Edit: 300 episodes of various series later and there is actually some anime less worth watching, still, I think the visible public score for Inazuma Eleven of 7.70 is too high for its educational, logical and satisfactory value (even in nostalgia) and I would only accept it without writing a review it it was less than 7 and that's why I wrote this review in the first place, because you shouldn't depend on the score showed right at clicking on the title if you read this.
The least worth to watch anime in my tierlist as someone who currently has 1,445 episodes of various anime series
watched. I watched Inazuma Eleven about 10 years ago as a kid on TV with no internet, and back then I felt a shame that they showed only 26 episodes on the TV channel. In present, I would thank TV director or whoever stopped Inazuma Eleven from keep on going. As an adult I think if I watched 27th episode back then, it could make me become so silly in life. Personally, from all anime when I had no internet like Bakugan, Pokemon... only Doreamon has a possibilty of being more useless than Inazuma Eleven but I don't even know if I even saw first episode of Doraemon so I can't add it to my list in appropriate way, that leaves Inazuma Eleven.
So since Inazuma Eleven might always be the worst anime on my anime list, let me get to details why this show is completely not worth for people who have objectives in life or just want to be the best/smartest/most mature:
1. Story 3/10.
First episode - first exciting matc- uh sorry I mean: kids probably without magic just lost to kids with actual magic and villain team trainer drives his hugee sci-fi truck into losers' football school leaving everything in ruins. If that wasn't ironic enough, keepers of peace in the world can never do anything about that. That's prologue to us, you probably don't want to hear more silly stories from this show, so let me get to overall story now. As I mentioned there is a villain who is a manager for Teikoku - a team that is said to be the best football team in Japan, the villain's goal is to destroy all football schools in Japan or even the world, so that his team will always be the best. The main character Endou Mamouru from Inazuma Eleven team gathers all friends for the match against team Teikoku. Boring? Well, they have magical techniques to handle the soccer ball... they just need to learn to use their organs, muscles and bones in the specific way. Don't expect a hidden more complex explanation than this. Additionally, it seems you can never learn other peoplet's techniques unless they are your family. Most people I talked about are just kids, because for some reason adults don't play football in this universe, except Endou's grandfather. The story detail holes are uncountable. The only true value of the story I caught that is still too common is to fight for your dreams, but it's just said by a main character who wants football to live forever, his argumenting is too simple anyway.
2. Art 3/10.
Every scene outside of kicking the ball is going to be so lazy, without deeper object details. Like I would really recommend this anime to people who has never watched anime to show that Japanese artists are different from old american cartoons' artists. Remember this: soccer field = high quality and creativity, any other field = culturally known anime tropes. You may say 'hey maybe art then isn't that bad? Just skip to football match', well the minus about soccer field scenes is that the magical techniques I mentioned before have names, and for magical techinque to work, users have to scream technique's name out loud and have exactly THE SAME animation and camera angles when they perform them! This fact just makes serious people look away from the screen the 4th time they see the same animation. If they didn't put high quality into these techinques then I would have to put 2/10 for art.
3. Sound 2/10.
I'm sorry but I won't even believe if you tell me that Inazuma Eleven OST, openings and endings help you think straight about difficullt problems. Especially if you say that you prefer english dub of the first opening over japanese or that second opening has creative lyrics. Everything about sound in this show is low quality, low effort work. Music enjoyers would get ill from being forced to listen to these songs and soundtracks. Also, who would say they like underage low quality girls with woman voice singing like in a bar for drunk adults in ending 1? Also wow, all the lyrics are really relatable and analitic to the story of the show, nah I am gonna stop with that additional sarcasms from now on.
4. Characters 3/10.
Endou Mamoru is the captain of Inazuma Eleven team and the main character, but not that original, his personality is too close to Naruto, oh yea Naturo's voice actor voiced him too. 2 other main characters are: Shuuya Gouenji - a random quiet and skilled guy who might have schizophremia of his sister and will protect her from soccer ball hitting her; Yuuto Kidou - the captain of Teikoku team, yeah the team whose manager adult destroys all football schools whose teams lose to him, and Yuuto sees nothing illegal in that. 90% of side characters you'll see will never get a complex/deep story, there won't even be flashbacks of the past for most of them. Truly, even a preschooler could create these character designs and their simple stories. The only thing saves it from 2/10 is that characters don't have soulless mimics and you are still able to feel them, just not often enough.
5. Enjoyment 4/10.
This rank of enjoyment is higher than any other aspect, because this anime somehow kept on going (It looks like some future arc ended Inazuma Eleven story in 2018) and never got cancelled. Maybe if I analyzed very deeply, I would say that show is somehow enjoyable but I will never say that it's not addictive, it is and it's more addictive for kids than adults of course for useless reasons. When I watched it 10 years ago the most enjoyable scene was the preview on the end of 26th episode. Preview the most enjoyable from the whole show? Pff, almost all anime fans don't even watch previews, how could anyone explain solidly why would this show be actually enjoyable? The another reason for enjoyment 4/10 is that at least it's different from real life football and that the anime didn't copy any other sport anime, but I'd still rather watch real life The World/Continent Cup Finals over any episode of this show and I don't even like football.
