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Feb 18, 2025
Such a charming anime! I've enjoyed every second of it and was very invested by the end of the season. I was never acquainted to the manga or original anime until now, though I've known a few of Rumiko Takahashi's work since forever. But as with the urusei yatsura modern adapatation I discovered a new aspect of her universe other than her fiery action mangas.
I did read some review of og fans being quite disappointed with the adaptation but I can say, as a new viewer, that it works perfectly as an introduction. I must also have been in the right mindset, it was
just the romance anime I needed, lighthearted, absurdely humorous and enjoyable characters that have great chemistry.
It's quite a simple story with no real overarching plot but I feel some depth to the characters and their complicated relationship that reminded me of why rumiko is great at getting readers invested in her romances despite being the reaaaaallly slow burn-type.
The stars of the show to me really are Ranma and Akane, they are really fun to root for, individually and together. I can't wait to see more in season 2!
(Also, I really liked the VA works and despite having no nostalgia for it, discovering some of them were the OG one was really fun, makes me also want to check out the first anime)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 28, 2024
I've just finished reading the final chapter and... what to say ?
I've begun this series a few years ago and at one point decided to wait a long time for all the chapters to come out. It's just the type of manga you can't stop reading once it has gripped you. I've thought about it often during my wait, the premise is so unique, the art and the characters didn't leave my mind, I just knew I had to read it in one go with everything fresh in mind.
And boy was that one hell of a ride ! It was just as good as
I remembered and going into uncharted territory and it got more and more exciting to see what the author planned out for us.
I don't think I'll ever forget this manga and will definitely come back to this story.
Overall, what I liked the most was the balance of the work. At first, I expected a full on "brawl manga with sprinkle of plot" from this but was pleasantly surprised to see a real delve into the capoeira culture (I'm not an expert so can't say how accurate this is but you can clearly see the author's passion in how he takes the time to put the focus ON all of its aspects) but not only, I really liked how we got to see the links forming between a variety of martial arts and their practicers.
Some of the characters left a huge impression on me, and we got to see some interesting character arc. I thought, the implementation of capoeira as the heart and the "mean" to develop some relationships was fascinating. Furthermore I really liked the efficiency in building some of the existing connection, as part of world building it got me more and more invested.
About the main character, I really took a liking in Ichiri but honestly I just have soft spot for sunshines like her. And you know what they say, the brighter they shine the darker the shadow, I'm glad we got to see her in both her brightest and at her lowest tho it was too little (But i'll get back to that later). I think Ichiri is a very interesting main character, first of all as a female MC in a fighting manga of course she stands out. And I really like how the authors approached this, not every character needs to remind us about the discrepancy between gender strenghts, and at the same time it's also important to point it out to make her way of fighting stand out as she uses strenght as a propeller to make her technique more efficient. She's always treated with respect by the author and her symbiosis with her emotions builds her strenght and her relationships.
She may not be perfect but she's such a rare sight I feel like I have to tresure her.
Her relationship to Jyungo was very strong, ngl the "confession" took me by surprise but it made sense and brought the plot forward in a way that didn't feel forced. It was good to see their characters evolve alternatively and join back at the end.
The other character's from the MC's entourage, all had their moment to shine and weren't forgettable npc with no personnality. Each had their own uniqueness and it was sweet to see each of them finding their place among each other. As "power of friendship-y" it could be, it didn't feel out of place.
When it comes to foes and the "potential" antagonists, tetsu-man was clearly the most fleshed out of the bunch and his fight and focus-arc must have been my favorite for different kind of reason but mostly the sheer menace his nonchalency was.
His fighting scenes with Ichiri was just ON POINT, I don't know I just fell very satisfied to see this immovable force againt this flow of determination.
During the fights, the art communicate amazingly that sheer strenght is not the focus of the fights, but the spirit is ! The care put into each panel and scenes always leave me in awe I always take the time to understand the flow of the movements, it's really amazing.
About those "potential" antagonists that's where we're coming to the least enjoyable parts of the series.
