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Jan 10, 2019
Seriously, go watch this right now! You will not be disappointed!
The story is lovely and is very real (even in today's societies). The music adds an even greater element of enjoyment, making you feel even more feels than you would normally. The art style was simplistic, yet pleasing, and each character was adorable with having their own looks and personalities.
This was a pleasant surprise and it made it even better when I found out that this was based on the history of when Japanese and Koreans were not allowed to be together.
A very heartwarming story that I highly recommend for anyone to
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 9, 2017
Okay, I want to start out by saying I really enjoyed this anime! It had me laughing the whole time, despite what other comments said because I laughed up until the very last episode. The reason I didn't give this anime a better score, because the whole time it was a 10 for me, was due to the final episode. I'll try not to spoil anything but that last episode was so disappointing that I could not give this anime a 10, otherwise I would have. The story is very cute and funny, again I was laughing pretty much from start to finish. However, there
were a few episodes that seemed a little out there, meaning they felt out of placed. Nevertheless, even though the plot (how things happen) was a little jumpy at times, it still made a cohesive story (as to what happens). The art was beautiful and I liked how adorable and quirky it was. Even the character designs were top notch, and I truly appreciated the little things throughout the anime and its design. Sound wasn't anything to memorable but it was good. The characters were great, I liked a few more than others, but they were all enjoyable in their own way. The main character was hilarious, though a little over the top at some moments where she kind of annoyed me, especially in the last episode!! -_- Again, I won't spoil it but I really just wanted to chuck my laptop across the room after that fiasco. Still, she was pleasant throughout the series. I found all the characters enjoyable, funny and likable.
Overall, I really enjoyed this anime and it would have been one of my favorites if not for the brutal ending. I would still recommend anyone to watch this anime because it was hilarious, delightful and adorable. I would say give it a try and keep an open mind from the start because it isn't as bad as some people are declaring it to be.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 29, 2015
Man hands, man hands every where... I would like to start off by saying that some people are judging this anime way too hard due to the ending and other minor factors. The studio who created this anime, Manglobe, went bankrupt and had to quickly produce the series, so they were not able to bring this anime to it's full potential. In other words, yes it not great but it is not a complete pile of garbage that some say it is. Trust me there are anime's that were done WAY more poorly than this one. The story is actually interesting, tags that are "super
humans" who do dirty work for contract holders which are regular everyday humans. What is more interesting is that every tag has a rank to show who is the best of the best. It is quite a fascinating plot because it makes this world almost seem inhumane by controlling these tags because they (the tags) are sort of humans themselves. The story isn't all that perfect of course, it jumped around all over the place to the point where I would get lost and think, "umm, what!?" However, that does not mean it was bad, it was just poorly executed but it still was able to piece together in some odd way. I would say I enjoyed each of the characters back stories a lot more than the story itself because it made them more interesting and gave them more appealing attributes. I had more of a reason to feel and grow with the characters throughout the series. Of course not all the characters I cared for because some of them felt pointless and didn't progress the story. Oh, and something that TRULY bothered me throughout the series was how off the body proportions where at times. I swear they gave Alex and other female characters man hands, and some times the characters heads, feet, eyes, noses, or something was a tad off. In other words, the art wasn't all great but again the studio had to rush to finish the series so there were screw ups in the art. The opening credits I found beautiful though, I loved the bright colors which made it pop and the op credits theme was on point. Nevertheless, the art and sound were nothing terrific, kind of average to me but it wasn't awful. Also, I must say that I found it awesome that they introduced a character that could use sign langue, it sort of blew my mind. (Mainly because I have taken sign language and to see it in an anime was amazeballs!) Lastly, I cannot forget to mention the finale episode of this series. Alright, it was not at all the greatest conclusion, it was definitely rushed, but it did make me all the more interested in seeing if there will be a second season for this series. Yes, this anime was no where near great or shouldn't get highly praised, but it did keep me interested and I want to see more of this world and what it has to offer.
