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Jan 21, 2021
This might end up being my new favorite Love Live, and I never thought that I'd ever say that considering the first one holds a special place in my heart. But I really enjoyed this series.
Like every other Love Live, it starts with a set of characters who love school idols and want to be them. This group grows more and more and eventually we've got our big main cast. But unlike the love lives before, the end goal isn't to win Love Live. In fact, our main cast isn't even an idol group yet.
Their goal for most of this season is for
them to figure out what sort of idol they want to be and progress towards that goal. Which leads to episodes devoted strictly to each character, learning more about them as well as the mental hurdles they have to get over to get to where they want to go. These episodes also show how members of the group learn from each other. How they look up to and inspire one another, strengthening their bond, even though they aren't an official group yet. These episodes were kinda alright when watching weekly, but when binging it was a lot more fun!
Then from there the end goal for this season begins to shift towards a big school idol festival, and it starts to really pick up and hit its stride. The main positive being a storyline between Yu and Ayame that I was not expecting at all. That and the final performance was really good!
Some negatives I have with the show are in the early episodes, it would have a solo performance from one of the girls. It felt fine in the first 2-3 episodes, and then just felt out of place for the next few. The performances were good, I mean duh it's Love Live. But they just felt off to me. Then some parts of the festival felt a bit rushed as well, I feel like if it got just one more episode it would hit a bit more than it did.
Overall, I really enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would at the start. I watched it weekly and just thought it was ok, but once I let the episodes pile up and binged through it, it was A LOT better. I'm hoping this gets a season 2! With the story and character development this season had, I think a second season would cement this as my new favorite!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 22, 2020
My score for this season of Haikyu could change on a dime honestly. It has so many moments that I on first watch I thought it was my favorite season. But after thinking about it, I still think I enjoy Season 3 as a whole more.
BUT with that being said, this season of Haikyu has some of the best moments in the series and it isn't even close. As well as some of the best character development in the series so far as well. Mainly for everyone's favorite volleyball due, Hinata and Kageyama.
The stories that both of them go through in this season
are so great, I can't say enough things about them. It made me go from liking these characters to loving them as well.
The side characters also get some cool moments as well that I enjoyed, for example Shimizu. Her story was simple but I still really enjoyed it nonetheless.
Then the battle with Inarizaki was a perfect way to cap off the season and show us just how far Karasuno has come. Especially, once again, Kageyama and Hinata.
There were some downsides though, like cutting away from the Karasuno/Inarizaki match to watch Nekoma for a few episodes. While I don't hate Nekoma, I did not care one bit about this match. Nekoma for me is at their peak when they interact with Karasuno's players. I don't care about them enough for them to stand on their own just yet. So cutting away from the intense, high stakes match with Karasuno and Inarizaki just to see Nekoma take on a no name school kinda killed my excitement for a bit.
The animation, while I don't mind the change, did look a bit iffy in some spots.
But aside from that, this season was a really fun watch for me. I can't wait to get started on the manga to finish this story!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 19, 2020
Honestly the first 50 chapters of this manga are the only thing stopping me from just giving this series a 1.
When this series first started, I actually really enjoyed it. At first I wondered how this manga could be 229 chapters when the plot at this point was so straight forward. Raku likes Onodera, Chitoge and Raku hate each other. Raku made a promise with a girl 10 years ago that they'd meet up together and get married when they're older, Onodera seemed like she was the girl, open and closed case.
But then as the manga went on the love triangle got more and
more complex and I loved that. Seeing how the obvious became not so obvious anymore as each chapter progressed was what made me eager to read more. Sure the characters were generic, sure the series has a lot of tropes, but it was a fun read.
Things seemed to be progressing well, new characters got introduced, the arcs were fun, things were looking up. And I thought to myself, "If I'm in for 179 more chapters of this rollercoaster I'm all for it! Bring it on!"
Then after chapter 50 the series fell off a cliff for me.
