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Dec 22, 2024
This second season was very much well worth it!
While I do have to address a few points that clearly need to be pointed at. I can't say this season has many flaws.
I see there are many complaining about lazy writing, well I think it's more a problem of cut content and specific scenes making no sense because of that. It could have used a bit more care in that department.
You could address the fact that for some reason the group didn't attack specific points that would make more sense, like in episode 4 where they attack the shield instead of the ground below it which
would make the castle crumble and fall. Or the fact that there was never any use in siege weapons like siege towers, siege rams or siege ladders. They just run at the front gate which is the worst thing you could do. Another major issue is the castles that are very clearly fantasy and not remotely realistic. Yet I don't really see this should weigh too heavily.
Also the fact that both Ars as Licia are 13 years old and marrying in this season will probably be picked up on. Although, let's be perfectly fair, in a medieval type setting and just before a war you can expect such things to happen. In the medieval era in our own timeline you do see people marry WAY younger as they didn't really got to age 40 or 50. So yes you marry earlier then we do today. So historically speaking this is technically not wrong. Even if modern ways of thinking would be way different. It's not like you get to see them consume their marriage.
It's a good story, don't let the people that only watched a few episodes make you believe differently, these individuals clearly have no sense of what a good story is. Specially if you include the ending of episode 12 which was really touching in a way. I'd like to highly recommend this season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 30, 2024
Now I have some serious mixed feelings, but this needs some explanation obviously as it's not directly the anime itself that causes it. We all are aware of the Ukraine war, there for I have my doubts whether I should judge is purely on the anime and ignore that fact, or rather it in account.
The story is pretty decent, but nothing too special. We have clearly a nice story with some weird aspects regarding Masachika's family. Which clearly means we will see more of this in a second season if one is pending. However there are still unanswered questions regarding Alisa and her family
as well. Also here we have no direct reason so far why they went to Japan or why she can speak Japanese fluently. Also why her sister Maria doesn't clearly state that she met Masachika before. Which gets hinted at very clearly. Yet never brought up again after that.
Also Sayaka butting in makes no sense at this point as she's a outsider to the entire story and just is a pointless dirtraction as this season shows. She is no more then pointles filler at this time. Even her friend Nonoa seems to be far better presented which makes this even weirder.
Now to get back to the earlier point I made, regarding the Ukraine war and the weird choice of picking the main female character to be partially russian. Why not change the script to make her partially from another country. It would make a lot more sense as Japan in mainly pro Ukrainian for very good reasons. This makes it rather dubious to make a main character part russian.
I can't rate it high at all due to it being a mediocre story, even if it's very much enjoyable regardless. But now I have to keep this Ukraine war part also in mind. There for I can not go higher then a 4. But for this in effect cheering on russia, it really should get a 1 instead.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 1, 2024
Watch this anime for the amazing graphics alone, yes it's CGI and highly likely real actors with green screens at many scenes, but this project makes it look really stunning! I'd say we might see this in the future a lot more as it might be at the level of a whole new anime graphics style. Let me explain.
We are all known with the 80's style that blead trough to the early to mid 90's. The next style bleeds trough to start 2000's. Then we get the style we know now the best which is now already here since the early 2000's and has hardly
been changed. This specific anime will very highly change things and boost anime into a new graphics era. It might not start right away, but it will start and probably need about 2 to 5 years to really settle in. This anime had graphics that are really that amazing. So pay attention and praise this anime project properly!
Now do note I am not just talking about the colors or how things are drawn. I do mean the animations (movements of the characters) as well that are really popping and showing more realistic movements. Toei Animation's hard work in CGI mixed with anime really shown it's huge advantage in this anime. I can't stress that enough.
What about the story?
Well the story is a joy to watch, although you can clearly see the copy/paste script attached to it, it still does the job very well in this case and you can really tell it received a lot of love from the entire team. The characters are interesting and the story attached to each, while rather dark, make this band group really well worth it to watch.
Now why do I give here my very first 10 (in a long time) out of any of the watched anime?
I am really impressed with it and I honestly have a strong feeling this anime, or more specifically the CGI art work performed here, will be remembered in history as the very point where anime took a new turn for the better. A lot more companies will need to follow where others will be forced to specialize in their skills. Toei Animation set the bar higher, far higher for future anime. It's now keep up or be left in the dust if you can't specialize in another way.
