TL;DR: If you DONT LIKE anime that aren't deep and thought provoking you might want to reconsider watching this show!
One punch man is considered by many to be "the anime of the season" and is considered by many to be the most boring anime ever.
This anime really is a classic example of an anime that people either love OR hate.
STORY: Mediocre
the story is mediocre imo. it is pretty simple. Bad guys come, heroes try to defeat it and fail, saitama comes and saves the day. Pretty much the plot in a nutshell. I do not think that there is anything really wrong with it.
Dec 31, 2015
Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu.
This anime is basically a war of the best anime fetish presented through cute girls and awesome aliens.
tl;dr: retatable, funny, passionate characters and epic battles This anime is very funny and very well written for what the anime wants to be. It is very funny because it is relatable and because all of the characters take their fetishes or "attribute power" very seriously. The dialogue from all the characters really show how much they love what they love and really makes it relatable to people who have the same and/or similar kind of *ahem* "attribute power". The animation and soundtrack are both amazing and although it's not ... |