodes of Shingeki no Kyojin doesn't agree to the main history.
Are 3 episodes with a normal duration, the first episode is really good because is a side story of a girl who die on a mission of recognizer and write her last moments before she was killed by a titan, the girl discovered something new about the titan. The titan can understand her when she talk and regret about something that she can understand, all was written on a diary of the mission which is discovered years ago by the scientist and motivated to catch titan's for study reasons.
The second story is a
parody of Shokugeki no Soma (food wars) and chance the constructed personality for some chapters begging more stupid.
The third episode is about a mission when they are in the academy, and have to go to get one specific material to the A and B point, on the travel they was attacked by a group and take one hostage until he run away. Then they united a plan for take back his mate and all ended good.
This 3 OVAs episodes are not recommend if you look a extra content of Shingeki no Kyojin and don't deserve see them if you don't want to ruin the main history.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 31, 2021
Abajo Review en Español
One Punch Man Second Season is an anime that follows in the genre Comedy, Action, Fantasy that follows almost in the central plot that the first season where Saitama the most powerful hero on the planet must face new enemies and his own doubts about being a hero accompanied by his disciple Genos who will fight new battles always with the comedy touch so characteristic of the series, we will also meet a new villain called the hero hunter who wants to defeat the most powerful heroes in the organization.
Personally I recommend watching this anime for the good, simple but very funny
plot and it is a good sequel to the first one.
One Punch Man Segunda Temporada es un anime que sigue en el genero Comedia, Acción, Fantasía que sigue casi en la trama central que la primera temporada en donde Saitama el héroe más poderoso del planeta deberá enfrentarse a nuevos enemigos y a sus propias dudas sobre el ser un héroe acompañado de su discípulo Genos que librara nuevas batallas siempre con el toque de comedia tan característico de la serie, además conoceremos un nuevo villano llamado el cazador de héroes que quiere vencer a los héroes más poderosos de la organización.
Personalmente recomiendo ver este anime por la buena trama sencilla pero muy divertida y es una buena secuela de la primera.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 21, 2021
Review original en español debajo
ReZero is an anime of genre Action, Fantasy, Isekai, Comedy, Drama that has as its plot a teenager named Subaru who spends his days in Japan being a lazy person who does nothing but play a video game and watch anime one day he is taken to another fantasy world where after seeing himself in an assault with some thugs he will meet a half-elf named Emilia who will save him and Subaru falls in love with her at first sight after he knows that she is an aspirant to be the new queen who is known for a ring
but a thief steals the ring from Emilia and Subaru together with Emilia will look for the thief in his refuge which is a bar in which to enter to look for the thief and do some kind of barter so that they do not take away the ring that is the distinction of the candidates for queen there they find the thief who barter for the ring but a witch enters who murders Subaru and Emilia but Subaru goes back in time when she does not even know I knew Emilia going through this problem Subaru will be one of the servants who will accompany Emilia to become Queen going through various things to fulfill Emilia's dream and to be able to make her love him.
Personally I recommend this necessary anime to see for its excellent story, good characters, good animation, good music, in general an excellent anime that is one of the best if not the best in the Isekai genre.
ReZero es un anime de genero Acción, Fantasía, Isekai, Comedia, Drama que tiene como trama a un adolescente llamado Subaru que pasa sus días en Japón siendo un holgazán que no hace mayor cosa que jugar videojuego y ver anime un dia el es llevado a otro mundo de fantasía donde tras verse en un asalto con unos matones conocerá a una medio-elfa llamada Emilia que lo salvara y Subaru se enamora de ella a primera vista después conoce que ella es una aspirante a ser la nueva reina que se sabe por un anillo pero una ladrona le roba el anillo a Emilia y Subaru junto a Emilia buscaran a el ladrón en su refugio que es un bar en el cual entrar para buscar a la ladrona y hacer algún tipo de trueque para que no le arrebaten el anillo que es la distincion de las candidatas a reina allí encuentran a la ladrona que les hace un trueque por el anillo pero entra una bruja que asesina a Subaru y a Emilia pero subaru vuelve en el tiempo cuando ni siquiera conocía a Emilia pasando este problema Subaru sera unos de los sirvientes que acompañara a Emilia a convertirse en Reina pasando por diversas cosas para cumplir el sueño de Emilia y el poder hacer que ella lo ame.
