As a person who loved the first 2 seasons of the anime i was really excited to see it comming back again for a 3rd season. The overal concept of the show has always interested me as i am a big isekai fan l. This show was on my hold list for some time i watched this shows 1st season ages ago and loved it but now watched it fully.
Anyway the point to that is one of its premises is the 'war games' which i always loved about the series as i thought it was an interesting concept which diverges from your average isekai
HOWEVER! this was taken away in this season. I think it lost some of its charm. This season focuses on the demons- pretty similar to average isekai plots right?
This annoyed me as they basicly threw the war games in the bin.
In all the other series they have them. Yes it had something similar but it was more to introduce a new character.
Yes i did like some episodes though because they did exactly what i wanted. An expansion on other characters backstories and feelings. Which in my personal oppinion is what you should do on an expansion of a series.
Now lets talk about the opening and endings. The opening in my oppinion was boring. The ending was a little better but that was mainly because of the animation going along side it was cute and funny. These can play a vital role in the overal enjoyment of the show. And it did. But in a bad way. In the first season the opening was great! It got me hyped for the series and made me excited to see it. But compared to the third one it was nothing. Even the animation clip runing beside the song was not as great as previous ones.
But i must say i did find enjoyment in this series and that is mostly because of the characters. I loved in the previous series and who i grown to like.
But the main problem with this season is pacing and event order.
Firstly unlike the other 2 seasons it has 12 episodes insted of 13. Why?
In the previous 2 seasons it seemed like a organization these 13 episodes were split into sections in my oppinion for example A-summoning and world building B- problem or main event of the series C-conclusion and returning home. Which really worked in the previous seasons but it did not. It more goes like this summoning problem problem,problem, character building,problem, the end. The problem i have is it starts of of with an interesting concept of the summoning going wrong which i though could be interesting and it kinda was? But during the start it becomes an 'epic' battle which seems like it should of happened in the middle of the series it could of been a great part of the show but no. It lasted about 2 episodes and was rushed. Which i think was a waste. The fact of bringing dragons in was cool but was rushed. The middle episode was more on the lines of what i came for-Dog Days. and it was.
But as i say again the loss of the epic war battles made it lose its charm. But then it ends and goes to a massive battle arc which seemed ok because its a formula dog days has used in the past. But this arc lasted too long it lasted to the last episode.
This comes back to my original point pacing. In the previous series as i mentioned the first 2 seasons end with a conclusion and returning home. This more was ending the main story arc and end. End i said because it basicly takes way the returning home and summoning ritual away and saying goodbye to end of the series.
It ends the main arc then basicly ends with them going. Which was not a good ending for the series.
This comes back to my point about why was the series a 12 insted of a 13? In the previous seasons the ending usually finishes in about 2 episodes which closes everything nicely and saying goodbye but this season felt soooo rushed it took about 10 minutes and it was over. Even the in the normal world scene was reduced to a start for the credits. It lost the sadness of having to leave everyone and everything in this world and having to go back to their dull boaring lives. The small time you had at the ending the sadness had gone and it seemed like "oh i can come back anytime so its not sad" which annoyed me even in the second series where they knew they could come back they were sad.
In conclusion,
Dog days"(3) tries to be too much of a battle shounen and your average isekai this resulted in a loss of some intresting concepts. Its poor pacing gives a rushed feeling about this show. The fact it is more battle shounen
Ruins some of the great things about dog days. Dog days was always a cute and funny show with some shounen action but in this season it tried to take over the show and failed.
A/N- this was my first ever review before i hope you enjoyed it :D
Apr 12, 2018
Dog Days''
As a person who loved the first 2 seasons of the anime i was really excited to see it comming back again for a 3rd season. The overal concept of the show has always interested me as i am a big isekai fan l. This show was on my hold list for some time i watched this shows 1st season ages ago and loved it but now watched it fully.
Anyway the point to that is one of its premises is the 'war games' which i always loved about the series as i thought it was an interesting concept which diverges from your average isekai ... |