I seriously do hope this anime will get a lot more episodes that will compliment this season. Toei Animation, Amazing job here!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 21, 2024
Pretty unique isekai and if you dare to see it all it's actually pretty fulfilling to watch.
It does clearly have some flaws, but can't really complain about the minor details. It tugs on your heart strings several times and it sure acts like a decent isekai entry. For the people complaining about isekai's, well this one is actually worth it if you take more then 3 episodes and start opening your mouths. So please watch and rethink your standpoint.
The characters are fairly decently balanced, although the entry of Mireille might make you doubt at first, unless you watch the entire story. There seems to be
reason behind each character that starts to follow Ars (what a name in English btw, joke by the writers?) This season is clearly mostly directed at recruitment, so expect at least 1 more season and I have a feeling that if the ratings are well enough we might even see several seasons. Which I would fully applaud if the story keeps progressing in a similar form and no extremely strong characters would be added. Hell, so far we have mages that are strong but not over powered. So there is for sure potential in there. Characters are not always there as some will die. So yes there is potential in having a good strong series here.
Now for the death of the main character itself before getting into this new world... Well I would agree this could have been done better. It's rather a copy/paste moment many isekai have. So it would have been a good idea to have a completely new way of death for the main character which takes away the doubt of death to start with. Another factor that I keep running into (but not limited to this anime, it's isekai in general) is that no main character seems to use the knowledge of their old world in advantage in the new one. This with exception to a hand ful of anime that specifically make very clear this knowledge is being used in a new world. But still even in those cases it's taken too lightly and often with humor to mock our own world. In this anime itself we have a main character die from overworking very clearly, a thing we seen so many times already. Yes, it's a thing in Japan, but no it doesn't make it a valid reason to isekai a character for plot reasons. Think up something new.
I would very much like to say that this is a recommended title in my book.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 21, 2024
I see a lot of people not seeing all of the episodes, even stopping at episode 3, then giving it a bad review. Yet this is far from what this anime deserves! I would highly encourage everyone to see all episodes as it's well worth it. I do have to state the ending is rather sad and different without giving away too much.
The story is about 2 people that have their memories intertwined without realizing it, or rather ending up changing things together and eventually falling in love. Now I can not say much about the ending as this would be a major plot point
probably set for season 2 that is highly likely to come after seeing this ending. I really do hope the studio doesn't let it by this ending and giving up due to fools that only watch 3 episodes and start to complain.
We have what appears to be a common anime, but the story is actually quite different then you would think. There are things happening that would make interesting twists and turns in this story. I can't praise the studio enough for being daring and going for this approach.
Now, there isn't really a annoying type character. All seems to be pretty grounded and the steps taken seem to be pretty decent. This with a few exceptions where the plot takes foolish turns. The main villain for example could have been taken out pretty quickly only to slip away and ending up being friendly to some extend. This is weird if you consider what happened 400 years before this story starts. You would expect a kill on the spot type action would occur, but this doesn't happen for some strange reason. This might be the Japanese plot loop hole to add more story without killing off the main villain as often happens in anime. Yet in the end, it doesn't really have a major impact on the story as he gets what's coming to him regardless.
Also be aware not all enemies are dead in the end. So there is for sure space in the next season to change things all together. Specially with how this ending goes.
I would highly advice people to watch this completely, as I already stated before. It's really worth it and you will be doing yourself as the anime a disservice if you don't.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 8, 2024
Very illogical anime where you will find a lot of things within this isekai world that just doesn't seem right or possible. I don't talk about the default magical thing about it, I'm rather talking about things like mobs dropping food instead of farming in a field being a thing as major example.
Another major example would be the fact that items/objects turn into monsters when they are left alone. Now if this would be for specific items/objects then it wouldn't be a problem specifically. Yet this according to this anime means that literally ANYTHING can turn into a monster. Yet for some reason, it doesn't
unless the plot says it should. How much pens and paper would be present that doesn't turn into a monster? You could argue for furniture and houses the same way. It's no more then a collection of items and objects. Yet it doesn't. So this world is inherently broken and very badly put together with this failed logic. What about clothes that are left in a closet? Isn't that technically abandoned as it isn't used?
Now with that said this anime is mainly directed at a younger audience clearly as it's very tame and too cutesy to be for older audiences. Is this a bad thing? Well, I'm actually not sure what to say to that. It makes things boring for sure.
The characters are rather bland and in some cases plain annoying, like Eve for example who seems to be only there to get carrots and comedic relieve that fails.