Overall, the story is intriguing. Though it does have lacking factors that does not mean it is terrible. It most definitely kept me watching until the end, even though there were some boring slow moments it still had some twists. The art and sound were good but bleh at the same time. The man hands started to get to me after a while, and the sound wasn't all that memorable except for the op credits theme and art. The characters were very compelling, though not all were necessary. They made me feel and care for some of the characters. Enjoyment was there, though at some points I had lost a bit of interest I would still watch and it would pick right back up again. Again, people are judging this anime so harshly, but looking at the concept of this anime, and the world it has to offer, it is great but only if it was executed correctly. Hopefully, if there will be a second season, another studio will pick up this dusty gem and bring out its true potential.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 25, 2015
I never would have thought an anime would want me to pick up and start playing my violin again. Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is mesmerizing, enchanting, heartbreaking and humorious. It pretty much has it all, almost. While the story is great it had one fall back, it was predictable. Honestly, I saw the whole "dramatic surprise" coming from the very start. When I had finally reached the last episode I was not surprised as to what happened, honestly the creator's could have made it a bit more unpredictable. Also, many of the episodes felt repetitive. I understood that they were trying to give each
character their own backstory, but jeez SO MANY repetitive flashbacks. I was telling myself, "Alright, I got it. I understand what happened, what they were trying to do, stop telling it to me over and over again. Thanks!" Though the story had those few draw backs, it was still great and entertaining overall. They really made the story feel complete and did not leave any characters without a purpose to be in the series, they all mattered. Now I MUST talk about the art! Oh My God, it was breathtaking and it had blown me away from the very first episode. I have not seen a prettier anime in a long time, this one took the cake and gobbled it down in seconds. (Weird analogy but you get what I mean) The colors popped, they made everything, and I mean everything, look all the more beautiful. The sad more serious parts of the series were done drastically well with its dark, dreary color scheme. I adore this series because of the art! The sounds was very pretty, I love the first op theme (Hikaru Nara by Goose House) but I did not enjoy the two ed themes and the second op theme. (Just my personal taste I guess) Otherwise I enjoyed the classical music they played throughout the series, it was beautiful and enchanting. Each character was amazing, even some of the more annoying ones. They all had purpose, and some sort of flair to each of their own. I loved seeing their determinations and backstories because the characters made me care about them as an individual.
Overall, the story was great, but I did not like the fact that it was predictable right from the beginning. As well as all the repetitive flashbacks, they started to get on my nervous at some point. The art was stunning, elegant, mesmerizing, charming, etc. Do I dare say more? The sound was enlightening, but was not a fan of some of the op and ed theme song choices. The characters were all pleasurable, I enjoyed them all tremendously. They all had a back story and stood out on their own, the creator's really made me feel for them. Enjoyment, while it was truly a great series, the few fall backs within the story kept me from loving this series in whole, but I did truly enjoy Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso. I would recommend this series to any, mostly to gaze upon the beautiful artwork.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 19, 2015
Now I really wonder what high school boys do on their daily lives, if it is anything like this anime I am jealous. This anime is great, there were so many funny, cliche gimmicks that were amazingly enjoyable. However, the slow start through the first few episodes kept me from truly loving this series. The humor and jokes were great, though some were a bit predictable they were still very well executed and had me laughing. I loved the fact that this anime was written in a way to make fun of it's self, it was a very clever and humorous touch, without it I
might not have enjoyed this anime as much. The way the story was proceeding throughout the series was a bit weird to me at first, nevertheless I was able to make sense of it as the series progressed. Everything and everyone's stories were connected in some way and, lucky, I was able to understand what was happening and where the series was heading. My only issue with the series was the first few episodes because they did not grab my attention to keep wanting to watch. I literally had to force myself to watch the episodes. It's not that they weren't funny, I just didn't get enjoyment out of the first few episodes because I felt they lacked story. However, once I was a few more episodes in, maybe four or five, I understood what the creators were trying to do with their series and I came to adore it. I also want to make note about the music... it is AMAZING! I liked the op credits theme but not as much as the ed credits theme. I laughed each and every episode when the ed credits came on, and the song is just so catchy I cannot get it out of my head. Personally, I think the music was right on the money for this anime, it was perfect. I also want to point out that there were SOOOO many characters, so many, but I enjoyed each and every one. Except maybe for the so called "funky girls." I won't talk about them much for spoiler reasons, but jeez they make us girls look like evil devil beings. >:3 Nonetheless, they, and the other girl characters, were still funny but I was more keen towards the male characters because they were the real comedians. Lastly, what I truly enjoyed about this series was the final episode. Not because the series was over, I actually wouldn't mind seeing a second season, but because it was so heartwarming, tear jerking and yet still so funny.
