What makes a show enjoyable? Obviously, the answer to this question will differ from person to person since not everyone has the same taste. That being said, Star Driver is easily one of the most enjoyable shows I've watched in recent years. It's just fun and so very very FABULOUS. This show really reminded me what it's like to truly enjoy a series despite its faults and plot holes. During every fight I was rooting for Takuto and often I was on the edge of my chair in excitement. Everything from the over-the-top battles and transformation sequences to the very likable and interesting characters made
this show a pleasure to behold.
I'd like to just leave it at that and hope that my genuine enthusiasm for the show will rub off on you, but obviously to give a fair analysis and better understanding of what you're getting into I'm going to break it down traditionally by story, art, sound, character, and my enjoyment.
Story: The general plot can be oversimplified down to there's people who have giant trans-dimensional robots who want to fight Takuto's robot so they do and get royally owned. This in its own right (coupled with the fantastic soundtrack) can be enjoyable on its own. However, the story goes much further in many unexpected ways as we learn more and more about this bizarre "Glittering Crux Brigade" and what they're trying to accomplish. The general tone of the story is quite varied in how it will switch from comedy, to mech battles, to romance, and suddenly to drama and back again.
Something that's very important to note about Star Driver's story is that it requires a good amount of suspension of disbelief. If you've watched anime long enough perhaps you've cultivated this skill. Otherwise, you might be turned off by the sheer absurdity of it. It's not the series' strong point, but if you can revel in its absurdity, overlook the plot holes, and embrace the ridiculous outfits: you'll find a good story with excellent pacing that is neither too slow or fast. (7/10)
Art: The art of Star Driver is beautiful, unique, and often fluid. This is what first grabbed my attention when I looked into this series. When they're not in "Zero Time" the background art of this island looks like paradise and is very pleasing to the eye. When they jump into "Zero Time" and start the mech battles, everything gets dialed up to 11. The Mechs look absolutely fantastic while also being hand-drawn. The scenery in "Zero Time" is space-themed and is so beautiful that it's hard not for it to take your breath away. Check out a battle on youtube if you're not convinced.
The character animation is done by Bones and as a fan of their previous works like Darker Than Black I was very pleased with the results. Putting a number rating on something so inherently subjective is rather pointless, but I thoroughly enjoyed the art and animation and thus I feel that it deserves special recognition. (9/10)
I feel that the soundtrack is easily the highlight of this show. I loved both OPs and both EDs and thought that every piece of the OST was used appropriately to enhance the intended mood. Each of the Four Maidens has her own theme that is played at the start of each battle and I thought that they were all catchy and a pleasure to hear. The songs "Cross Over" and "Shining Star" by 9nine were especially catchy and used as ED 1 and OP 2 respectively. It's a soundtrack that you will notice, but at the same time it doesn't detract from the scene it's supporting.
With regards to sound effects and voice acting, both are superb. The sound effects during the battles are cool and fit nicely, and the voice actors all fit their roles spot-on. Miyano Mamoru did an especially good job as Takuto with his hilarious engrish and epic battle cries.
Overall, the fact that I still listen to parts of the OST daily is a strong sign to me that this show has an outstanding sound. (10/10)
Character: The general impression I had of the cast was that they were all unique and likable with very few exceptions. Furthermore, all of the cast feels very real and human. Takuto's inspiring and bright personality is well contrasted with Sugata's more stoic yet kind demeanor. What was especially impressive is the attention the show gives to properly fleshing-out minor characters. I've always been impressed with shows that can manage a large cast of characters well, and Star Driver is certainly one of them.
I can't be too analytical of the characters without spoiling plot developments, but what I will say is that each character's personality is unique and their interactions are interesting to observe. (9/10)
Enjoyment: My personal opinion is that the most important part of any show is how much I enjoyed it. Honestly, Star Driver is one of those shows that you just really enjoy without knowing particularly why. Maybe it was how awesome Takuto was as he skillfully defeated his foes? Maybe it was his ridiculous transformation sequence and catch phrases? Maybe it was the Glittering Crux Brigade and how fabulous they were? Or maybe it was all of it?
As I've said before, I enjoyed the hell out of this show. It evoked excitement, put a smile on my face, and made me eager to watch more. (10/10)
So, overall, what do ratings mean anyway? Who cares about the plot holes? This is the kind of show that you should watch with a group of friends as you all get behind Takuto and his fabulous quest and do the KIRABOSHI!~ pose. Don't take it too seriously and enjoy the FABULOUS ride that is Star Driver.
End note: Please keep in mind that my rating system isn't the same as everyone else's and what is a 9 for me might not be a 9 for you.
Aug 3, 2013
Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto
What makes a show enjoyable? Obviously, the answer to this question will differ from person to person since not everyone has the same taste. That being said, Star Driver is easily one of the most enjoyable shows I've watched in recent years. It's just fun and so very very FABULOUS. This show really reminded me what it's like to truly enjoy a series despite its faults and plot holes. During every fight I was rooting for Takuto and often I was on the edge of my chair in excitement. Everything from the over-the-top battles and transformation sequences to the very likable and interesting characters made