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Feb 11, 2017
What happens when you have a decent plot and you rush the show to meet the deadline? You get Occultic;Nine
This show had a lot going for it. The plot that was presented to us was intriguing enough to get people to watch the pilot and even the pilot presented a plot that got people interested. The problem? Rushed decisions.
The story of "Occultic;Nine" follows a group of people that are being forced to live some misterious events, while sparking a debate about whether the occultic is a thing or not. These people were all by one way or another linked to the subject and so they
all have their own opinnion on the matter
And when so, when everything starts to go down, they all have different reactions and approches to the matter.This would have been fun to watch if the producers handled the topic a little diferently.
To me, the show felt rushed. I understand making a full-25-ish-anime show is way more expensive than making a 12 episode one. But this show was really hurt by it. "Occultic;Nine" has a plot that required a deeper analysis, it's a show that wants to be a psychological mistery but doesn't have the time to do so. And so most of the questions the show asks are left unanswered or barely touched, and some more episodes could have fixed that.
This show also suffers from another problem: the pace. It started out really slow, presenting the characters and the overall mistery, making the pilot almost hurtfull to watch, only to transition to a really fast paced story, trying to accomplish too much in each episode. The characters talk WAY to fast for the conversations to be easily understandable, which can get really annoying when they're explaning the really hard parts of the plot. I can only imagine this was the attempt to fit the entire plot in 12 episodes, which they DID manege to accomplish, but not in a very good way.
Being reduced to 12 episode also represents another problem: Character development. Since the main cast is, well, a CAST, the shows tries to develop way too many stories at the same time. Result? None of them really has that much development. You could argue the real main characters, Gamotan and Ryotas get some and I would see your point, but in a show where the idea is to have around 8 main characters, some of them are bound to be left out. Add to that the fact that you only have 12 episodes to deliever these stories AND the main plot and you'll get almost no character background and progression.
However, I can't hate this show. The mistery IS interesting and I maneged to put up with the fast pace and dialogue.The opening and ending songs and visuals are really good! The ending is also kind of sweet, which while not answering too MANY of the questions you might had, will cover your heart and mind and put them at ease. Until they announce season 2. (Which I hope they will.Let's hope they do a better job with it)
"Occultic;Nine" is a show with a very good plot and it could have been one of the shows of the season if the producers had done a better job working on it. Since they didn't, it falls short and becomes a show of the "It could have been great" list. It's a real shame. I do recommend you giving it a try if you like the occultic things though. If you can get through the first episode and still want to watch the second one, you'll be fine. You probably won't love it, but I doubt you'll hate it either. Give it a try and see for yourself!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 26, 2016
So people think Fan Service is bad and useless? What if we give them a show that''s 100% fan service?
I swear that's how "Keijo!!!!!!!!" was born...
Now, don't get me wrong, even though that was probably the concept behind this show (and the original manga as well), it pays off. The anime community is used to big boobs, to cleavage shots, to big butts and not only using that experience but taking it to the next level was a very good idea. Because even though it creates a straight forward plot and avoids getting deep into the story, this way of doing stuff makes "Keijo!!!!!!!!" a
very enjoyable show to watch.
The plot is weak, no doubt about that, and you probably won't enjoy this show if you're looking for something with a deeper story. Why? Because it's just not here. There are plenty of options if you're looking for that out there, but this show won't quite cut it for you. So why is it entertaining to watch? Because it's dumb. The concept, the way the characters deal with the challanges, the way they practice, the way they talk, and even the anime clichés that they implement. All of that makes for a show that lacks a deep plot but still gets a lot of views, simply because it is entertaining. If you take your mind off of your "This has a deeper meaning, this action will be part of the bigger plot" mode, you can (and you probably will) enjoy this show a lot, because that's the way it was meant to be watched.
To me, this show is satire.It makes fun of how sexual anime shows can get and the clichés we as a community keep having to sit through show in show out. Do I mind these clichés? Absolutly not, for the most part. They're something that's unique to anime and I laugh whenever they show up again (and again, and again...). But I do know they exist, and "Keijo!!!!!!!!" takes that knowledge and makes fun of it by exaggerating it to the point of having hardcore anime fans clicking off saying it's too much.
The key element here is: Fan service can be bad, it can hurt your show and it can get people to click off. But that fan service is the useless kind. It's the fan service that producers get into their shows to grab people's attention when they feel like the show could use something to grab the viewers other then the plot. But I feel like "Keijo!!!!!!!!"'s fan service is part of the satire, and because of that it is very important and absolutely needed. It's not too much fan service because, by definition, it's not even fan service. It's part of the story. The story itself IS fan service, and that's not only okay, it's amazing.
Final thoughts: "Keijo!!!!!!!!" isn't the next big thing, or the best show in 2016, but I think it's a very enjoyable show to watch and I do recommend it if you're looking for something light on plot to just enjoy yourself and laugh a little.
Story: 6
Art: 7
Sound: 7
Character: 8
Enjoyment: 9
Overall: 7
PS.: What's up with the EIGHT exclamation marks?