Overall, the story lacks at first but once I was able to get through more episode it became pleasant and enjoyable. The art was really good, they had beautiful shots in the more series scenes, but when it came to the comedy ones they made it oh so more hysterical with the art. The sound is fantastic, I really dig the ed credits theme the most and throughout the series they nailed the music. The characters were all so funny, but there were A LOT of them it was sort of hard to keep track of all of their names. Nevertheless, I adored each and every one of them. The enjoyment level was there, especially more towards the end of the series. The series made me laugh, had the right amount of jokes mixed in with some series topics, pleasant characters, outstanding music and, I must admit, it took me by surprise at how wonderful this anime turned out being.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 10, 2015
Don't look at Yukki, don't talk to Yukki, don't touch Yukki, don't smell Yukki, don't think about Yukki, don't even come near Yukki at all, otherwise she will be there... TO KILL YOU! Mirai Nikki has my head all twisted up and in shambles because I am unsure how to review this. It was good, very good in fact. It had so many hilarious moments and crazy plot twits that I did not see coming. However, there were a few parts, mostly the ending, that had me second guessing as to whether or not this anime was actually good or not. The story was probably
the best part of this anime hands down. It felt as if it was something new and fresh, that it had never been done before, and I like that. Nevertheless, there were a few moments that seemed unfit for how the story was playing out, as if it just happened because the creators thought it was funny or clever and just threw it in where it would seem necessary. However, that does not take away from the overall story line experience. It was still well thought out with many twists and turns, it made me wanting to see more; up until the very end though. The characters were good, some better than others, but some were just blah to me. Of course one of the main characters, the cra cra woman herself, Yuno, was probably the most fascinating of them all (I think we can all agree on that). She, however, was not my favorite of the bunch of characters that were introduced. There were moments where she was a little TOO cra cra for my liking, but I think that she made the show, no doubt about that. The other main character Yukiteru was okay, nothing special until the very end. I didn't hate him, but his 'oh I am so helpless' personality was rubbing me the wrong way. As for the other characters they all had a very interesting story, and they all seem to fit perfectly into this 'game' they were playing. I was pleased that they actually had background stories for each character, so in the end they almost all seem to matter. (By the way my favorite was Ninth ;)) Then came the last few episode of this series. I will admit I did not see the ending coming at all, but it was an unsuited 'I did not see it coming.' While the final episode was actually quite pleasant, except for maybe that final moment with Yukiteru (but I will not spoil it), the episodes leading up to the very last were truly disappointing. Seriously, the reason behind this whole 'game' of the future diaries was ridiculous, at least to me. I felt as if they came to a stand still and were not sure how to end it, but they figured that it was the best and most 'logical' way it could have all happened. I am sorry but no, I was expecting something crazier, but in the end I am left with nothing but bs for everything that had happened in the series. Oh and also the censorship was exceedingly unnecessary!
Overall, the story was great to me until the final few episodes came into play. It was ruined for me from there but the very final episode was a pleasant, sort of satisfying, surprise. The art was good, nothing great though to talk much about it. The music was decent, it could have been better with more dramatic music (like the first opening credits theme) but it was not awful. The characters were very pleasing. I enjoyed almost all of them because they all seemed to have played an important role, no matter how minuscule their air time was. The enjoyment was definitely there, it was a very worthy experience through almost the whole anime. Even though this anime leaves me second guessing as to how well it was, I was mostly content with the series and would recommend to watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 6, 2015
There were no words, and yet there were so many because this anime had left me disappointed. The second season of Tokyo Ghoul actually had a few ups, but there were too many downs that I could not enjoy this anime at all. I honestly was hoping this season would get better after what happened in the last episode of the first season (I won't spoil it just in case). I can appreciate Kaneki this season though, he finally had the personality I was looking forward to seeing from the very beginning. He was crazy, a little too crazy but it was awesome, and
yet he still held onto a part of his normal human self, he still had a heart, and that was stirring. However, the other characters seem to still be stuck in that same rut as before. I was still unsure of their purpose for being in the anime and whether or not they made a difference in the story. What made my head spin was the fact that they introduced so many new characters in this season, some came into the spotlight last minute and I was thinking, "um, who are you and why are you here?" The story was still completely lost and mixed up just as before, but some how I was able to keep up and knew, somewhat, as to what was going on; but that doesn't excuse the poor development of the story. Nevertheless, I will say the battles were pretty captivating, but again it doesn't make up for the lack of story. And then there is the finally episode of this season, the one that is suppose to tie it all together and complete the series... Unlike last season where I was in awe, this one left a bitter taste in my mouth, my head and my soul. It was a bunch of vile garbage that I was not expecting, it made me angry. I am pretty sure I screamed at the TV saying, "what a bunch of bull," along with a few other words. Though this anime has many weaknesses there are some good aspects to it as well. The art was beautiful, especially the end credits, it was done on par. The sound was decent, I actually quite enjoyed the end credits theme and the soundtrack used for this season. Most of all I found the plot of the story quite enticing. It made me really think what the world is like, how we are all monsters in some way. I again do not want to give away too much, but that was probably the best part of the series; though it is not it's saving grace, it was still an unpleasant watch.
Overall, the story was okay. There were some good points but too many bad ones that it could not save itself. The art was surprisingly alluring, it was not just the beginning or end credits, it was throughout the whole season, and I appreciate that tremendously. The sound was nice, nothing fantastic but enjoyable. The characters... While Kaneki was a nice surprise fix, they lacked on doing it for other characters. The enjoyment was there for a pref moment, but it was lost as the series continued. This anime was not pleasant to watch but it was not awful. However, what killed it, for me at least, was that finally episode!
