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Dec 12, 2023
While Sea Cat was a good little short movie to watch with decent animation, lovely character design, fine music, and seiyuu work, the story of the anime is basically lackluster. Even at what it aims for: the shock value at the end and delivering a message. The punch was somewhat like a toddler hitting you for a chocolate bar. The Kishiwada City Teachers' Union wanted anti-war and anti-nuclear warfare, but in a misguided way.
At first, we see three kittens put on a basket lid and released into the flow of a river while their mother is watching. A little girl sees them and tries to
help them out before they reach the mouth of the river and thus the sea. She fails, and three kittens get out of the open water. A huge storm breaks out, and only one survives, but barely. A dolphin helps the only kitten left and tries to find her home. Mother Otter takes her in, and the kitten slowly but surely learns how to swim better and better... Until once she ventures out with the dolphin and witnesses a submarine hunt and its escalation.
I tried not to tell the whole story and spoiler HOW the ending plays out (which won't be a huge surprise given by it's background), but this description is basically two-thirds of the runtime. After this, the conclusion comes abruptly and suddenly, and the shock value only hits at the very end without giving any time to process whatever happened on the screen. Take Tobiou no Bouya wa Byouki Desu as an example where the gut punch comes right in the middle of the short movie, and then it lets you process it while witnessing the same dangers that Sea Cat wants you to be aware of.
So far, it could be just a recommandable lackluster, amirite? Well, not really. My mixed feelings come from this and the short's circumstances. The 1980s were a turbulent decade during the Cold War, and Ronald Reagan's presidency in the U.S. did not help the situation. His approach and escalation of the Cold War are just as criticisable as his domestic policies: the revival of missile programs and deployments, the introduction of SDI, and his outrage after the downed Korean Air Lines Flight 007 in 1983 were just the tip of the iceberg of what many feared could happen. Especially in Japan, where the wound of the two atomic bombs just got torn up pretty much (Hadashi no Gen as a manga peaked, got 3 live action movies by 1980, and in 1983 debuted as anime), thus it's not a surprise that the Kishiwada City Teachers' Union was also concerned and got late with the execution. Thus, it left Sea Cat as anti-war propaganda, with the only punch and message given to us: "This is why we can't have nice things." Which is bollocks at best and defeats its whole purpose.
Otherwise, the short movie would be a solid 7 due to the technical execution, but it falls flat on every single other aspect.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 10, 2013
The cheesiness is strong in this one and it's parent story, the Shingeki no Kyojin TV. The review is written by this aspect and as a separated OVA from that, due to it's "lost episode" meaning. Those who liked the series, don't read more from this and move on to the other reviews.
To be fair, the Shingeki no Kyojin series wasn't a good adaptation at all: the first quarter had a good pace, then it became too slow and slower and slower and in the end, a common snail could be a F-1 race car beside this. And don't mention the unnecessary babbling, without giving
real information and deepening the characters to make them more interesting. The expedition's running could have been the saviour part for that, after the overly enlonged by direction of the battle of Trost, giving a flag for those, who read the manga, where will be it end. And that flag came closer and closer by every week once the series' episodes were shown. But that's doesn't really matter now.
The chapter, what this OVA has adaptated isn't a really long one, and hardly makes it to a normally long episode, so they put anime-original parts to it, to make matching parts with the series. Even some recap scene came by in the beginning to let us know where to put this in the time line. It's story would be interesting, if it would give us some new information about the Titans (or more like Giants, since kyojin means this), but it doesn't. Only gives another bunch of questions to those what we already have and we could think what's behind them with some mere logic. I won't write down my theory, but I know, most people are already thinking about the same. Even at least one little bit of answer would be good but no, hell no.
The art comes with the same as the series, just like what goes for the sounds, OP, ED et cetera. I kinda like this grotesque and somewhat realistic yet gruesome art, but also, I could say that, what I could say to the manga and the series: it doesn't live up to it's potentials. Or to be frank: could be done better a bit. The OP and ED are the same as the first half of the series, and my thoughts are the same about them: the OP has a really good music, but only from the greatest part of the track and with the pictures and in a whole it's just attitudinizing by awesomeness, what makes it so annoying. The same could go for the ED, with almost everyone's SnK-waifu, Mikasa, who has great potentials by her character, yet utterly misused.
