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- BirthdayJan 7, 1993
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Jan 3, 2008
Another one of my all times favorite anime. From the intense storyline to the comedy purpose episodes, this anime was one that made me continue watching non stop.
Story - To tell you the truth, I've never particularly liked mecha type animes. The only ones i recall watching and actually enjoyed were Gundam series. Usually these types of mecha anime fails to appeal to me halfway through the show, an example should be Eureka Seven. However Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is one series where you'll watch and be caught into the storyline. Also (warning spoiler ahead.. sort of.)
I thought the way they did that 7 year
time skip after defeating the Helix King was quite different from your average action based anime.
Art - When i first saw Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's cover, I disliked that art. I thought it was those typical shounen anime aimed towards boys at a young age. Man, was I wrong. Episode after episode I watched this anime and unknowingly i started loving the art style of this anime. From the ass-kicking Ganmens (Gunmens) to the pilot's of these ass-kickers, they were all very nicely done.
Sound - The sound in this show was purely awesome. I love how realistic the drilling sounds were i love the OP. The reason i gave it a 9 instead of a 10 was because Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann stuck to the same opening song the whole
time. As i clearly stated before, I loved the OP but after listening to the opening song so many times, it starts to become dull. They took the time to make 3 different opening videos in 27 episodes but did not change the song. That's the only flaw i found within the sound category. Also cannot forget to to mention the awesome sound track, Libera me from hell.. Best. Anime. Song. Ever.. I've listened to this song over and over.
Characters - The characters in this show were very well developed and tons of fun. I believe that most of the success from this show was due to the large amount of entertaining characters. Of course, if you like all the characters in this show, there would be no point in having a conflict, therefore there are also characters which you will hate their guts, but later find out what drives them to do such acts.
Enjoyment - The enjoyment of one who can achieve through this series is truly, truly priceless. If you like mechas trying to send each other to oblivion, this series is for you. If you like comedy with a actual storyline, this series is for you. If you don't care about the storyline and just want some laughs, this series is for you. Basically you should try this series no matter what.
Overall - Great anime, only one flaw i found and it wasn't even a major one that effects the show. Not much else to say about this. But anyways.. I highly recommend you to watch this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 1, 2008
Since i did a review for School Rumble Ichi Gakki (1st semester), I thought i might as well do a review for School Rumble Ni Gakki as well.
Story - Like the prequel, this series barely has a storyline besides Harima after Tenma, Tenma after Karasuma. But the thing i liked about this season was the involvement between Eri and Harima. The involvement between them made this season more enjoyable for me then the prequel.
Art - Just like Ichi Gakki, the art has no real difference. Still beautiful as usual.
Sound - I really love School Rumble's choice of music. I thought after watching Season 1, they
could never find something just as cheerful as SCRAMBLE (Guru Guru Mawaru.. Guru Guru Mawaru) but to my suprise, Sentimental Generation was just as lively and also made you want to get up and sing and dance, trust me i did that once..
Character - The character are the same, i don't recall any new characters in this one (watched this a year ago, can't really remember). But one thing i remember very clearly was the character developments. I mean there were still some characters that didn't change a bit... perfect example is Lala. The character that developed most in my opinion is none other then the Ojou, Eri. (Sorry have to give a spoiler, please do not read if you haven't watched yet!) From totally disliking Harima, to slightly having good feelings for him, i thought this was the best part of School Rumble overall. <--Spoiler ends here. Also you get to learn much more about each and every characters.
Enjoyment - Again, this series is perfect enjoyment. From pure comedy to pure romance, this series is something that will keep you going after a harsh day.
The only reason i gave a 9 for enjoyment was because there are about 2 fillers in this season that totally were really lame. But this is mainly because there wasn't enough manga material and 2 episodes couldn't fill in the next arc for the manga.
Overall - Some say this series wasn't as good as its prequel, i personally do not think so. I have no right to criticize one's opinion but i shall stick to my own that this series totally bombed. Overall, if your a really huge fan School Rumble and really want to know more about a certain character, you should really consider watching this season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 31, 2007
School Rumble is my all time favorite anime series therefore my high score for it and because it actually deserves it.
Story - Basically, School Rumble has no real storyline besides Tenma going after Karasuma and Harima going after Tenma, thats basically it. But the thing about School Rumble is, even if it barely has a storyline it still appeals to many many people, which is something i believe is unique.
Art - I adore School Rumble's beautiful design of characters. Even though its a 2004 anime, it still has considerable good graphic maybe even better then some animes in the year 2007. Also one thing i
find quite different in the art of school rumble is how KJ ( Kobayashi Jin, creator of school rumble) hides the good-looking appearance of some of the characters such as Harima and Hanai.
