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Nov 3, 2014
"What's Wrong?" that is how this great voyage begins.
This manga is very good, his story is very original for its time, and shares many things with their similes of today as Tokyo Ghoul, the high school student who ends up inadvertently embroiled in a mess by a strange creature, the villains who want to exterminate mankind, but this shows us a more realistic way, and not just focusing on put fights, THE PROTAGONIST WANTS TO DO SOMETHING, no for example Kaneki, it wants save humanity on their own to prevent something from happening to your family and friends, which ends up happening,
but that's another topic.
In the characters are not that great, which many of them could have had a better development, especially Hideo Shimada, who was defeated in a very fast way, and could have done interesting things with that character, but the characters works for this kind of story and are good.
The story is excellent, hooks you from the beginning, and in each chapter are appearing new mysteries reflection while others are solved as Shinichi and Migi much about these, plus all the arc that goes from Chapter 11 to 48 is excellent and deserves some applause.
But then everything falls apart, the arc that goes from chapter 49 to 64 is bad, not so bad, but if you destroy everything that came before, but still leaves an important message about protecting the environment (a new thing in a 90's manga).
This chapters are bad because it is full of deus ex machina for lose the villain, but the ending is quite satisfactory, as it closes with most of the characters, but not finished Migi be clear what and how did she get out of the villain, but hey, it adds to the list of deus ex machinas.
The art is meh.., the designs are generic and not very remarkable, but is ok.
In general is a good manga, although it could be better without the last part, For my part it earns a solid 8/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 1, 2014
To begin with, the story is something that already is done before and done better in other places, in the saga of Hack, among others, of the rest, the story is very simple and armed so Kirito is always the center of attention. The first arc is very good, but the second is horrible, very horrible, a patetic villan, bad designs, a shitty harem, etc... Another thing that I didn't like, was the "themporary jumps", where Kirito starts from zero and a few chapters is Jesus, in this aspect this anime fail.
Other thing is the romance, it which fails because it is not natural, and
the involved two are pretty bad characters.
Over, the series doesn't know what it wants to be, if an anime of action where the characters have to fight for survival, or a slice-of-life harem within a video game with a bit of action, getting whole chapters of Kirito and Asuna talking and doing things.
Already by the chapter ten and something the series already is a disaster, and when it reaches the second arc is going to shit.
Ironically, the first chapters were a very good thing, explaining things about the mechanism of the game and trying to be something, but then it deflates in a brutal way by the aforementioned problems, the characters and the story are in general poorly developed by focusing on the main characters, causing a lot of problems and plot holes.
In general, the story is poorly written and poorly developed, 3/10.
In the characters, is wost, the protagonist is one of the worst protagonists ever seen, focused both make a God forgot to give a definite personality, so his personality changes as needed by the script, it goes from being an antisocial a very social being in a second, emo to happy, from unsafe to completely decided, etc..
The rest of the characters can be defined in one sentence of a pair of words:
Asuna is the love interest of the main character and is a useless tsundere.
Suguha is the cousin/sister/whatever of Kirito and loves it.
Yui is a loli and loves Kirito.
Klein is the best friend of the protagonist and secretly loves him.
Sugou has something with Asuna and hates Kirito, that it is a f**ing butterfly. do you see it?
The cast is very forgettable and have no personality any more than the book of cliches of LN says, 1/10.
The animation is very good when A-1 give you the desire to do something and makes a decent animation, there is moment where what stands out are the lighting effects, and the majority of the battles or are pseudo-animated or are pure frozen images, but when A-1 gets you desire to get something good, but the horrible designs the second arc going down too many points 2/10.
The music is composed by Yuki Kajiura, which is pure quality, and did a very good job, I must admit, 8/10.
I have enjoyed several battles and moments, yet there was a very boring parts which occupied a large part of the series, 5/10.
In overall it could have been better series if it had taken advantage of the potential that he showed in the first chapters, but fell like a House of cards and term being something bad enough and not recommended, 1/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Aug 11, 2014
Well, welcome to this review, sorry if my English is not very good, it is not my native language.
