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Jul 28, 2021
it WAS a really good fucking series until the main character died. I don't mind killing off main characters, in fact i love it when shows do that. It tells me they have the balls to have real consequences in their show; but the way that man died was some REAL BULLSHIT.
Like bro??? REALLY??? That's how you choose to kill off one of the coolest characters in anime history? This man put up with so much, tough, and resilient through it all, was always there for the homies, taught them lessons, was the closest thing they had to an actually good father figure,
smart, handsome, cunning, everything a main character should be while not being the least dislikable... and this IS HOW YOU CHOSE TO END HIS LIFE??? WITH THAT BULLSHIT! EAT DIIIICKS, EAT CHEEEKS. I WOULD HAVE PREFERRED IF THE MAIN ANTAGONIST JUST UP AND SHOT HIM LIKE A DOG ON THE STREET.
If you're going to kill a character off, don't do it like a retard. This is Light Yagami would have killed L by putting a banana peel under him as he walked. TF is the point.
This could have been in my top 10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 27, 2021
The next two paragraphs can be summarized to "the plot is skip-able"
I think most people will agree when I say Gintama is primarily a comedy series before anything. This is mostly what I like about it. I watch it to laugh, and sometimes I do, but not all the time. Sometimes there's actual plot or "serious" arcs which are seemingly put in for no other reason than to disrupt the shows comedic pacing or show that Gintama has some merit besides being a comedy series, but honestly for me they just ruin the comedic flow.
The plot is not that stellar. So I wont judge it
based on that, even though there are long arcs with actual plot in them, you wont be doing yourself a disservice by skipping them and enjoying the show as a comedy series, IMO. If you disagree with this, please feel free to correct me but I feel safe in making the assumption that very few people watch Gintama for the plot.
So anyway, back to the actual thing we're all here for: the comedy. It's aight. That is, if we're grouping most of the episodes and "averaging the funny", its pretty okay, and that's what my rating reflects, an average of how much this season made me laugh.
Although if we look at this season on an episode by episode basis, I can confidently say a lot of the episodes have failed to make me laugh, and most episodes are kind of mid only providing the rare chuckle, BUTTTT some episodes such as episode 31 and especially 32 had me GENUINELY laughing. It's because of these standout episodes that I raise Gintama from a "mid" rating to an "above average". At this point halfway through the season am I overly excited to keep watching? Not really, its more like I have nothing else to watch and this show is pretty good/alright.
I genuinely hope Ill get more episodes that made me laugh as hard as ep 32, and I'll update this and maybe raise the rating if they do, but as of right now, Gintama is pretty good to/ alright, 6/10.
UPDATE: NVM, it literally has one more comedy episode which is kind of mid and then just turns into pure plot. Really disappointed.
2nd update: before you message me on this, yes i've seen the first season, no i did not start on 4th, i understand the characters and the world i just dont care about the plot whatsoever.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 25, 2020
So I just got done binging it in one sitting and maaaan, I really didn't like that ending.
Like the no hand holding thing kinda peeved me, the nigga just took down the Lion Yakuza to save yo ass and had multiple opportunities since then to eat you and you hit him with some "I'll be waiting".. just.. fukinn.. tell him you like him and kiss YEESH.
Also anything that ends with a "wait till the next season" kinda puts me off. Honestly the biggest plot point in this show was the main character's relationship. If it had ended properly I would've been satisfied. I don't see
a reason to continue this series, I'm afraid season 2 is just going to be beating a dead horse.
The best thing to happen from that ending is Juno realizing she could do better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 17, 2020
(TL;DR at the end)
This show sounds great on paper. "Watch a bunch of stereotype anime cliches fight each other", "why?", "cause why not!". If it had just been that it could have been actually worth watching, but the show got so caught up in trying to have a "serious" story that it basically shot itself in the foot before the race even started.
You have a fun premise. A fun, dumb, entertaining, "popcorn movie" type premise. Failing to add depth or artistic merit hurts your show more than not trying to add them at all.
It's kind of like when you go to see a Godzilla movie
and then they show you scenes of the government talking, or some bs about war or family, like... stop. We all know why we're here. We want to see the main characters fight, stop trying to make it something more than that, you're doing a bad job at it.
If it had taken itself far less seriously, it could have been actually good. There's nothing wrong with deriving fun off seeing archetypes interact, to be honest, that's half of anime anyway, but when you spend so much time on useless bullshit that doesn't specifically help the MAIN REASON your show is fun to watch, it ends up ruining any potential the show had at being worth watching.
The show spends so much time trying to have a "serious" story and failing to make compelling characters out of archetypes that it forgets the point of the show is to be a dumb, enjoyable, popcorn-movie type premise piece for the sake of brainless entertainment. They tried to make something smart out of something brainless; it didn't work.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 5, 2020
2013 seasonal throwaway with 2019 animation.
