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Jul 13, 2015
Hi! This is my first review, and today we will talk about No Game No Life, which I love and I'm hyped about the second season, mostly because It was the first I finished (I tryed to see Kobato but I didn't really liked it), I made a list with what I've learnt with it and I learnt a lot of things i didn't knew (about videogames, how not!). Recomended to see all in a day! Enjoy it! And now... THE RATINGS AND EXPLAINING:
-Story: Story in this anime is important for one reason, mostly, the second season, which is not out yet, anyway, without
story It would be something dumb and stupid, so it takes part of importance. A reasonable 8!
-Art: The art and the scenes are full of little details, like birds, the wind, and a lot of realistic phisics wich aren't in all animes.
-Sound: I love the music of this anime, mostly because it's always in the best point of using, and the variety is surprising!
-Character: Every character in this anime is full of live and with hope in the Imanity, so it's a king of "nice-being" and it transfers some good vibrations.
-Enjoyment: I enjoyed it all because I am a king of player that knows ALL (or almost) the things related in the videogames, and it's full of details about all Companies.
The Overall is about the 9'4, but I loved this anime and now I'm hyped for the second season, so a 10 wouldn't be wrong.
(You may not be able to read the rest, because is in my other lenguages, please, for my followers, don't report it. Have a nice day!)
Hola! Aquesta és la primera review, en aquest cas parlarem de No Game No Live, la qual serie em va encantar, més que res perquè, a part de ser la primera que vaig acabar (vaig intentar Kobato pero no la vaig acabar) una serie d'anime, vaig treure conclusions i fins i tot vaig aprendre coses que no sabia (sobre videojocs, how not?). Recomanada per veure-la tota en una tarda! Disfruteu-la!
¡Hola! Esta es mi primera review, en este caso hablaremos de No Game No Life, la cual serie me encantó, más que nada porque, a parte de ser la primera que me acabé (intenté con Kobato, pero no pude) una serie anime, saqué conclusiones y hasta aprendí cosas que yo no sabia (sobre videojuegos, ¿como no?). Recomendada para verla toda en una sola tarde. ¡Diviertanse!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 27, 2015
Hello everyone! I'm back!
Today I'll talk about an anime in which at the final I cried, Noragami.
In this anime you will be able to meet Yato, who is a "god in project", and he has to complete his own monument, but, how not, the Typical Boy-Meet-Girl appears! It uses "Meeting", It's very efficient! ;).
The story is important but not a lot :P.
The art of the fights is fantastic, and a little bit Gore.
The sound is the guy who is good but not interessting.
The Characters are lovely.
The enjoyment i guaranted!
And, the overall is a 10!
Good day!
(You may not be able to read the rest, because is in my other lenguage, please, for my followers, don't report it. Have a nice day!)
Hola a tothom! Ja torno a ser aquí!
Avui parlaré d'un anime que m'ha fet plorar, Noragami.
En aquest anime podràs coneixer a yato, un "Déu en projecte", i ell ha de completar el seu propi santuari, però la típica historia de "Chico-Conoce-Chica-san apareció! Utilizó "Meeting"! Es súper efectivo!" :P .
La historia és important però no molt.
L'art de les lluites és pur amor, i un pèl Gore.
El só és el noi bo pero no interessant.
Els personatges són pur amor també.
La diversió està garantida!
I la puntuació final és un 10!
Bon día!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 23, 2015
Hello everyone again! Today I am going to do the review of Nagi no Asukara. Lets start!
First of all, the introduction, as the main character of all history, we have Hikari, a 15 yeared old boy, which at the end you will really love (no BL, please, seriously, like just as a person ¬¬ ). We have also other main characters, but this one is the guy who (in the future) will change the society. Other main characters like Chisaki, Sayu, Kaname, Tsumugu, Manaka or Miuna are also really important in the timeline, but it could be better done (I don't say It has
been done badly :P ), but Hisaki is the name I will remember at every day I will live next today.
All the history happens in two "slides", the sea and the "exterior world", and at the middle of the history is really confusing, anyway.
The art is fabulous, and its over 9000 at the sea!
The sound/music is just love ;) .
The enjoyment is lower because you are more interested about what will happen next.
And its a 9 because I didn't cryed at anytime.
Good day!
(You may not be able to read the rest, because is in my other lenguages, please, for my followers, don't report it. Have a nice day!)
Hola a tothom! Avui parlaré d'un anime que m'ha agradat notablement! Nagi no Asukara! Comencem!
La introducció que us fare serà ràpida. El personatge principal és Hikari, un noi de 15 anys al qual acabareu estimant ;P (No Gay ¬¬ )Tenim altres caracters, pero la historia es desarrolla al seu voltant. Com a altres personatges també tenim a Chisaki, Sayu, Kaname, Tsumugu, Manaka o Miuna, que són igual de impoprtants en la linea temporal! No obstant, es podrien haber fet millor els personatges :P .
L'art és fabulós, i té "més de 9000 unitats de poder" al mar ;) .
Els sons i la música són pur amor.
La diversió o entreteniment és menor ja que t'estas pensant més que passarà després que disfrutant de l'anime, no obstant, al final et queda un buit dins teu increible.
I es un 9 perquè no m'han vingut ganas de plorar, sinò, potser m'ho pensava!
Per cert, Nagi no Asukara significa en català "Un període de calma al mar".
Bon dia!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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