Overall, the OVA's enjoyment falls behind the series', but not far away from it. But you know, I watched it with blank expression, like "yet another meh", which makes it even more equal to the series. Both are mediocre (5 out of 10): while the series was butchered by a half-assed director who had only one good directing on his list (and so far, he couldn't repeated this) and screenplay writer, the OVA has fallen behind because of the series itself, because it couldn't live up to it and because of choosing a not so important part of the story, postponing our first questions by importance to an even more distant time: to the second series, what every SnK-fan is waiting - but I can make you sure: you won't get answers for a long-long time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 13, 2013
Like a great iconic game's slogen says: "War... War never changes." Really, it doesn't. It doesn't change much on the matters if it takes place in the Napoleon Era, in the Ancient Egypt, in the modern days or the World War II. In war time, not only the soldiers suffered with the heavy losses and femine. The civilians were too, but since the citizenship, the socialist ideas it became more emphased if the civilians were suffering. I don't have to tell anything really any particular about the World War I, the national independence wars or even about the World War II. There are iconic movies
about these, showing us the lifestyle in those days both in good way and bad way.
Concerning this in an anime, it becomes more interesting. We have two great titles about the World War II's inhumanity: Hotaru no Haka and Hadashi no Gen. Both are great in story, and in art too but they are just only plainly based on a true story with much screenwriting creativity. The real issue is, we still don't really have any shocking title if it comes to biographic historical anime. They are not just rare, but super rare. One of these titles is Himeyuri.
Well, as you can fell, why does the story gets it's 9 point. It's shocking like those two that I mentioned earlier, but also giving us a piece of cake. And the cake is the Battle of Okinawa. Many documentary adapted it, but none of them ever mentioned the Himeyuri Academy, which was originally consisted two school. The Himeyuri tells the story of it's students and teachers from preparing the island for a siege until the American surveillance, and a bit after the war until the Himeyuri Peace Museum has been built (in 1989). And to be frank, I like narrative documentaries...
The art is just fair, deserves 6 points. Mostly it represents how the youth see the world and therefore I told you why did they animated it with still pictures, painted out with crayon. Most people maybe won't like this resolution, but any other else I presume wouldn't look this good and this authentic.
The sounds are good. It deserves a 7 for the narrator's voice and her way to tell the story. Sometimes I felt her voice gripping on my neck, when it came to those moments, when you could smell inhumanity in the air. Both from other actions, both from the situations. Other way, there's nothing really much else.
Characters. Now they deserve a 6, which is a fair point concerning the fact, this is a documentary. There won't be any development in the characters, they are just there, even the narrator itself. They are just serving their purpose. No names, just relations. It would be a simple 5 points, as an average, but +1 is given for this perfectly solved matter.
Enjoyment. Now, those who didn't liked the Hotaru no Haka or the Hadashi no Gen, just stay away away from this too. They won't like this either. The really enjoyment of this concerns those who liked this two titles, and also likes documentary movies, and not even a bit afraid from the unusual art form of this picture drama. I rated this part of it with 10 points.
Overall it became 8 points. I think this is one very good short movie about the topic itself. Everybody should now consider: is it really worth to watch this? Well, to be exact: you have nothing to loose. Don't expect fun, don't expect boobs, don't expect guro or anything else, that is really popular and fun. Sometimes learning something is the real fun itself. An experience.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 26, 2010
In Hungary, those who bought the Windows Vista and had compliments about it, the Windows 7 was some kind of redemption. Most of the PCs were sweating under the recommendations of it. I never had Vista, instead, apart from the Madobe Nanami commercial, I have installed it on my notebook ASAP.
Now, the commercial's rating from me:
Story: 2/10
No story, but as a commercial we ought to rate it's feeling. We had that. All ways the positive sides of a product.
Art: 8/10
Will be this the New Wave of Anime Art? Well, not really, but it's made simple, cute and cheerful.
Sound: 9/10
Well great for some gag tone, and
Nanami's continuous monologue. Just like the TeleShop: "Dial XYZ number to get it 10% less just now, just here, just on this channel". So that made it a bit funny.
Character: 8/10
For a commercial, they are good enough.
Enjoyment: 8/10
You will have the feeling: "I want buy this!". Not just Nanami, but the Windows 7 too.
Overall: 8/10
The only fault of it: way too short. For an OVA it could be longer, and more detailed about the product. Still it's very good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 25, 2010
Oh, what have we got here? A reminder for the Unlimited Blade Works movie. Well take a closer look for this:
Well, the story is fair. For the TV series and even for the visual novel's Fate route, it's way too hectic. Many better scene had been cut out, deleted. You won't understand any points of the whole OVA if you don't meet with the series or the novel. So story has 6/10, and I'm clapping from the happiness.
The art, compared to the series is way more better, more mystified and sharpened. The studios made a good work on it and made sure: this isn't just
a recaption, but also a somewhat remake too. The sound's quality risen also with the graphics. These two had got 10/10.
The characters. Well, many intuitions fell in the mystified atmosphere, or suddenly appear and disappear. Too bad for it: 8/10.
Enjoyment: very enjoyable, but the fans can argue with it. I say 9/10, because they had tried the impossible: squeeze a more than 10 hours story in 2 hours.
Overall: 8/10 and a bit more behind the decimal point. For a reminder to the movie is good, and that's all. It contains the necessary things, so that's enough for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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