The story is uninspired, you can tell that from episode one. The whole show seems to be a catchy gimmick that might be working to catch attention in the anime community but I highly doubt anyone will still be talking about this show five years or even one year from now. The characters are so plainly stoic, generic, one-dimensional, cookie-cutter archetypes that I felt like I was watching a parody of how generic anime can be instead of an actual show. I feel like this show shares a similar vein with Demon Slayer; generic story/concept, with great visual execution. The
big difference being that Demon Slayer didn't make me sigh and groan with disgust whenever a character started speaking. Some of the writing in Fire Force is actually painful to experience. Maybe I'm just jaded as fuck from seeing the same tropes for so long, but I doubt that's the full reason I didn't like this show. I can still watch a tropey generic show if it tickles my fancy, but instead, this one spit in my fucking cereal.
4/10; probably going to beat off to the character they added just for sex appeal and then never think about this show again.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 27, 2020
There's barely a "story" by the traditional sense of the word. Most episodes can be treated as a standalone experience and follow a reality-tv-show-type setup of:
1. Pick a game
2. Play the game
3. Watch for the player's reactions to the game's events
The recurring cast is very bland and at points makes no sense, they're meant to be "dummies" without any human emotion, simply made to resemble human form and pass judgement on actual humans. Yet, throughout the show the entire "dummy" cast shows emotions such as rage, annoyance, shock, contempt, happiness, smugness, loneliness, boredom ect ect ect. While I do agree that having the main cast
be emotionless beings would make it harder for the show to be of good quality, I would give it a pass if it hadn't literally stated that the characters who've shown a multitude of emotions... don't have emotions!?
The main "meat" is watching the human's reactions in a high-stakes setting where their souls are on the line, and slowly watching them figure out they're dead. As much of a reality-tv-type spin that this show is, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the core of this show. What I actually did not enjoy in the slightest was the over-explanation of mindbogglingly-simple concepts. Yes, we get it:
1. There are "dummys" called "arbiters" who judge those who have recently died by putting them in an extreme situation in the form of a game and watching their reactions to judge their ethics and choose if their soul should perish forever or be reincarnated
2. Arbiters are not allowed to feel human emotions
We don't need you to explain that over and OVER AND OVER again! Chill tf out. There was about 3 episodes worth of explanation and "world building" for concepts a child could understand from the first episode alone where they had already explained it.
Honestly, if it was just the meat without the fat I would've maybe given it a 7. They made a show that was already repetitious in nature even more unnecessarily repetitious. Some characters were even clones of others, the only change being variations in their back story.
If you see one episode of this anime, you've seen them all. I'd only recommend you keep watching if you really enjoyed it, which admittedly, I did.
ALSO THAT INTRO BOI WHOOOOOOO BOY OH SH- BRUH MY GOD CUH OAFIJNEFOAIENFWIF DUDE! The OP might very well be the best part of this show. I'm an impatient motherfucker and I still did not skip it once. 100% certified BOP.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 25, 2019
My problem with FLCL is in the form in which it presents it's characters, storyline, motifs, ideas, themes, ect.
My problem fully lies within the presentation. The story itself is admittedly wonderful and the characters all have some rich depth to them, even as different as they all are from one another, no one ever feels out of place and if you dig deep enough you can see the rational side to everyone's eccentric behavior. The problem with that is, imho, FLCL makes you "dig" too much.
I'm not saying everything should be face value, or that making the viewer think instead of just stuffing them
with information is a bad thing. What I'm saying is that I'm fucking lazy and FLCL hurt my small pea brain by not presenting me it's content in an easily digestible manner like I'm usually used to, so it kind of put me in a weird place where I really admire the show yet feel like I can't recommend it at the same time.
Admittedly, packing that much information into 6 episodes in the way in which it doesn't stop to spell out every single detail but instead glances over it and let's you put together the pieces is kind of fucking genius. I've heard this described as a show that gets better with every re-watch and I can definitely understand why.
Good show, I just wasn't in the right mind-frame.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 18, 2019
Honestly boring.
I feel like I would have enjoyed this show as a "woke" 14 year old who used to constantly ponder the concept of life, existence, fate, time travel, and higher beings. But while those are all still entertaining topics to delve into/think about, the way this show handled them was god awful.
This show feels like "baby's first steps" to conceptual thinking. The need to explain everything so rudimentary for long-ass 10 minute spans is incredibly annoying, I don't know how I even made it 5 episodes SINCE THAT'S ALL IT WAS.
It feels like the show is trying to "make you think", but the
way they present information, it could only achieve that with someone who's never thought a day in their fucking lives. All the basic-ass droning-ass information is hand-fed to you like you're in history class relearning the same lesson about World War II that you've already learned in every history class since middle school.
If you're looking for any solace in the characters, I solemnly swear to you, you wont find any.