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 14, 2016
I was going to write a serious review on this show.
I was a 16 year old that hated the world of music. Not listening to music, but the world of the sheets,the presentations, the practices, the teachers.Everything.I didn't like my music classes when I had them at school and I swore I'd never get connected to music in any way other the listening to it.
Then...Then this show came along.
I must say,I was not ready. Hell, I wasn't going to give this show a chance, a friend of mine had to recommend it to me, so you can see how low my expectations were for it.
My friend told me this show had touched her. I didn't make much of it. "She's a girl.She always gets fired up about romances. I bet it's just another one of those". Little did I know what was in store for me... I don't want to say why I enjoyed this show so much because I want other people to have the same reaction as I did after reading my review and watching the show. I want people to be just as surprised as I was. I want people to be moved. Because I sure was. So much that I hated the music process before I watched the show and now...
Now I'm a 17 year old learning the piano.
No other way to put it, this show changed my life.It might change yours.
Do yourself a favor and watch it.
'nough said
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 21, 2016
Ah Suzumiya... You truly are the best aren't you? You and your friends really are something. I mean, you ARE an icon on the anime world,and for good reason. The "first season" aired in 2006 was really amazing,and introduced us to a plot line different from what we usually get and, for the large majority, it was very well recieved. So well in fact, that everyone was expecting a continuation. What we weren't expecting was this...THIS "second season"... Where do I even begin...
Story: 1
THIS. THIS RIGHT HERE. I never tought they could ruin the beautiful plot they had built on season one. And,in their defense,
they didn't. They just chose to not add anything new to the story. They just went with a different path for the most part. And yes, of course I'm refering to the "Endless Eight".Anyone,and I mean ANYONE, who has watched this series knows what I'm talking about. It's just a slap in the face. I dare to bet that the tought process behind this idea was "Hey guys,let's see how many episode we can stretch this story into. If Naruto can do it,so can we!". I'm not saying the story is bad,heck the idea itself was pretty solid,but you could have made it last 2 episodes,maybe 3 (and this may be already too much). But no. You just had to make it so that it was almost the WHOLE SEASON. This right here is here this season 2 fails. But it's such a great sin that it can NOT be forgiven.
Art,Sound,Character: 9 , 9 , 10
I'm putting these together because there isn't really much to say about these individually. The characters are the same from season 1, whcih makes them a solid 10. The art seems to be the same as well,and even tough it isn't something amazingly gorgeous,it's still really solid. The sound is also great,it blends in with the atmosphere (They did get to re-use the same audio for a bunch of the episodes) and the opening is an improvement from the opening from the first season. As for the ending, it isn't the classic one and it's not nearly as good,but I still find it to be cute and kind of relaxing. And trust me,after what some episodes make you feel, you're going to need that relaxation.
Enjoyment: 2
I just can't like this season. I can (and I do) like some episodes,but most of them were almost unbearable to watch (again,and again,and again...). I can't really give it a "1",because there WAS some entertainment, but it deosn't escape the "2".
Overall: 6,2 -> 5
According to Maths, I should be giving this show a 6. But I just can't. I truly can't. For me,this show barely get's a positive score,the "5", so I can't get it any higher than that. If you are a fan of Suzumiya or a fan of anime icons in general, I still recommend you this show. But please, for the love of God,skip the "Endless Eight".
Improvements from the first season? Well,we have the new opening and...hum...There's the...Nop,that's it...
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 5, 2016
So starting this show, I had mixed feelings about it, as I had been given different impressions of it. Many reviews that I'd read told me that the show was mediocre,but most of my friends seemed to have enjoyed it. I guess it made it all the more fun to watch, because I had this feeling similiar to the one you feel when you watch a show you know nothing about. Since I had mixed "reviews" on it, I really was excited to watch it and formulate my own opinion.
So here we go! Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation, mostly known
as Danganronpa The Animation, or simply Danganronpa!
Story: 7
As you probably know,this show is based on a game,that goes by the same name (Danganronpa). In fact, this show uses the same plot as the game, and that plot is really interesting and complex. The concept is preety good and the mistery side of it really keeps you interested. Here's the catch: The plot is so complex and so big that the producers couldn't make it fit on 13 episodes, and so the plot feels somewhat rushed and gets a little underdeveloped, which is a real shame, since the plot IS very good. So good that being underdeveloped still earns a 7 on my board.
Art: 7
The Art for this show is good, not great, but good.And here's why: It uses a lot of the art and scenes of the game, which makes it a little sketchy. I feel like it could have used more original art, as some art sequences didn't make as much sense on the show as they did on the actual game. Other than that, the show improves on the art of the game while staying true the designs and scenarios,which is really good!
Sound: 6
Let me say this: I found the choice of the English opening really interesting, it's not something you see everyday as the original opening. And in my opinion, it was very good, bravo. It was a risk, but they did a very good job. The voice casting was great and I felt like the voices really suited the characters. They ARE the same as the ones in the game,so they couldn't really mess up there as long as they kept the voices,which they did (Keep in mind that I've watched the Japanese audio version). As for the music: it's okay, it doesn't really stand out but it doesn't get in the way either. All of this results in this grade for this subject.