While the first part of the manga focused on defeating foes and opponent to make Ichiri stronger it also built up the "antagonists", the one who really were in control and the real threats to our characters. And they could have been such imposing threats, they had the meand to and were established as such. I was honestly so hyped to think of the scale the manga could have reached at the end, I mean involving the south american mafioso should mean something, right ?
Well... I don't know whether the manga wasn't popular enought or the author just wasn't as interested in continuing the series any longer but I feel like... we were kinda robbed. I feel like this could have gone for much longer and gotten us to much much higher place.
While the balance was there, while the characters, the plot, the stake were all steadily developping it seems like without the necessary time, those aspect couldn't be fully fledge out as non was the only focus. And it's such a shame, I'm not saying I didn't like the ending because, honestly, everything was wrapped up nicely, but the final arc occured too early that's really it. It seems like the author didn't feel like building too much anticipation and finish in a big climax but preferred to organically go over the main thematic closure. So the ending doesn't feel too much out of place imo, but there's still that lingering feeling that there was still more left to say, more characters to introduce, more combats to fight, more pain, more conflicts, more resolution, more of everything.
For example, I especially feel like Jyungo and Ichiri's arcs paralleling each other could have been so much more interesting if they both had the opportunity to delve further into their own conflicts.
There were also the introduction of some plot points that reeeeeaaally felt like they would be developped later on and I was kinda disappointed they weren't, at the same time it doesn't feel unfair to leave some things clouded in mystery especially considering the style of storytelling.
But oh well, I'm not one to ramble too much about "what-if" except when it's about a series I adore, so I guess that means I just really love Batuque at the end of the day. Some pages will live rent free in my mind until I get my hand on those physical volumes and it will for sure go in my recommendation list, so read it ! and read it again !
Oi Sim Sim Sim!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 27, 2022
I'll begin this review talking about the anime of N°6 first, because it's how I discovered the novel and because it influenced quite a lot my reading sessions so bear with me just a little. When I first watched I liked it, honestly it was a nice take on the dystopean/utopian system without anything mindblowing but the athmosphere was veryenjoyable, while Nezumi and Shion had quite a good chemistry I think it was honestly the athmosphere I prefered in the anime.
But years passed and N°6 the anime wasn't something I remembered as a work that had struck me. One day just like that, I
decided to pick up the novel as I had the chance to get a hang of it in physical form -though the 3 last volumes weren't translated in my language due to a lack of populariy - The very beginning is honestly like I remembered it, a delight, the first episode of the anime really did justice to the great first scenes Asano sensei exposed as the introduction to the readers with the "fated meeting".
I must say, the writing is not always that subtle or smooth but it was so pleasant, I could read chapters and chapters without feeling tired of it. There aren't a lot of modern light novel that I had this much pleasure reading not talking about the story itself but the writing style (I know it's not a light novel, but I found the format pretty similars).
Anyway, after the first few volumes, I got to the real quality the novel format and lenght coupled with Asano great writing revealed of n°6 : the characterization, I already had a gist of the overall trope of each main and secondary characters from what I remembered of the anime, but I didn't expect to intrude this much into their psychology in the novels. While the nuance brought to the characters isn't that different it captivated me to dig deeper into each of their fear, joys and overall thoughts that would solidify my conception of them as existing entities.
This realisation did take a few time from the moment I picked up the first volume, but I think it's also what made it more special during the last moments. From then on, my heart was with them during the whole journey and never left them.
The rythm of the narration was almost very good to me, not everything was perfect but I liked taking it slowly with shion and Nezumi, when they had a scene either serious or witty, the scene wasn't rushed and it was made sure it was the only focus at the moment, while asano still made sure the progression of the story was consistent.
I said I prefered the athmosphere from the anime, but clearly from the novel there's so much more to like the dynamic between Shion and Nezumi, the little thoughts only we know parasiting and enriching the conversations and KARAN, such an appreciable character and I don't even know why ! And at one point I just automically assimilated the best qualities of the anime into the novel and it made it into such a nice experience.