Personalmente recomiendo este anime necesario de ver por su excelente historia, buenos personajes, buena animación, buena música, en general un excelente anime que es unos de los mejores sino en mejor en el genero de los Isekai.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 27, 2021
Abajo de la Review en ingles esta en español (original)
Lucky Star is an anime that tends to be directed for a certain audience that is somewhat in the average fondness for anime because it tends to be boring if someone who has seen few anime compared to so many that are better in every way, I am able to recognize this because I was one of the I tried to see "when I was not ready" and ended up abandoning it for years after a couple of chapters, now with a list of 300 anime I ventured again to see this anime and I can
write this review to be of help, Lucky Star is a comedy anime, schoolboy, moe that has as its plot our protagonists and their life in Japan as students, it has references to other anime especially Suzumiya Haruhi that even the voice actress presto his voice in a chapter in addition to some data about the average Japanese that will make it funny to see those situations or things that perhaps someone not being a native does not fully understand also his visual and situation moe dose.
Personally I do not recommend this anime because both watching it and not seeing it does not lose or gain anything.
Lucky Star es un anime que tiende a ser dirigido para cierto publico que se encuentra un tanto en la media de afición por el anime porque tiende a ser aburrido si alguien que ha vistos pocos animes en comparación a tantos que son mejores en todos los sentidos, soy capaz de reconocer esto porque yo fui uno de lo intento ver "cuando no estaba listo" y termine abandonándolo por años después de un par de capítulos, ahora ya con una lista de 300 animes me aventure nuevamente a ver este anime y puedo escribir esta reseña para que sea de ayuda, Lucky Star es un anime de comedia, colegial, moe que tiene como trama a nuestras protagonistas y su vida en Japón siendo estudiantes, tiene referencias a otros animes en especial a Suzumiya Haruhi que hasta la actriz de voz presto su voz en un capitulo además de algunos datos sobre el japonés promedio que le hará gracia ver esas situaciones o cosas que talvez alguien no siendo nativo no entiende del todo también su dosis moe visual y de situación.
Personalmente no recomiendo este anime porque tanto verlo y no verlo no se pierde ni gana nada.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 22, 2021
En Español debajo de la review en ingles
It is an anime in the category ecchi, hentai, romance that has as its plot the protagonist who works in a beauty salon, although she is somewhat clumsy, she makes an effort in the work of the salon until she is given the opportunity to demonstrate her talent by cutting her hair, One day he is related to a client who shows mutual interest, the much more determined client is the one who will lead the relationship, but there will also be someone else who will look for our protagonist while she is not very determined if what
Feel it is love or it is just something fleeting.
Personally, it is an anime that I do not recommend because of its poorly developed history (of how little it already has in this genre) and its characters that do not have any exceptions, the best of this anime is the scenes that save a little but its history and that it is a short anime less than 7 minutes per chapter.
Es un anime en la categoría ecchi, hentai, romance que tiene como trama a la protagonista que trabaja en un salón de belleza aunque es algo torpe se esfuerza en las labores del salón hasta que le dan la oportunidad de demostrar su talento cortando el cabello, un día se ve relacionada con un cliente que muestra un interés mutuo, el cliente mucho más decidido es el que llevara el mando en la relación, pero también habrá alguien más que buscara a nuestra protagonista mientras que ella no se encuentra muy decidida si lo que siente es amor o solo es algo pasajero.
En lo personal es un anime que no lo recomiendo por su historia tan mal desarrollado ( de lo poca que tiene ya de por si los animes de este genero) y sus personajes que no llegan a tener ninguna exceptiva, de lo mejor de este anime es las escenas que salvan un poco pero su historia y que sea un anime corto menos de 7 minutos por capitulo.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 21, 2021
En Español debajo de la review en ingles
Hinako Note
It is an anime in the category of comedy, stories of life, moe that its story revolves around our protagonist with the problem of panic to other people since she was little in her life in the country until she enters college determined to overcome That panic is fashioned in Tokyo in order to study theater, where she is well received in Hitotose, a cafe / bookstore where she meets her classmates who will help her overcome her phobia, helping her in everything possible so that she dedicates herself fully to her theater career.
Personally I do not
recommend this anime since its story does not become well developed and it does not have any grace both in the chapters and in characters that the most remarkable thing is its animation and its moe content.
Es un anime en la categoría de comedia, recuentos de la vida, moe que su historia gira entorno a nuestra protagonista con el problema de pánico a las demás personas desde que era pequeña en su vida del campo hasta que entra a la universidad decidida para superar ese pánico se moda a Tokyo con el fin de estudiar teatro, donde es bien recibida en Hitotose un café / librería donde conoce a sus compañeras que la ayudaran a superar su fobia ayudándole en todo lo que sea posible para que ella se dedique plenamente a su carrera de teatro.