Yet Ryouta himself is a typical "I'm oblivious to women but can show I have a brain otherwise" type of guy. Yes, the typical copy/paste male main character. One that came into the world by being a slime drop which is never really mentioned again nor is anything being done with that aspect ever again. Which makes the whole thing pointless to start with.
(Small edit: Now shouldn't he be not left alone or 'un-used' as he's technically a mob drop himself? This could mean he can turn into a monster himself based on the logic in this anime)
Emily being a "I am such a good girl that I can't do wrong (unless I see roaches and I turn insane)" type of girl. Which is also a copy/paste type of thing.
Over all this anime tries to be something unique, yet fails completely at it by adding too much copy/paste to it in the story and the characters while being rather dull and boring. It doesn't make for a good show.
Now would this be a anime that you should watch? Well, despite of what I said so far it does make a good anime to waste your time with if you have some to spare. But if you don't have extra time, don't waste it on this anime as it's too copy/paste and boring.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 3, 2024
The story is actually surprisingly good, however there are some things that I do need to address.
I will not get into too many details as it will spoil the story. As I do think it's well worth to watch I rather avoid too many spoilers in this case.
The characters are very stupid and stubborn in many cases and throughout most of the story. Which might be ok for a few, but nearly all of them? No one really seems to talk things out as you should be doing, this leading to things to fester and become problems later on. Now, would it be specifically bad?
No. Actually it aids the story in some extend by making a "lucky break" type story where Yumiella takes full advantage of playing pretty much anyone else. It also helps in getting a lot of students to be a lot stronger so they can actually fight against the demon lords army. However this has it's drawback as well as the hero team itself ends up being weaker for some odd reason. This also combined with the "game story" forcing things to happen, specially in the end. The typical "scripted events" type of thing.
Now there is something to be said about the hero group itself, they hated Yumiella from the start and only started to turn their hate into something better around the end of the story. You would think with so many opportunities they would have been on a friendly basis a lot sooner. But I guess this is also part of the "scripted events" part idea. a second prince that's very biased and hateful for no apparent reason, a wizard that thinks he can somehow beat someone that has lvl 99 on everything with his all rounder tricks (impressive in context of the show, but rather silly to think so simplified), a brute force sword fighter that thinks his sword skills are the best while he should know better and a heroin that doesn't train properly or does anything useful other then being there even to the level of ignoring the scripted story only to use the scripted story in the very end (which is simply stupid and rather ironic).
I would say this hero team are no more then a bunch of fools that get bested by a level 99 only because of their own stupidity and jealousy which leads to them not training properly or enough. This leads to a interesting story to the level of "wth is wrong with you" type of things which gets rather funny. It's a fresh look on a hero team which is actually working out pretty interestingly.
There is a story with Linus which is rather short as he's a spy for another country. Which is after that event not even mentioned once, nor does Yumiella mention this event to Patrick who is from set country. Which boggles my mind a bit, you have the opportunity to figure out what's going on and then not grabbing that opportunity. It could have made for a good plot line later down the line. If not in a second season. This however are clearly the seeds of a second season which probably involve a war between both countries if not a 3rd faction added into that.
The king and queen are really more used in words then in using them to get specific things worked out. The hatred of their son towards Yumiella for example could have been resolved a lot earlier if not already nearly instantly. Same for the others other then the heroin who clearly is triggered by forced check point events. Something that should have been addressed way earlier as this causes a big problem in the last episode very clearly.
Regarding graphics, it looks good over all but there are bits where you can clearly see something didn't go as planned. For example the demon lord itself having a very odd expression on his face that looks like he's looking cross eyed with a weird distorted smirk (see around mid point of episode 12) which is rather inexcusable for the level of the rest of the graphics this anime shows.
For a show that is basically "I re-incarnated and started as max level" type isekai this story is pretty decent although it clearly has some things you need to look past. As there is a manga version as well, I have no doubt in my mind things were cut that would actually proof to be very valuable information for the rest of the story. which is a bit sad.
Can it be better, well this could have been a master piece but the ball got dropped in a few points which clearly didn't do it any good. I would have loved to see this changed for the better but oh well. This regarding the graphics and logics in the characters mostly. However very much a decent story and well worth to watch. This one gets a pass from me!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 9, 2024
Fun, fuffyness and pretty wholesome if you don't count in the final battle where a lot seem to loose their lives due to a bad mistake on Nefertima's side. Yes she is a 37 year old in the body of a new born child but even with that she makes rather terrible choices and constantly acts too much like a child. Now with that said, she should act like a child as she is one in her new life. It very clearly isn't a story where someone appears to be 16 years old from the start. Also she seems to have forgotten her previous
life but not what this god told her. This would indicate that her memories of her past life are either suppressed or completely nullified. Something a lot of the reviews does not take in account or reflect.