The biggest compliment I gave to this series was it's story progression. How it managed to take the obvious and make it not so obvious and progress the story in ways that kept me entertained. I really enjoyed the story.
But then the story just stopped being a thing.
All the sudden there was just a long span of chapters that pretty much served as one shot chapters that did NOTHING in terms of effecting the story (Or whatever was left of the story at this point). Essentially, it's just chapters and chapters of filler. HOW IS THERE FILLER IN MANGA?!?!
On top of that, it becomes PAINFULLY obvious who Raku ends up with in the end. Like I said, the series becoming more complex was something that I loved. But eventually you realize that only one girl is getting any sort of development and character growth, and that this growth is coming from them meeting Raku, and it starts to become very clear who's gonna come out on top in the end. I skipped to the final chapter just to see if I was right, and yep, sure enough, the exact person I predicted won.
Which would usually be a great thing! I've hardly ever predicted who ends up with who correctly in romance series, but this doesn't feel rewarding at all. All I could do was sigh and just say, "Yep...."
I went from looking forward to reading more chapters, to loathing the thought. I was just skimming through chapters earlier because once again almost none of them even matter at this point. And it was then that I realized that I don't have to read this anymore and decided to drop it. And now here I am writing this.
I'd say skip this one if you've thought about reading it. It's not even entertainingly bad like Domestic Girlfriend. It's just bad and boring.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Nov 17, 2020
I was really excited to sit down and read this after finishing Akame Ga Kill a couple weeks ago, now that I've completed it I don't really know what to say about it.
For starters, let's start with the most important bit: Did I enjoy this manga? Yes, I thought it was a fun ride and I enjoyed the extra bits of lore we got on the characters as well as the world of AGK. Plus seeing what lead up to Akame's betrayal of the empire was cool. The fights in this manga are REALLY fun as well, like I don't think there was any fight
that I didn't like in this series.
However I can't help but look at this series as just a lesser Akame Ga Kill. Aside from Akame and later on Kurome, I don't care about any of the characters in the group we follow. Their dynamic is nowhere near as fun as the dynamic there was with Night Raid in the original series.
I think this maybe due to me reading the original series first, but I hardly feel any sympathy for the characters in the group and how they've been manipulated by the empire. Which sucks because the original series actually did a pretty good job at doing that.
---Minor Spoiler for AGK Zero---
For example, Kurome being loyal to the empire for so long makes sense considering they drugged her up and brainwashed her. But Tsukushi due to her rank, doesn't suffer from any of that, and yet she still just blindly follows whatever the empire does with no hesitation. She doesn't try to think for herself at all, which could lead to a really interesting story with Akame's betrayal. Of course she wouldn't take the word of a random freedom fighter about how much wrong the empire is doing, but Akame? Someone who she trusts with her life? That's would be a different story. At least that's what I had hoped for but ultimately, not so much.
---Minor Spoiler Done lol---
Each time I see these characters go into battle I most of the time want them to fail, a few exceptions of course.
Lastly, this manga is a lot more horny than the original. Like A LOT MORE Now I don't really have a problem with some anime tiddy (Leone's look in this manga is GLORIOUS) I just figured I'd bring it up. There were times where it was reaching Fairy Tail levels of fan service, both good and bad.
Most of the people in the new squad we follow are girls, and the majority of their character is "I have big tiddies" or I have thicc ass". Probably another reason why this group just wasn't as interesting lol.
To wrap this up, once again I'd like to emphasize that I did enjoy this manga even with all of the negatives I gave it. It was still a fun ride and it never overstayed it's welcome. The story, the lore, and the fights were all pretty good, and if it did those right then I'd say this series was a success in my book.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 5, 2020
I saw the anime that came out a few years back and I remember enjoying it, so I decided to check out the manga due to my friends recommending it and I enjoyed this manga so much more than I remember enjoying the anime. Like a lot more.