Main Male Character: Boring, bland, uninspired, unoriginal. Wannabe straight-man trying to lay a rational-yet-freaked-out approach at everything that's told to him. This nigga has less personality than a piece of cardboard with a " :/ " face drawn on it and a speech bubble saying "whoa, really? that's wacky!"
Main Female Character: Huge cunt, mad fucking annoying, horrible human being, self centered, Chunibyo-ass, Depresssed-ass, Basic-ass bitch with NO redeeming qualities whatsoever.
The other 3 side characters: BOOOOOORING. You got a happy-go-lucky nigga, a silent "I literally have no personality, but I like reading and showing no emotion" bitch, and a moe blob... the moe blob being the best out of every character cause at least she did me a service by getting my dick hard; more than I can say for the rest of these pathetic 1 dimensional pieces of cardboard.
TL;DR: The story/concept itself isn't too shabby (just the execution of presenting it is) and it would probably work with far better characters, and the target audience being set above middle school.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 6, 2019
I know it's kind of redundant to complain about "fluff" in a show that centered around fluffy ideas, topics, story lines, characters, and music. To the point it's even ridiculous for me to complain about it considering they literally have a song repeated throughout the series by the name "fluffy fluffy time"... but here I am, unsatisfied with the fluff.
I'm not new to this, I've had my fair share of moe-slice-of-life-cutesy-BS-in-your-face-at-all-times anime. I even love some of those type of shows, some being in my top 10, so trust me when I say I can handle a show who's only aim is to be
cute, make you feel happy, and laugh here and there. But K-On... got boring... FAAAAAST. By the 8th episode of the second season I was considering dropping it, but stuck through because I wanted to see the ending, not that it was that hard to guess what it turned out to be, but just because this is one of those anime that still gets talked about YEARS after it's release so, I didn't want to be "left out". Yet by the 12th episode I started putting it on 1.5x speed cause the show drags plot points out for so long without adding anything new to it that If I didn't speed it up I would've blown my brains out eventually.
Here's every arc of K-On in a nutshell:
"Oh sh*t, we have a concert coming up"
"We should practice"
*Cute things happen here and there alongside some REALLY boring dialogue*
"Oh f*ck, we didn't practice at all, all we did was sit around and drink tea"
"We better practice just a little though"
*practices a little though*
*concert day comes, very minor inconveniences happen that demotivate the group for a split second, some small thing happens that motivates the group, they start playing*
*everyone in the crowd loves it*
*The End, rinse & repeat*
I thought of editing together only the best parts so I could give anyone who wanted to watch it a slimmed version of the show with only the parts of substance, cuteness, and hilarity, but the show just doesn't work without the fluff. CAUSE THE FLUFF IS 90% OF EACH EPISODE!!
It would have been much better paced if they had wrapped up high school in the first season, then used the second season to explore each of their lives after high school and let the viewer see things like how their personal lives and affected their music careers and relationships with each other. I feel like that could have lead to far more interesting interactions, character arcs, and tearjerker moments.
In conclusion-
Reasons to watch K-On:
1. If you want to watch a show where the biggest inconvenience is someone forgetting their guitar at home, then have that inconvenience not matter 2 minutes later, watch K-On.
2. If you want to watch a show filled with more fluff and boring dialogue than actual moe moments and funny parts, watch K-On.
3. If you want to watch show that almost made you cry but failed every time because they feel the need to drag out every little thing except the things of actual importance, like a heartfelt moment or the ending sequence to an arc, watch K-On.
Reasons not to watch K-On:
1. You could be spending your time watching something far better
2. You're really not missing out on anything if you don't watch it (maybe like three good moments, but I digress)
3. It's about as entertaining as watching paint dry, but every 22 minutes you have a stroke and see something actually entertaining, then the stroke vanishes and it's back to wet paint
TL;DR: K-On too fluff. Very bored. Didn't like.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 28, 2019
I'm just basing this off episode 1 but if that was really the most effective hook to the series that they could muster then I feel my judgement is valid.
It didn't have enough of anything. The girls weren't cute enough. The dialogue was bland and unexciting even for moe crap. The aesthetics were off (you've got modern moe in a Victorian style pub setting on first episode, like c'mon man), idc if it's "plot" it still looked trash. Not to mention the plot in itself (or lack thereof) was trash. I know most moe shit goes for something simplistic and easily expandable but I failed
to pick up on even the littlest bit of substance in the plot.
Further problems: Only one yuri moment... and it was undertones not actual yuri. Like if you're going to have a show this boring at least spice it up by making it go full lesbo.
I'll give this show one thing to it's credit though; the intro and outro are actually really good. Judging by the standard of all the moe garbage I've watched, it did not fail to meet my expectations. If the show was constantly as good as the into and outro, and by that I mean just over-pandering with cute bs down my throat, then that would be easy 7.5/10.
For a show that handles their characters, tropes, dialogue, plot, archetypes, and cute moments perfectly (imo) check out: "Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!"
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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