Watching back on the anime, I don't think I can watch any of the episode of it honestly except the first one for the epic scream, the novel is just too superior to compare, but the visualisation of some elements definitely added to the reading.
TLDR; great novel, great main cast and conflicting positions. Sometimes not very subtle or perfect elements in the narration but makes an amazing story for the heart.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 23, 2021
I'm pleased to see in the reviews a lot of people appreciated this seemingly under appreciated work compared to its homologue in the jump (chainsaw man, jujustu kaisen). It's a pretty full story, I feel like the conclusion was very well brought together. Though I'll have to talk about the final battle later.
I really liked the main characters, Gabimaru and Sagiri and not only themselves but their relationship as criminal and executioner who have difficulties coming to term with each other's point of view, transitioning into a companionship of trust and finally a true bond of affection.
The first chapters did an absolutely amazing job of
characterizing Gabimaru effectively and in a meaningful way. Same for the ninja village which actually interact only one time in the story during the last battle, and really this village "worked" as an entity, as a character in itself.
The others secondary characters which also worked in a pair of two had each their own lot of differences to surpass and I feel like I really grew attached to each of them until the end. Though I didn't retain a strong impression of one of them as much as I would have wanted.
I would say in the cast the only weak links would be the rest of the executioner coming in the midst of the chaos, so there wasn't that much time to make something out of them more than subtle and quick introspection of their personnalities. (still really effective and well implemented in the story!)
And the antagonists who even with some efforts I could never differentiate whom from whom, so tells a lot.
As for the story, I think the author managed to get everything out coherently but maybe a bit slowly. When we begin to learn about what tao is, it seems the author really don't want to make just one big reveal, he went into full on explanations adding some eastern philosophical concept. Not displeasant at all, but just.... those were mostly the part I could easily lose interest.
The main theme of the story seemed to be "humanity", while presenting some fanstastic elements it got close to what the human heart "is", "is supposed to be" or "could be" and the understanding of it.
Of course the way this manga got on it was not totally original but made enough in its own way to make me feel for it.
The art ... Is really good, no way around it; I appreciate how the artist has this rough and precise style making him recognizable. This "rough" feel can also serve the action. Each of his panels containing action gets more really intense. The transitions are spot on and the ryhthm of combat make it a pleasure to follow.
And so that's why I was kinda ... disappointed.... that we din't get more. Yeah, it's not like the final is bad it's more like, it feels very short (subjectively). Still this last one was excellent and the best fight to finish on.
So yup, overall really appreciable and I'm looking forward the anime adaptation and the author's next work >>
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 23, 2021
Requiem of the Rose King... has... its problem, story wise with lots of randomly random events and concerning its characters development that can be quite incoherent..... But.....
I just love this manga. As much as I actually understand where people could see bad elements in there... It didn't bother me at all when I was reading it.
As this manga is "inspired" by the "Richard III", Shakespeare theatrical work, so it's not surprising to see the story taking "overly dramatic" routes with lots of emotional conflicts form misunderstanding, stories of betrayal or even some "scenes" etc... But it doesn't try to hide it and just makes
it part of the manga "identity", so again : it don't really bother when reading.
Of course this point of view I present, is subjective and as I said I do understand where "Baraou no souretsu" may not seem attractive to people story-wise....
The ART! The ART is absolutely gorgeous, I can't say I've never seen "better" elsewhere and even much better in term of realism or movement , or lanscape, but the author has such a way with faces and subtility when drawing people. There's a huge gap here compared to her previous works. As if the dramatic tension the story brings just let her transmit more emotions in a new manner.
Even if it were for only this artistic aspect of the manga I'll still truly consider buying every volumes, when I'll be able to.
I didn't really reflect much about the characters and how "good" they are, because as in a real theatrical works, characters are more ones that "undergo" more than "act" and really influence the plot. Apart from 2 or 3 main characters, I have to say most of the cast is actually weak and it doesn't help that many of them are jerks (tho this point does have coherence in the atmosphere the story wants to install, it's just a pesonnal preference).