I will say this though, this manga may not be for you. I'm not saying that to come across the, "I'M SmArTeR ThAN u cUZ I rEAd MoRe ManGA" guy. I'm saying this because it's as the kids say, built different.
Outside of Esdeath, who has become one of my favorite villains in anime and manga after this
readthrough, the characters in Akame Ga Kill don't really stand out. Take for instance, the protags of this manga, Night Raid. I like each of them and their quirks, but I don't LOVE any of them. They're like the standard generic group you'd find in a shonen series. It's not like that's a bad thing, but it's not like it's a great thing either. At least in most cases.
Characters obviously play a big role in a story's enjoyment, so while reading I was a bit confused. I was enjoying this series a lot more than I thought I would and I didn't really have a solid reason to point to as to WHY I was enjoying it. But then I realized that instead of any of the characters being the main character, the world itself was the main character.
See what I mean by constructed unordinarily?
The world in AGK is a horrible place, it shows a lot of gruesome stuff and at first it came across as just being edgy for the sake of being edgy. But after realizing that the world is the main character, I didn't see it as such anymore.
All the edgy stuff that happens in the manga are things that have shaped the characters in it and continue to shape the characters. Which sounds simple and stupid because, DUH obviously a world would shape it's characters. But in AGK it's different.
In most manga when characters are effected by the world, that goes to their own development as a character. Take for example Naruto, at the start of the series he was all alone, so his dream was to become Hokage to become acknowledged by the people in the village. The hardships he was presented by the world went to developing him as a character.
But in AGK, each character's backstory isn't just used to help flesh out their character, in fact each character's backstory is very simple and to the point. It's primarily used as development to help flesh out the world of AGK. Each character has been effected in different ways by the world, and some characters accept it and are molded by it. And others reject it and fight for their freedom.
Once I realized that, I enjoyed this series so much more. It's what made Esdeath such a fantastic villain for me, but I'll hold off on dropping a character analysis for her since we're talking about the series itself.
Now that brings me back to this series potentially not being for you. If you read this and thought, "Sailor that is some of the most fake deep shit I've ever read in my life." Then it's probably not for you and that's ok. Once again, I don't wanna be an elitist ya know?
As for me, I loved this story because of that. And despite a few minor issues I had with it, the ending was so satisfying to see play out. It was a nice little cherry on top.
I was sitting on giving this series an 8, but after some thought I decided on 9. I had a lot of fun with this and if you're interested, give it a shot! I hope you enjoy it too!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 28, 2020
Forgive me if this review isn't all too great considering this is my first one, but bear with me.
I'll avoid spoilers if you're somehow reading this and you're on the fence about watching this show.
I went into this show knowing nothing except from the fact that it was most likely a horror anime judging from the key visual I saw for it on Crunchyroll. And with it being October as I type this, AKA spooky SZN, I decided to give it a shot.
In the first half, I was hooked. I couldn't get enough of the show and trying to piece together everything
that was going on, but considering I suffer from small brain in these sort of mystery shows, I eventually just let the show take me and let it shock later. Go along for the ride and all that stuff.
But sadly, it didn't really accomplish that for me. The first half of the show is simply figuring out what the mystery was, and then the second half was trying to figure out how to get to the bottom of it. There was no sort of interrogation or figuring out who potential suspects were outside of a few main characters sprinkled in here and there on occasion. Which I wouldn't really have a problem with if not for the ending.
Like I mentioned earlier, no spoilers, but damn was this ending rushed. It was like the show itself realized that it only had 2 episodes left on episode 10 and rushed to get everything in.
Lastly, the way they figure out the mystery felt like such a deus ex machina, which is weird considering I understand WHY they found out the way they did. But it still felt way too convenient and basically an asspull thanks to the pacing. I feel like if this was given the proper build and just a bit more foreshadowing, this could have been great.
Overall, I'd say if you're interested in this check it out for yourself. Even with the negatives I had with this series I still enjoyed myself a lot throughout the watch through.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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