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 5, 2015
What an interesting concept for an anime, I had high hopes for it to be good, but that is not at all how i felt in the end. I am not sure how to review this anime because I have too many mixed feelings about it. It was not what I was expecting, and not in a good way. I have seen so much hype for this anime, which is one of the reasons I watched it in the first place. However, my expectation were shot down into the depths of no return with utter dismay. The only saving grace for this series was the
last episode, no joke that was the best episode and had me saying "finally, something good!" I will say the first episode is interesting too because it grabbed my attention, wanting me to continue the series. But no, after the first episode the rest of the season was a snooze fest and the story was all mixed up and confusing that I did not understand what was going on half the time. I only kept watching because I wanted to see the main character, Kaneki, go super saiyan because I knew it would be crazy epic, but of course that didn't happen. It would have made the anime much more interesting if Kaneki went bat sh!!t crazy from the get go, or at least half way through the series; but instead they decided to make him a whiny kid that cried almost EVERY episode, seriously I think it was every episode. Though I will admit I understand why he was that way, fighting the demons inside himself and trying to keep his humanity, but still no excuse. I wish he had been more compelling because the other characters were just as bad, if not more useless. Honestly, some of them had no need to be part of the story because they did not have any serious impact to make any difference. Nonetheless, there were a few appealing moments where they make you stop and think about how cruel the world can be and how things never change. It was quite eye opening in those brief moments of inspirational thought, but they unfortunately were overcast by the slow haul of a story that they were almost forgotten.
Overall, the story is interesting but the way it was executed was not pleasant. It dragged on to the point where I almost ripped my eyes out up until the very end. The art is actually quite nice, but seriously there was NO NEED for censorship. The so called blood and gore was nothing and having it censored, I believe, took away from the whole experience. The music was decent, but not very moving as I was anticipating. The characters, just were bland and many had no reason to be a part of the story because they made no significant influence. The enjoyment was there but was slowly cast away trying to get through the series, until the very end the spark came back. This anime could have been done SO much better, it could have been beautiful in more ways than one, but has left me in complete disappointment.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 3, 2015
I recommend that you stop what ever it is that you are doing and go and watch this anime RIGHT NOW! This anime is beautiful in more ways than one. The story just hooked me in from the very first episode, and trust me that usually never happens. It made me wanting more because it was so intriguing, heart-breaking and hilarious. I honestly cannot compare this to any other anime because it stands out on it's own phenomenally. I felt all the joy, the laughs, the struggles and the pain the characters were going through in each single episode, it pulled my heart strings in
more ways than I could have ever imagined. Every time I finished an episode I had to go to the next, needless to say I watched the whole season straight through because I could not stop, I had to know what would happen next. Though I will admit, I wish they had gone greater in depth with some of the characters (their backstory) because some seemed to just be there for the stories sake to connect together. However, that does not mean it did not ruin the stories progression in anyway, it was just a little chunk missing to complete the story in whole.
Overall, the story is very different and interesting that it had me glued to my computer to find out more about this world and what would happen next. The art is also beautiful, very bright and vibrant but it also had soft, somber moments when necessary it certain scenes. The music is on point, I would love to have the soundtrack to listen on repeat. The characters are so charming and riveting that I fell in love with almost all of them, though some lacked backstory which left a bit of a gap but it does not take away their role in the anime. Did I enjoy this anime? A thousand times yes. This anime is one of the best I have seen thus far and I would watch it again and again because of its charm, humor and all the emotions I felt through the series. A++++
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 31, 2015
This was an interesting anime, it kept me intrigued and wanting to know what was going to happen in the end. However, at the end it lost me. I still watched it to see what was going to happen, but sadly I ended up being confused and saying "WTH is this bull honky." The reason is that the story would get me mixed up, it jumped around so much. Sure I understood the siblings goal (they made that clear from the get-go) and that the developers were trying to explain everything (the races, the world, how everything worked, etc.) to the viewers so they they
would understand this world, but it all happened in a mishmash of episodes. In other words, it was all over the place. I may just have been me, but I had to go back and re-watch so many times to figure out what was going on. Sometimes it wasn't clear what the siblings plan were in an episode and how it made any sense in this game world. Nevertheless, this anime is a good watch and I hope they have a second season so that they can explain what in the heck is going on. Also, they could lay off the red tint or whatever they used because it looks odd. Yeah, it's suppose to look like a video game but it makes everything look weirdly colored.
Overall, weird but good story, beautiful music, oddly colored red tinted art but a pleasant watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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