Personalmente no recomiendo este anime ya que su historia no llega a ser bien desarrollada y a no tener ninguna gracia tanto en los capítulos como en personajes que lo más destacable es su animación y su contenido moe.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 4, 2021
En Español debajo de la review en ingles
It is an anime of eight chapters in the category of action, drama, psychological, science fiction that has as a story the life of a forty-eight-year-old man who is seen in the sad family situation because his family does not love him as a father figure until The point that they prefer to ignore, one day walking with his dog in the park he is hit by an object from unknown outer space that completely changes his body for that of a robot that has various abilities that he does not even know how to use but does
not He was the only one who was found at that time in the park who sees himself in the same situation as the protagonist although with different intentions, both will try to discover what the purpose of becoming a robot is, one thing stands out at first glance apart from his story that tries to be original and out of the ordinary is its 3D animation.
It is a recommended anime for its story that goes out of the ordinary but as a counterpart at the time of development it does not become so good, in addition to the fact that 3D animation in animes in general is not good and this is no exception.
Es un anime de ocho capítulos en la categoría de acción, drama, psicológico, ciencia ficción que tiene como historia la vida de un hombre de cuarenta y ocho años que se ve en la situación familiar triste porque su familia no lo ve como una figura paterna hasta el punto que prefieren ignorarlo, un día paseando con su perro en el parque se ve alcanzado por un objeto proveniente del espacio exterior desconocido que le cambia totalmente su cuerpo por el de un robot que tiene diversas habilidades que el ni siquiera sabe como usarlas pero no fue el único que se encontraba en ese momento en el parque que se ve en la misma situación que el protagonista aunque con diferentes intensiones, ambos trataran de descubrir cual es el propósito de convertirse en robot, una cosa destaca a primera vista aparte de su historia que trata de ser original y saliendo de lo común es su animación 3D.
Es un anime recomendable por su historia que sale de lo común pero como contraparte al momento de desarrollarla no llega a ser tan buena además de que la animación 3D en los animes en general no es buena y este no es la excepción.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 4, 2021
En Español debajo de la review en ingles
Tsugu Tsugumomo
It is the second season of Tsugomomo anime that follows the action, comedy, fiction, ecchi, school category that continues with the same plot of the first season in which the protagonist is seen facing the various spirits that surround him that are created from of people with a strong desire or emotions about something in particular that lead to create an evil spirit that tries to consume its creator and others, something in favor of the second season is that it continues with the development of each chapter as it was the first season so don't disappoint
because of a sudden change between the two seasons.
It is an anime not recommended to watch because it does not stand out for anything in particular but it does not become very annoying for a particular reason it is simply not necessary to see having other options.
Es la segunda temporada de Tsugomomo anime que sigue la categoría acción, comedia, ficción, ecchi, escolar que sigue con la misma trama de la primera temporada en la cual el protagonista se ve enfrentándose a los diversos espíritus que lo rodean que se crean a partir de las personas con algún fuerte deseo o emociones sobre algo en concreto que llevan a crear un espíritu maligno que trata de consumir a su creador y a los demás, algo a favor de la segunda temporada es que sigue con el desarrollo de cada capítulo tal cual fue la primera temporada así que no decepciona por un cambio repentino entre ambas temporadas.
Es un anime no recomendable de ver porque no destaca por nada en especial pero tampoco llega a ser muy molesto por una razón en particular es simplemente no necesario de ver teniendo otras opciones.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 2, 2021
En Español debajo de la review en ingles
Tonikaku Kawaii
It is a romance category anime, comedy that has as its plot the marriage of our protagonist who meets his future wife one day with a lot of snow for love at first sight and since then I have mentioned that in the future he would be married to her for all the interest that He gave him to see her just once, the protagonist grows up and on a common day the one who promised one day that she would be his wife arrives at his house and tells him that she is ready for her
married life and they hurry the same day to sign the act and finally be a married couple even though they hardly know each other.
I recommend it since it is mainly very funny and entertaining to see the life of the couple.
Es un anime de categoría romance, comedia que tiene como trama el matrimonio de nuestro protagonista que conoce a su futura esposa un día con mucha nieve por amor a primera vista y desde entonces menciono que en un futuro estaría casado con ella por todo el interés que le dio de verla tan solo vez, el protagonista crece y un día común llega a su casa la que prometió un día que seria su esposa y le dice que ya esta lista para su vida de matrimonio y se apresuran el mismo día para firmar el acta y ser por fin un matrimonio aunque apenas se conocer.
Lo recomiendo ya que principalmente es muy gracioso y entretenido ver la vida del matrimonio.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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