I went to read the manga after four episodes. Couldn't help it, I fell in love with the main characters. Both of them.
Rin is absolutely out of the curve: she's funny, talented, interesting. But at the same time, her character feels real, human, not a stereotype or some superhuman made to fill a role. Her being a talented actress doesn't make her feel unnatural when balanced with her other personalities traits. She's cute and charming without that felling that she was handmade by god to represent those traits, so many other female characters in romances feels like they were methodically designed to be the
Oct 28, 2021
Fumetsu no Anata e
Maybe it was my fault for getting high hopes on this show after ep 1, but damn it could have been so much better. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad anime, but it's not a good one either. Let me explain: after ther first episode I knew the plot would try to jerk every single tear left in my body and I was in for the ride. So, yeah, I knew it would be a cheesy drama from the start, what I didn't expected was a half baked shounen with horrible fights... and a zombie apocalypse.
The Fight Scenes: Can we just pretend they didn't ... |