In the big picture, the manga is enjoyable and despite the light storyline it follows, the author manage to make it up with the atmosphere and the way she deepen her characters with internal or external conflicts beautifully portrayed with the art.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 23, 2021
Most of the reason I'm giving a poor note to this note is mostly due to how much people hyped the ending to me which I can understand could be emotional for people involved but... I couldn't feel any connection to any of the characters.
I can understand why sides characters had to get easily recognisable traits as they are mostly the focus during one episode only. But, it's a shame, the anime didn't manage to compensate the problems that came with it; as in, making the main charcaters the real deal, so that we can put our every focus on them.
Even for Nana from whom
we get a lot of her thoughts and thus should feel more involved with, I couldn't care less.
The animation is pretty good with nice colors. The "climax" was not super well introduced in my opinion, nothing too bad but it felt flat as there were way too much new elements announced in the end than there were concluded. And while that may work for stories that would involve more plot significance, it's not working as well here.
It's not a bad story at all, the concept seems pretty enjoyable without being too ambitious but I guess it didn't go into the type of development I expected and didn't managed to surprise me. So.... don't think I'll be interested if a season 2 comes along.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 23, 2021
I'm not one to often write a review, so don't take this commentary too seriously.
(I've read everything but for the sake of my mental sanity, for the moment, I'm not taking into account the 70 last chapters that... well you'll see)
I understand why some people wouldn't appreciate this manga and the old fashioned humor but as a whole I think it manages to et over the lack of solid story or its weak set of orginal characters.
The characters are clearly copy pastes of a lot of similar mangas but honestly they still get their own little characteristic trait permitting them to have their own
"mini- development arc" (except Kinoshita-boy, tho he is the real MVP).
As for the story, (tho I'm really biased as it was one of the first mangas I read when I was 7 or 8) it's just a blast to see so much goofiness, and I feel like we don't need to care if everything transitions well or if things actually make sense one by one. Because I'm just focused on the page I'm reading, and I'm not gonna lie, I was actually super involved in the dramatics moments even when it just mix into the comedy, the characters are so extremely serious about it, I just get into the story a little too much.
The art is really correct and pretty much similar to most of this type of manga of the time, but the breads drawings are super cool and made me actually hungry.
So as I said it's a 100Pourcents sure that I have no real objective vision but as I re-read it 10 years later, I still think it's as much fun as I remembered from beginning to... maybe not the end, and a pretty wild ride into another world of "gourmet reactions" type manga. (I actually prefer the type of "reactions" we get in Yakitate ja-pan than what is in food War which get a little old as it doesn't differ a lot, when here... Everytime it just gets better - until chapter )
.... And I would have loved to stop here but... What the heck? I discovered I never read the last volume of the manga when I was a kid and... I honestly never should have. The author was obviously on a cruel rush to finish in a way or another may it be satisfactory or not.
I mentioned how I loved the reactions, their originality and "unoriginality" at the same time. Same for every characters that managed to have a specific role throughout the story. But, man, right after that katsuo duel.... Everything went downfall, every character just became unfunny running gag, they lost every flavors that made them appealing and were just ghost of the past struggling to sruvive in the publishing world through incoherent and an even more poorly storyline than ever before.
It's not hard to understand what went though the author mind who, more than ever, doesn't hesitate to break the 4rth wall and comment on the bad absurdity he pushed onto his own work.
Thing is, it's not like the humor is drastically different, he didn't either brought out a new plotline with brand new characters out of nowhere. No, everything is built over what was alaready presented and developed but... I think the author just stopped caring, and tried to satire his own work.
The story was never a seriously thought out, solid one but everything that made it... so refreshing didn't even just disappeared it went straight to the trash. I'm just so sad to me, to discover how one of my now ex-favorite manga ended and collapsed on itself.
I just needed to say that, no need to go into the analysis od the"arcs" or "characters in themselves, just read it and it'll speak for itself; nothing to debate honestly.
Sorry for the super long review, I have a really complicated relationship with this work.... (and like I said, no need at all to take evrything I said seriously))
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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