I am just on episode 13 right now and I will say this.... It is not for those looking for a serious, lighthearted anime.
It definitely does not take itself seriously, and there are so many nude/sex moments that it makes your cheek blush. But overall if you're looking for a good time, this one is it. I actually like it! As a woman, I am not into seeing other women's bodies all the time-- Bastard!! shows TOO much of it, but the overall fun and laughter makes up for it. There are times when you want to rip off the main character's head and
Sep 3, 2022
Suki tte Ii na yo.
Off the bat, this would seem like a typical boy meets plain girl type of anime, but Mei surprises me with how candid and brutally honest she can be when she speaks. She is always available to help others see clearly through their own problems but never hers. Yamato surprised me as well: On the surface, he is just a very good-looking guy drawn to Mei's kindness, but he tends to bring out the best in the girls he has been with and he seems the type of guy who is attracted to the soul more than looks.
Mei is very pretty of course, but Yamato ... |