Sound - School Rumble has one of the catchiest and most addictive OP any anime ever had 'Guru Guru Mawaru Guru Guru Mawaru....' this song just makes you want to get up dance to the melody. The ED was also very catchy as well, School Rumble's ending is one of the ONLY ones i've watched for all of the episodes. Side from the OP and ED, the voice actor/actress fitted the role very well, from cute and loving Tenma to the complete pervert Imadori, there voice seems to be made for the character. Also Horie Yui is one of my favorite voice actress so i guess that adds up to the score as well.. hehe.
Character - Wide range of entertaining characters all which make you literally laugh out loud. They are all entertaining but they all have very unique personality from the Tsundere Ojou to the Semi-yandere Yakumo. I highly doubt you will hate any of these characters because i certainly didn't!
Enjoyment - If i could give bonus points for enjoyment of this series, i would. First off, as stated before, this series literally makes you laugh out loud. A series that can actually make someone laugh out loud is something I'd think is freaking hilarious. Hilarious = Enjoyable... therefore School Rumble is really hilarious and enjoyable. (Yes that was lame..)
Overall - Overall, this series is definitely something you should watch if something is really bothering you and you want to watch something fun and laugh all the pain away. Even if you like really serious stuff like Death Note, you should still try this, you never know you might actually like this genre of anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 30, 2007
First of all, to be honest with you all. I did not enjoy this series as much as i thought i would like it mainly because of the plot and how it got fairly rushed in the end.
Story - The beginning part of the story i thought was very well made, it was very dark, mysterious but not scary at all for those who dislike scary storylines. But after a while the plot just seem dull and unoriginal. Typical protagonist trying to save the world, trying to protect his friends and trying to get revenge, all these types of storylines has been overused, if Black
Cat had a better storyline, i believe it would have been better.
Art - I liked the design of the characters, especially Train during the beginning of the series. So i have nothing to complain about the art category.
Sound- Not much to review about sound, but i have to admit the gunshots were pretty real. Also, the voice actors fitted the role very well, especially Eve and Sven. The OP was quite nice, fitted into the anime quite nice.. Forgot how the ED goes so i can't review that.
Character- One of the things that makes Black Cat enjoyable are the wide variety of characters. It is quite amusing watching Jenos and Rins yell at each other. So if your looking for some humorous characters, Black Cat has that for you. The one thing that i thought lacked in the character section was the sudden change of Train Heartnet. Although it says half a year has passed, I'm pretty sure people other then me wants to watch the process of him from a deadly assassin to a overly energetic young man. Another reason i suggest Black Cat was rushed.
Enjoyment- Black Cat is actually quite enjoyable if you do not care about the unoriginal storyline seeing that the characters are greatly designed and there are many great fight scenes.
Overall- Overall i would say Black Cat is a fair made anime that fails to achieve better due to the lack of storyline and how it is quite rushed. Although i say this, i still enjoyed Black Cat to it's full potential.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 28, 2007
Okay, first of all, this is one of my first reviews so bare with me and don't hesitate to message me about what i should improve about, anyways lets get started shall we?
Story- When people look at Myself; Yourself's cover, they usually get the automatic reaction that its a typical harem anime with predictable outcomes, which is not true. Of course, if you totally dislike school life - romance animes then you shouldn't bother wasting your time watching a genre you do not like. Back on topic, the story basically revolves around friendship more then relationship between opposite sex, and let me
make this clear again... THIS IS NOT A HAREM!
Art- I seriously liked the artwork in Myself; Yourself, not because the girl's were fairly pretty designed but the background and the male character as well. I thought Sana's red eyes blended into his characteristic and other things that happen (Not gonna say it, if you wanna know.. you gotta watch it =] ).
Sound- Basically, I loved the OP of the series and the video for it seemed like they were meant for each other so no problem there. The ED wasn't really my style of anime music but the OP makes up for it(to me).
Character- The one thing that Myself; Yourself had that didn't really appeal to me, were some of the characters. Don't get me wrong, some of the characters i really liked. Hinako is defiantly a candidate for the most annoying character. Mainly because of the way she acts and the way she bothers Sana and Syuusuke all the time. Sorry if i offended anyone who likes her character.
Enjoyment- I personally love the genre school-life romance so therefore this a series i really enjoyed. Again this series will differ between people, you may love it or you may hate it, it all depends on what type of anime you like to watch.
Overall- Overall i really enjoyed this series and as i said before, I recommend this series to anyone who enjoys this type of school-life romance anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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