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Nov 5, 2023
The Onimusha anime serves as an extension of the well-known Onimusha game series, although this review focuses exclusively on the anime and does not delve into the game's storyline.
The following text contains spoilers for the Onimusha anime.
The main character of this anime is the Japanese historical "MIYAMOTO MUSASHI", who is considered a legendary Japanese swordsman, philosopher, strategist, writer and ronin, who became renowned through stories of his unique double-bladed swordsmanship and undefeated record in his 61 duels.
The story revolves around how Musashi defeats the evil demon lord 'LEMON' (they could have come up with a better name) with the help of an
ONi gauntlet that absorbs demon souls. They introduced a Monk a child and 4 samurai henchmen of the Daimio to accompany Musashi on this journey. The timeline for the whole story doesn't give us any info about the Oni gauntlet or the Legendary samurai Miyamoto Musashi. His story can be fleshed out and articulated in a more serene and captivating way to capture the audience. The villain was poorly designed and written into the story. and bring Western aesthetics and design out of nowhere to the whole story. The story as a whole comes off as bland, with an ending that feels rushed, notably in Musashi's lacklustre demise.
Masterfully crafted by the renowned illustrator Kim Jung Gi, the character designs for the show generated significant anticipation among fans. Regrettably, the execution by Studios Sublimation and director Miike Takashi, along with art director Sugai Shinya, diverged from Master Kim Jung Gi's original work. The 3D CG visuals failed to capture the essence of Master Jung Gi's brushwork and intricate character details. The end credits, however, feature the authentic character designs created by Master Kim Jung Gi. This discrepancy was particularly evident with the monk and child characters, as they deviated significantly from the original character design.
As a CG-based anime, the animation delivers moments of quality but falls short during fight sequences and character movements and expressions. While the fight choreography initially impresses, it loses its smoothness as the series progresses. The final fight scene is notably choppy, failing to do justice to the character Miyamoto Musashi.
The Onimusha anime, while potentially serving as promotional content for the game, does not do justice to the iconic figure of Miyamoto Musashi or the renowned illustrator Kim Jung Gi. It is unfortunate to witness the portrayal of such a legendary character in a manner that falls short of expectations. Furthermore, it is regrettable that Master Kim Jung Gi's final project was executed with shortcomings by the Sublimation Studio.
If you are a devoted fan of Onimusha, you might find elements to appreciate. However, for a wider audience, it's a rather unengaging series with visuals that do not stand out and a narrative lacking in excitement.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 4, 2022
FFF class Trashero is like a combination of Solo levelling manwah but the main character is a pure antagonist. Also, read solo levelling before coming to this manwah.
"no survivors = no witness = no ruined Reputation"
So leave no one alive
This is the MC moto soo you get the idea.
The story will get you to binge the whole thing in straight 2 days. It's where you'll get to observe an antagonist's firsthand perspective. Our hero will be sent to a Dumpling kingdom (the world name is fantasia) to assassinate the demon king. /Spoilers ahead/ Within the first five chapters, the demon
king will be vanquished. This hero will go to whatever length to return to his home planet as soon as possible. The core issue with fantasia is the lack of proper toilets where you can sit. Thus our MC will even commit mass genocide to graduate (the entire system is designed as a schooling system to train heroes [you will also receive a teacher's guidance]) and return to his world.
The amusing thing is that his master is a cheerful green slim from whom he travels to learn. \Spoliers over\. When he fails his test[ this is a schooling system], the storyline becomes extremely intriguing. Han Soo Kang has the finest decision-making process. Han Soo's overpowering is the most entertaining aspect, and you will root for him because it is extremely logical even if he kills thousands on his way.
The panel design and art are the same as any manwah. The initial chapter art might be pretty mid but when you come to fights and any serious situation, the artist gets serious with the expression and power illustration the fighting panels are soo well designed and beautiful.
The world design and elements are also nicely done.
Character design:
Our MC Han Soo will be the same guy to the end his power will increase and he will get more incredible items but his ignorant, selfishness, and ravenous were the same from chapter 1 to chapter 122. A proper Anti-hero / Antagonist is being born out of this hero. We will still be cheering for this guy until the end.
