This manga was a really interesting look into this community, especially in Japan where its not as widely accepted to be LGBTQ+ compared to western countries. As someone not really in the culture, I've been really interested in learning more about the LGBTQ+ life, and this mange felt like a documentary of sorts. I was especially lacking knowledge about the community in a lesser accepting country such as Japan (Not being racist or anything, just that gay relationships in a lot of Japan is still looked down upon), so I may be bias due to the level of interest I had in this topic.
Story is
Mar 26, 2021
I just finished this season, and it was wonderful.
As a whole, this anime focuses much more on the characters than the sport. Yes it still has the hype sports bits, but right from the get-go you can tell its going to be more character oriented. I started watching originally because I fell in love with the hype that Haikyuu gave, but quickly realized that while its the same sports anime about the same sport, 2.43 gives a different perspective while telling a similar story. Overall, the animation is a bit lacking compared to Haikyuu, but it makes up for this with a meatier story. While ... |