Cyberpunk Edge runners starts off on such a high point but quickly looses focus and squanders its last half on what could have been an amazing title.
The first 5 or so episodes are very on point, the animation is top notch, the characters are well designed and the story is extremely engaging.
I found myself binge watching the first 5 and could not take my eyes off it. This unfortunately does not hold true for the second half the the series, which quickly starts to fall apart. The character development doesn't seem to make sense, and the plot goes into very generic very quickly
Nov 2, 2021
****Some Small Spoilers***
So first off I would like to start by saying I absolutely loved season 1 of this show. I actually binged it in about a day or so and thought it was a really fun new anime. It was almost therapeutic in a way how things moved along in a fun happy go lucky type of way. That being said, this new season has been a pretty big unfortunate let down. After Catarina effectively stops her doom in the first season, the second season picks up with little direction. Everyone is still infatuated with Catarina to the point where, it's kinda weird ... Oct 27, 2021
Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai!
This show starts off slow. I will be the first to admit, the first few episodes I had to kinda force myself through. The characters come off as very cookie cutter, and honestly kind of annoying at first
That being said, this show defiantly finds its stride as it progresses. Characters become more likeable, and in all honesty the show just gets better as it goes along. Is it a perfect show? No not by any means, but it does pick up after after around episode 4-6. Now I find my self getting excited for each new episode. The animation is fine, nothing too crazy, but certainly not ... |