If it comes to the story, well over all it isn't a bad story at all. Nefertima tries hard to make as many fluffy friends as she can get, somehow that includes a huge dragon and other creatures that are clearly not having and fluffyness to them at all. So I could see objections by viewers regarding this bit. However over all the story is pretty wholesome and fun to watch. It is for sure no higher then a 7 mostly due to the plot holes and plot armor it carries with it. Simply too many things do not add up. Now to lower it even to a 6 would be doing it a disservice as it's actually a quite decent anime. I feel a lot of angry trolls are in the comments making this anime seem worse then it really is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 8, 2024
Back to the 80's and 90's type of space/sci-fi/cyberpunk anime! I really have to say the studio did a great job at this!
Now, it is obviously not fully set in the past sense of anime. Clearly the characters look more of today while the art style is more from the past with a modern tint to it. Which actually works very well.
Now, I do have to state clearly that the story starts out rather confusing as it doesn't tell you what is going on, nor at the end you have all answers. It is also highly recommended for a audience that is a bit older,
100% now for small kids as they won't understand too much of it nor get much of the plot. So I would advice 16 years and older as ballpark idea.
Without telling anything about the spoilers, I can't really state much. There are so many people in the review section that gave up far too early on this one that I really have to state they are fools for doing so. By only seeing a few episodes and not finishing you will do yourself and this anime a huge disservice. I can't state enough that this could well be one of the big anime names as cult classics. I highly recommend to see everything and I for sure do recommend giving it a fair chance.
The second season will be very interesting as the end of season 1 ends up quite interesting. I wonder where they will take this one from here!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 8, 2024
Now, I do not agree with most of the "3-4 episode seen and starting to rant" viewers.
Please read my review fully to understand what I mean as there is good context needed.
The second season is clearly a lot more relaxed, which is within the actual title no problem and does give that calm and rest that it needed. However due to stupidity from another party, this by greed and simple brainwashing and believing in just 1 way it gets messed up to some degree. Now, a lot of the reviews stop within the first 3-4 episodes while spitting venom over nothing. People will need to
learn to understand titles and take it up in their reviews and while watching anime. It very clearly states "I Decided To Live A Quiet Life In The Countryside" and as I already stated, this fits the anime perfectly including the more quiet style.
The story is indeed very quiet, but there seems to be a good reasoning behind it. You should take into consideration that they had their fights and this is post events. There for yes, they will take it easy and follow a life philosophy that doesn't include fighting or being high profile. Although Ruti makes it difficult in part of the story along with Tisse.
There is in the very beginning a story of something going on with the forest and monsters, the story does mention here and there something about it but never fully explains why or what. It remains a open story, this makes me believe season 3 will be about this as the "new hero party" thing sucked up all time to really handle the start story well enough. So for al the haters with 3-4 episodes only, I do believe a lot more is coming and yes even you that judge too quickly might just get what you want to see. More fights are likely to erupt in season 3 along side other parts that remain open to some extend.
The story is a bit too scattered, I will admit that as much has likely been cut out of the manga to just fit in this one season. A lot of context is likely lost there for. However I do think it's well worth to watch this anime and it still does end up having a 8 in my book as you do need to think more then just "this is boring as nothing happens". Everyone complaining about this clearly are not looking deeper into things. Please do not believe in this shallow way of thinking.
Danan never really leaves the town even if he states he will, so season 3 might see him more away anyways or join the main party to resolve the issues regarding the monsters acting weird. Van and his party are likely going off screen for most of season 3 if not entirely. Yarandrala is likely to stay inside the shop for a while longer, this to understand the village more and understand why Red and Rit prefer to stay there. This is likely going to add extra plot reasons. I do think Yarandrala would make a good one to stick around as she does have the power and could even be a good teacher for local kids. And yes I do think the local kids will be trained properly, specially Tanta who likely gets his powers unlocked in season 3.
Now, it remains to be seen if I'm right or in the right ball park. However it would make sense at least to think in this direction.
And oh yeah, season 3 might have at the end a wedding between Rit and Red which might be a good solid point to look out for.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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