6. Overall 3/10.
To all anime fans, even if I didn't watch enough of sports anime yet, I think almost all sport shows would be more valuable than Inazuma Eleven, at least you can have much better expectations for Haikyu!! or Blue Lock. To kids, most of you will feel a regret and a little of cringe someday if you watched over 10 episodes, but don't worry as you can see I watched this as a kid too, what's important to do about shows you think are bad is to be confident and figure out the smart reasons for why the specific show is bad, smart enough to get majority of people on your side. To adults, don't try to finish a kids show in adolscent period, some people may think about you wrongly if they hear you enjoy watching kids show.
Conclusion of the review: only kids can enjoy Inazuma Eleven, and creators of this show may have not worked hard enough, but even if it's the worst anime on my list, it doesn't mean I want any changes to be made about this show, it's just that people won't learn almost any of valuable threads of an use in real life from watching this show.
I rank anime by a scale of what in my opinion is worth to watch, anime that will teach you some serious or even comedical knowledge/attitudes in order to be a mature, adequate and respected person worldwide, and this anime is the least worth from those that I have watched.
Jan 25, 2024
Inazuma Eleven
Edit: 300 episodes of various series later and there is actually some anime less worth watching, still, I think the visible public score for Inazuma Eleven of 7.70 is too high for its educational, logical and satisfactory value (even in nostalgia) and I would only accept it without writing a review it it was less than 7 and that's why I wrote this review in the first place, because you shouldn't depend on the score showed right at clicking on the title if you read this.
The least worth to watch anime in my tierlist as someone who currently has 1,445 episodes of various anime series ... Jan 27, 2022
Akame ga Kill!
The best anime about rebels/assasins. Akame ga Kill! will take you to a different world, watching every episode will make you feel like you're the part of their world, but do not watch this if you're very sensitive person or someone who doesn't want to see brutal scenes especially EDs, this show has a risk to give you depression, but it's mainly epic.
Story ranks up to 8 in my opininion, because the story of the entire world isn't that deeply desribed in that show, most explanations end up on "magic" (for example magic weapons made from legendary creatures). That cathegory also loses one more ... Apr 6, 2021
Death Note
Death Note, one of the best crime show I have seen. Story is very good once you connect how realistic is everything that characters are talking about.
I would give art a 10, but there's something about talking scenes, they need to be more dynamic than just animating the mouth while talking. I would give sound a 9, so why do I give it a 10? We all have moments when we think about scienece. The music from Death Note is something that makes people feel like they are very smart. Once it is stuck in your head, you won't be annoyed, but actually serious, you ... Apr 6, 2021
Once again I won't talk about whole Shingeki no Kyojin, go read previous reviews. And as you know my reviews don't contain spoilers, or at least that's what I think. ;w;
As you can see notes, my opinion about The Final Season is worse, but good enough to encourage you to watch Season 4. If you watched 2nd part of Season 3, you know that now this story is at its largest point... and you're wrong, this Season happens couple of years after previous Season, which means that some characters changed their personalities after growing up. You won't see them as same as before. =w= Now when we ... Jan 7, 2021
Here you are after watching 1st part of Season 3.
Now, I will tell you that once you finish part 2, you will see how incredible Attack on Titan is, and how story is the best anime story ever. Emotions and feelings you'll get during watching it will be at the biggest level, you will rather be sad or happy matters who will die and who will be alive, willl it be your favourite character? Opening hypes you the most, but contains also a lot of spoilers. What else can I say... just go watch it before you find spoilers, becuause this Season presents the biggest spoiler in Shingeki ... Jan 7, 2021
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
Not repeating myself, read previous reviews.
Story is as good as in Season 2, even if new facts are revealed, but there's still one missing mystery to be solved. I don't know how about other viewers, but this Season had the most beautiful and colourful scenes in whole Shingeki no Kyojin. More new characters, including random civilians, also new personalities. Most of people didn't enjoy this part, mostly becuase "there were almost no titans". But that doesn't matter, most of people still enjoy this part of Attack on Titan. Ending is kinda epic, it hypes you for action that comes next. Jan 7, 2021
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 2
I won't repeat myself from Season 1 review, so if you didn't see it, then go check it out.
In my opinion story in Season 2 is better than in Season 1, why? Because this is the point when history gets more and more complicated. The mysteries you heard in Season 1, are nothing in front of these, now it's your time to predict in what world do characters live. But I gotta tell you... if you expect this Season to make this anime have the best story... ho ho ho, you'll have to watch more. :> Season 2 is mainly focused on characters, who weren't important ... Jan 7, 2021
Shingeki no Kyojin
If you're below 12 years old, then I don't recommend it for you, even if it is the most perfect anime in the world, you have to know that Shingeki no Kyojin Season 1 has brutal scenes in each episode, so you might not sleep or finish off your beautiful childhood, I would say it's horror anime, but I can't really give it a genre like that. =w=
If you're above 12 years old, then welcome to the most serious/realistic anime ever created. If you like action, horror and plot twists then you MUST watch Season 1! Just turn on first episode right now, if opening ... |