oh boy! if we started with mediocrity then now we are at garbage territory. let me start, there's tons of inconsistencies, that while were present previously, here appear everywhere. the story just isn't interesting at all, and the characters who i once could relate, and care for are just gone. instead we get these plain copies who just act like idiots all the time. meiko has been part of the cast for 4 ovas and hasnt done anything!
the music is just the same, there's like one or two new tracks and the rest are just remixes
the fights don't have any choreography behind them,
Jan 17, 2018
Digimon Adventure tri. 1: Saikai
I'll be honest, the first OVA is just....okay. there's problems with it, but it never reaches a really low point. if this was just a thing here it would have been fine. However the problems become more and more apparent as you advance, every ova just gets worse and worse. You can tell the people behind this don't understand how the franchise works, or know much about the characters. and it's just sad. The designs are honestly really bland, while Nakatsuru's original designs were charming, there's nothing of that here. the soundtrack has some nice remixes but it's honestly nothing new. overall this is just