Dec 15, 2012
Vampire Hunter D
well about this film. it's sort of a mixed bag. but i really love this one. the action is good the story is awsome. the characters were pretty cool too. but i digress this film is under rated. probably because of the animation not being so top notch. but if you watch the story you'll find this film is pretty damn good. i give it a 8 out of 10 lol
Dec 14, 2012
This is one of the greatrst anime movies ever. but it depends what dub you watch. Streamline does the best dub i ever heard. while pioneer dub seems so lazy to me. but great animation and story and an awsome cast of chracters. I give this movie a 10 out of 10. streamline dub only. while pioneer dub gets a 4 out of 10
Dec 14, 2012
Youjuu Toshi
This film is....Ok? that question mark was not a typo. I'm not sure what to say. this film was mainly eye candy with alot of nudity. the art and animation is out standing though. But the characters were so bland and average. it got to the point were i didn't care if they lived or died. If your looking for a movie with great animation and a fantastic story i highly suggest AKIRA (streamline dub) but thats my opnion