Character: 8
The characters are very,VERY, interesting. The whole idea of gathering students with different talents is a cool thing,and the development of them is very good...for some of them.And that's why this category doesn't score any higher.It suffers from the same problem as the plot:it's rushed. The character development could have been better and it would have made the show much better. Some characters do get some development, but others are just kind of there. For some of them, we don't even see them using their talent or, you know, attempting to.Which is shame, because the characters have good designs and ideas behind them and could have been great with some more work.
Enjoyment: 9
All this categories aside, I really liked the show. The concept was solid, the characters were likeable and the show is enjoyable to watch. I was on a run of more happy shows so this came in a very good moment for me to like it, so maybe that influenced my enjoyment, even tough I think this grade wouldn't change much if I watched it in another period. There isn't really much to say when trying to explain "personal enjoyment",so this is all I can really say (sorry!)
Overall: 7,4 -> 7
Danganronpa is a good show for people who like violent shows and/or mystery shows. It is under developed,yes,but it still does a good job on delivering the overall plot and entertaining the viewer.So I still recommend you watching this show, especially because the new seasons are supposed to be very good!So give it a try,it IS only 13 episodes long.Chances are you'll end up liking it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 18, 2016
So,challenged by a friend I decidied to start writing some reviews.I write a lot on my free time and anime is just such a big part of me that it only maked sense to join these two passions.
For my first review? "Chuunybio demo Koi ga Shitai!" or as we know it,Chuunibyou
Let's do this,shall we?
Story: 8
The story follows our main hero Yuuta and his adventure at his new High School.As you'd expect,he get's to know a lot of people and get's joined by some of these acquaintances (we'll get to that),but we can say that the main characther he meets is this girl named Rikka,which lives
on the floor above him.From here, the story resolves about Rikka facing her family and ,let's say...phycological struggles.We also get to see the friendship between Yuuta and the other characters blossom,but we get to see a lot more of Rikka since she's kind of the main characther,because Yuuta follows her around to get her plenty of screentime.And,come to think about it,that's it.There's not much to the story other than that.Don't get me wrong,this show is written perfectly,but I don't think the story is the selling point for this anime,since if you want to say what this show is about on a spolier-free version,you'll probably say, just like I did, that it is about this girl who's dealing with some issues in a very entertaining way.And if you can shrink an entire plot to that statement,than that plot isn't the selling point for that anime.Again: This show is very entertaining to watch nonetheless,and you'll hardly get tired of it's story.The pace is on point and the the jokes range from cringy to very funny.
Art: 9
The art of this anime is very,very good.Astonishing really.The art style feels fresh and it follows the story perfectly.The darker tones on the sad sequences,the lighter tones on comedy scenes make you feel inside the plot and really give you a sense of what's happening with these characthers.It blends in perfectly with the idea behind the anime and it was produced flawlessly.Bravo.
Sound: 8
The sound for this anime is also very good.I'm a sucker for openings and endings when it comes to anime and I got to say that Chuunybio did a very good jog on those departments.As for the soundtrack,very good job as well.The music blends in with the conversations and the story telling and, just like the art, makes you feel what the characthers are probably feelling, making the experience of watching this anime a very inclusive one.On the other hand, there isn't an OST that you'd want to download to your phone,there isn't a song that really stands out.If you go on and listen to the whole soundtrack,you'll find that it is very enjoyable (and trust me,it is more enjoyable when you listen to it on context) but none of it's songs really stands out.Still,good job on this point too
Character: 10
Now THIS is the seller of Chuunibyo.The story itself,the plot written around the characthers would be nothing,and I mean NOTHING, if it weren't for the characthers.I can't really say much on an attempt to keep this review spoiler-free,but the characters really are what makes Chuunybio great. Rikka,for instance, can range from a very adorkable and fun character to a very deep and interesting one.And that's just an example. All the back stories,all the different ways they deal with the everyday life,all the gags and confrontations really make these characthers stand out and feel like a different family to you.It's because of them you'll be sad to see that this shows only has 12 episode (plus and OVA) and it's because of them you'll be glad there's a season 2
Enjoyment: 9
Now,before we go any further,I must say this about myself,this being my first review: I'm an otaku like most of you,and I like pretty much every anime that I end up watching.I end up liking some more than others,but I tend to like every show I watch because,well,it's anime and,most of the times,that's enough for me.That doesn't mean that aren't some exceptions,as there are some really bad shows out there.
Chuunybio is NOT an exception.
I really liked this show overall.It's heartwarming,it's funny,it's sad and it makes you want to go out there and get yourself somebody to love.Maybe it came right when I needed it,but this show really spoke to me,and so I have to say I really enjoyed it.If I could erase it from my mind and watch it again,I would.
Overall score: 8.8 --> 9
Bottom line is: Chuunybio is good.Very good in fact.If you are like me and a friend of you recommended it to you,you should go watch it now.If you are not like me and are trying to figure out if you should watch it,you sould go watch it as well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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