And, review in Spanish at the end..
Well, now if, let's start:
The history is the "loose" of this film, it's pretty simple and looks that is not very well done in this aspect, but works, and within its simplicity, manages to be something pretty decent. The truth is that neither the concept of a futuristic interspace race with ships, cars of the future, etc. is very original(cofcoff-zerocofcof), so the film loses much in this aspect. 6/10
The characters are walking cliches, but they are charismatic, interesting and arrive to
sympathize with them. At the same time, these designs are very strange and peculiar, especially the "non-humans". 7/10
The Animation is to make it an altar to the Madhouse, is perfect and combined with that much of the film is energetic and veery crazy, aid to be film/anime series with the best animation I have ever seen. 10/10.
The music is one of the strongs points of the film, full of energetic electronic beats that stick very well with the energy and crazy that is the film. 10/10.
The voice acting is very good, each of the seiyuus brilliantly playing his characters, accompanied by many many cries that much in addition to energy, crazy and fun is this movie. 10/10
Finally, one of the best psychedelic trips that I have experienced, although with faults, 9/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 15, 2014
First, I'm going to split this review into six points: Plot, Characters, Animation, Music, Voice Acting and Overall...
Second, review in Spanish at the end...
And, third, I hope that it will help them and they enjoy it!
Also, forgive me if my English is not very good, I'm not any expert...
Without more, begin:
Plot: It is one of the most crazy and bizarre stories you ever saw in an Anime, the plot itself has no feet or head and makes no sense. To measures that pass chapters appear more and more wefts each one more bizarre than the last, and despite the simple which is this anime, never
get it to understand the plot...In general, only focus is to be it more bizarre and crazy possible and forget everything else... I would put him 3 points of 10, going up 2 points only because at the end remember having one plot.
Characters: It is of more decent that you have this anime, they are charismatic and entertaining, although like the plot, they are so bizarre, crazy and does not make any sense. I would put him 6 points of 10, only because, as I said, being charismatic and entertaining.
Animation: It's horrible, so, they are just static images without moving for 3 minutes!. I would put him the minimum, aka, 1 point of 10 possible
Music: Okay, not is neither as good nor bad, simply is good. You would put a 5 of 10...
Voice Acting: About voice acting, I understand that only one made the voice of all the characters, so it did well, it is not the seventh wonder, but it did well.
Overall: Is crazy, it is very bizarre, it makes no sense, but still entertains, it has a couple of good jokes and is something pretty decent in general, if you get used to 1 fps animation, you can enjoy.I would give you 5 points for 10...
In spanish:
Trama: Es una de las historias más locas y bizarras que he visto en un Anime, la trama no tiene ni pies ni cabeza y no tiene sentido. A medida que pasan los capítulos aparecen mas y mas tramas cada una más bizarra que la anterior y a pesar de lo sencillo que es este anime, nunca logre entender la trama...En general, sólo se centra en ser lo más extraño y loco posible y todo lo demás lo olvida... Yo pondría lo 3 puntos de 10, subiéndole 2 puntos solo porque al final recordaba tener una trama.
Personajes: Es lo más decente que tiene este anime, son carismáticos y entretenidos, aunque como la trama, son bizarros, locos y no tienen sentido. Yo le pondría 6 puntos de 10, sólo porque, como he dicho, son carismáticos y entretenidos.
Animación: Es horrible, con tal, son solo imágenes estáticas sin movimiento durante 3 minutos. Yo le pondría lo mínimo, aka, 1 puntos de 10 posibles.
Música: Está bien, no es ni tan buena ni mala, simplemente es buena. Le pondría un 5 de 10...
Actuación de voz: Sobre la actuación de voz, tengo entendido que solamente uno hizo la voz de todos los personajes, así que lo hizo bien, no es la séptima maravilla, pero lo hizo bien.
En general: Es una locura, es muy bizarra, no tiene sentido, pero todavía entretiene, tiene un par de buenos chistes y es algo bastante decente en general, si te acostumbras a la animación de 1 fps, se puede disfrutar.Le daría 5 puntos por 10...
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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