The side/supportive characters are very mid, there was no development at all sometimes they have the same visual features. but there is baggage for our hero.
There is no such thing called "Love and friendship" for Han Soo Kang
A manwah/ Manga to read and enjoy without deeply investing yourself. A casual, fun and enjoyable manwah.
Happy reading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 20, 2021
First, I must say that the show didn't stand for the hype that the trailer it released but it was a good show that was made by MAPPA so kudos to MAPPA
Story :
When it comes to any Japanese historical anime Oda Nobunaga is connected somehow. And its show how Nobunaga seek talent and how he treated people in the Sengoku period where he ruled. With few twist to the whole story by adding magic and the Evil daimyo(basically a level witch). With the incorporation of mecha samurais, the whole authenticity of feudal Japan is gone. The with the flashback Yasuke have we get
his backstory as well as how the current situation has happened. Within all the animes that have to include Nobunaga, this shows has a spectacular portrait of the Yasuke (Kokugin samurai)
The main problem within the whole plot is the pacing of the story is done very fast with the story. This is subdued by good action and Yasuke interaction. the introduction of the side characters are very spontaneous and no plot development to those characters. this is caused because this anime ONA is a 6 episode show where it could have been a perfect 12 episode where it had almost a ton of plot and character to stretch it.
Another special thing I want to mention here is how they connected Yasuke and Natsumaru love and the wholesome representation of interracial relationship within that period. It shows how love can hunt someone as well as rescue them from deep dark places.
The visual representation within the whole show was OK.
when it comes to the character in some part it was good with average details and most of the time even Yasuke's details were washed out. the armoury design and katana design and style were good. Enjoyed the Helmet design how it shows the fit is different to Yusuke when compared with other countrymen. The only environment design that was properly done was the river and the place of Natsumaru gravestone. the environment design was very blunt. When we think of MAPPA they could have done a remarkable job with this but they failed to accomplish it.
It's rather disappointing with the sounds department where the opening and the ending theme song were just very regretful. Other sounds editing with the show was OK, not great because it was ok to with battle noises and the character dubbing was OK as well
Yasuke as a character in the first and the second episode was a very neutral and calm character who show resentment toward violence and shows how war and violence can change a person. Also from beginning to end, the author wants to emphasize the loyalty aspect of a true samurai where Yasuke was loyal to Nobunaga from the beginning of the show to the end. Where Yasuke become a samurai and embrace that culture and tradition he still shows his connection and belief to his native root.
Another special thing I notice with this whole story is the female character representation. It was astounding. where no female character was objectified. All the character were crafted very beautifully and character development was not very deep but the creator gave a cohesive overall development to the main and the supporting female characters. here also want to mention few characters. Natsumaru has considered a main attribute within the whole plot as well even tho here screentime is less her presence and her attitudes were Subarashi. A strong woman both physically and mentally while preserving a feminine aspect with the story was great. These were times where women were oppressed by society and Natsumaru was a fine example to show what women can achieve in any situation. How her affections were showed towards Yusuke was also so subtle but very heart touching as well.
Nikita is also another distinctive character we have to talk about when talking about the female character within this story where here leadership skills as well have the distinctive characteristic was a major attribute that peaked within the character development.
When it comes to SAKI she's a combination of Avatar KORRA (spiritual power) and Jinora (characteristic). For a child character, her development was ok.
Also want to mention ICHIKA, A strong elegant women who fight for the child very motherly character. I loved the koto playing and here knife flip while opening the door for Yusuke.
The show was fairly ok. Loved the ending but it could have been more fruit full ending (just saying). As this is MAPPA's work we can say it was good.
I recommend it but don't keep high hopes
Thank you for reading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 1, 2021
If you are a Fate fan I don't have to tell how much we have been waiting for this final movie of the trilogy to come.
Disclaimer: Anyone who watches this movie can enjoy the visuals and the actions to the fullest.
But to understand the plot and the characters YOU MUST WATCH THE FATE/STAY NIGHT: ULTIMATE BLADE WORKS, FATE: ZERO AND FATE/STAY NIGHT + The previous two Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel movies.
