Jul 2, 2017
Osomatsu-san is a sequel to an older show from the 60s and 80s about sextuplets who still live with their parents at the rip age of 20(give or take). I originally was put off by this series, as I assume others were as well, as the art style was outdated in my mind, but I had heard some good opinions about it.
After watching the first episode, which sadly isn't available legally now, I saw the potential in such a show. Now, the first episode may not be available, but there were plenty more gags and jokes to come as the series progressed. Now I should
probably get to my actual review.
Story: 9
I admit, the story sounds a bit lack luster. Just some NEET brothers all trying to survive and get on their own two feet. There are shows that cover similar premises and would be a lot "easier" to watch because you won't confuse one identical brother to another. However, the way all the characters interact in situations makes it funny. The similar characters allow gags other shows could never do with easily distinguishable characters.
Art: 9
As I stated previously, I thought the art style was outdated and honestly turned me away from the show. It looked almost unpolished, but I was completely wrong. This show has a more simplistic art style, and that's what is amazing about it. It is a way for a hilarious joke buildup or punchlines that shows with more details and design wouldn't be able to do. My favorite skit in the entire show revolves around this sort of humor. coughTottycough
Sound: 7
The sound admittedly is pretty forgetful. There are only a few soundtracks that come to mind, mostly Karamatsu's whistle track and the opening and endings. But those that do stick are extremely catchy and fun to listen to. I'd be lying if I said I haven't listened to the 2nd opening more than any other anime opening. Now while the OST of the anime is lackluster, the following category makes up for that.
Characters: 10
This is where the show truly shows its beauty. The six brothers all look identical in the previous shows, only differing in slight voice changes. Osomatsu-san may seem the same at first, but you'll soon notice the differences. Each matsu is slightly different than the others. Jyushimatsu always has a smile on his face, while Karamatsu has the eyebrows of a god. They all look different, and that isn't where it ends. Each brother is unique personality wise as well. You get the obnoxious Osomatsu, painful Karamatsu, nerdy Choromatsu, slightly sadistic Ichimatsu, happy Jyushimatsu, and cutesy Todomatsu, and that isn't even scratching the surface on these brothers plus the side characters that are just about as interesting as the brothers. They all have their quirks and downfalls, but that's what makes everything better. And if that isn't enough to convince you, the cherry on top are the seiyuus of the brothers with fan favorites such as Takahiro Sakurai, Daisuke Ono, and Kamiya Hiroshi just to name a few!
Enjoyment: 10
Overall, this is one of my favorite anime of all time. Sure some jokes would fall flat, but all comedy anime will have those moments. It's the moments that make me laugh out loud in the middle of class or make you cry during the emotional episodes that truly makes this anime amazing. So if you haven't watched this show already, what are you waiting for?! Season 2 is coming in only a few months and you can get on this crazy hype train with the rest of us! You might only slightly regret it
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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