I truly enjoyed the whole trilogy of heavens feels and this 3rd one was a perfect ending for the trilogy. We can say this trilogy can go down in history as the masterpiece
trilogy in anime history. [like Lord of the Rings].
STORY - the continuation of the whole story from where they stopped in the Heavens Feels 2: lost butterfly where how Sakura is corrupted and a little back story on Toosaka. Within Heaven's feels 3 the stories on characters backstories are concise. But given good touchpoints with the origin of the Holy grail and the Berserker backstory as Hercules. But again people who straight come to watch this will be so confusing as in the last battle between Tosaka Rin and Sakura Matou, Tosaka mentions the name "Zelretch" as in Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, this name hasn't been mentioned in any of the fate anime series. Also, the ending was a bit confusing at first and I'm not going to spoil it here but you might need to watch the ending 8 min few times and some youtube reviews to understand how Emiya Shirou came back to life. The ending was very beautiful and touching how they ended Illiya story With also how Sakura and Shirou embark forward into a Sakura filled park was very touching and ended perfectly giving the audience a message in a semiotic form.
CHARACTER - in this movie there aren't many characters development as we got in Heaven's feels 1 and 2, but there were few moments that was very subtle and did justice to the character as well. First I must take Raider, Her character development is exponentially much more in the movies than in the series where she had more screen time also how she bonded with Shirou even though she is Sakura's servant. Her face reveals in a normal outfit was so touching and it shows how she adapted to Shirou's Household as well.
When it comes to Saber she was converted by sakura in the previous movie and she fights against Shirou and the rest of his team. Even tho Saber was in team Sakura she was still concerned about Shirou's life. Also the same story with Berserker where in his last moment he is still the dearest servant of Illyasviel and told Shirou to protect her and that moment was so moving.
A touching moment that we cant see in the anime was the sisterly bond between Tosaka and Sakura. That few minutes must have hit the audience, With the music and the direction of the whole scene it was at that point Sakura regrets her decision on evil doing.
In the movie Interaction between Archer and Shirou were only one point. And the Destruction of Matou, Zouken was articulated in an astonishing way where it also gives how Sakura is freed from his grip.
SOUND AND ART - When it comes to sound Fate series has always kept its benchmark at a whole level with the ost and the endings. With Aimer 春はゆく (Haru Wa Yuku) was a major plus point for the movie. As Aimers voice is one of the most recognized in the Fate universe. And in this movie Haru Wa Yuku instrumental was a great ost, as well as the song in the ending, was most stunning and Emotion evoking as well. With the deep meaning of the song, it suited the ending excellently. The Ost that has been used in the action-packed scene was really tense and suits it flawlessly.
When it comes to the ART Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel movies were astonishing and breathtaking. with the environmental design and the ambience design. Also, the action animation was also done excellently by Ufotable. We all know when Ufotable Does any work becomes Supreme in art quality and animation [ Demon slayer Animation ]
I truly enjoyed the whole movie and this trilogy will be in every anime fan and fate fans mind for being the best trilogy that concluded in anime history.
Thank you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 28, 2021
If you have watched season 1 of Re: zero and you liked it before you are definitely going to like this season 2 part 1 and 2'
After waiting for a season 2 we going the best way our selfs a good ending to this arc.
Character-wise they gave the audience a good depth into the character backstory and especially with Echidna and Emiliya. We don't have to talk about Suburu kan, He's Always our optimistic protagonist. Giving more side info into the side characters such a puck Garf and even our otto gives a lot of depth to the anime-only viewers
Art wise it has improved
from season one while keeping the same aesthetic. the same studio has done both season 1 & 2. The subtle changes in Emilia's Character design are on point to showcase the maturity of the character. Also how the character designers portrait Ram's emotions were exceptional (ram is most of the time has a very plain face and show fewer emotions).
Sound-wise, ah Subarashi...
Long shot by Mayu Maeshima was a banger as every op of Re: zero series and the ED "Believe in you" by nonoc really aligns with the story of season2 part 2 because of all the emotional connection. It really hit the spot. ALSO THE RAM"S LOVE SONG - What you don’t know in Ep. 23. Get ready to cry with that song.
Overall if you are a Re: zero fan you will thoroughly enjoy it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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