There are plenty of reviews for this show, yet I still decided to write my own. Mostly, because the majority of 'reviews' you see for this show aren't what I'd call actual reviews, they're rants by people who had their expectations disappointed, atleast 80% of them.
In this review I will try to set a few things correctly and actually try to highlight some of the controversy this anime is receiving.
As I already said, I've read plenty of the reviews written for this and the majority just disturbed me, as they aren't objective at all.
To begin I'd like to talk about this anime's biggest flaw. Oh
yes, it has a really big one and I think it's why there is such a vast number of people who dislike this anime. This flaw would be it's genre. If you started to watch SAO expecting a kick ass MMO styled action adventure anime, you'll find yourself disappointed and disliking the anime, unless you like anime's of it's actual genre.
So what is SAO's actual genre? Well you see, it's a romance drama, with a mmo adventure setting. If you don't like romance drama then this anime is not for you and you will not like it, end of the line. For those who enjoy romance drama this anime is great.
1. Story:
The story for this anime is great, perhaps not what some viewers had expected, but that doesn't make it any less great. Surely the setting of 'being trapped in a game' appealed to many people. As the story progressing, some people will quickly realize this anime is NOT about the mmo and it is also NOT about the protagonist fighting monsters.
It may seem to some people like there are plot holes and they'll think the time gaps are annoying. We have to remember though, that in an anime the producers have to cramp a lot of content into 25 episodes, so they only had about 14 episodes for the first arc.
And again, if you expected to watch the protagonist slay monsters and find himself challanged, you're watching the wrong anime.
To those people who complain, that there are plot holes I can only say, that those things you consider the plot, are not the actual plot of this anime. The defeating of monsters and bosses, or the aquiring of new items is of little to no importance in this drama. What really is important is the relationships, friendships, losses and emotional hardships the main characters go through. Most people will consider a lot of the episodes in SAO 'filler' episodes, based on their own expectations. They want to see more MMO and more hack and slash action, well sorry to disappoint you, all you get is friendship, love, emotional turmoil and heart warming encounters.
That said the story is very nicely told. Unimportant aspects are left out and we get to watch the protagonist face emotional hardships as well as fall in love, make friends. Most importantly though, we get to see how his mindset changes throghout the story.
2. Art:
There is nothing bad to be said about the art of this anime. Maybe the monsters are a bit too mediocre, but they're far and above most anime still. With great scenery and cute and soft art this anime just is a feast for the eyes. Unless you like gore, then you're wrong here.
What I like to highlight mostly, is how well the art always fits the mood.
3. Sound:
I can't even stop listening to the soundtrack of this anime ages after finishing it for the first time. The music is so well composed and it fits the settings and scenes so perfectly. On top of that the voice acting, sound effects and atmosphere are just brilliantly made.
4. Characters:
Kirito, the main protagonist, is a kind boy who happens to isolate himself a little and resort mostly to online games. He may not seem like anything special, but simply being kind and humble and caring makes him someone a lot of girls like. At times he may seem weak and even whimpy, but exactly that makes him so likeable.
Asuna, the female lead role, is quite the sophisticated and talented girl. Unlike other females in anime she's strong and doesn't slow the protagonist down or acts like a nuisance. She is slightly tsundere, which makes her really entertaining at times. Just like Kirito, she experiences hardships and good times in SAO and her mindset changes a lot.
Yui, Kiritos and Asunas 'daughter'. If there is anyone out there who doesn't like this character, they must be heartless. How can you not like such a sweet lovely girl. The story of Kirito, Asuna and Yui is probably one of the most heartwarming stories I have come across so far.
Klein. Yes, Klein. Oh he's such an important character. Many might complain how we don't get to see much of him, but the story of Kirito and Kleins friendship is perfect exactly like that. It shows how friendship is not about how much time you spend together, but that every time you meet it is like you've never been apart. Also, he's quite funny.
Sugu, Kiritos cousin, is yet another spice to the love drama this anime offers. Of course you'd want to root for her, if it was not for Asuna, so she has to get her heart broken, but that doesn't make her lose heart in the end.
Others. There are many other characters that are great in SAO, all of them exprerience the game in their own way and they have to deal with a lot of things, dramatic and good. All of the characters and their relations with each other are so well made, it's so heartwarming as well as heartaching.
4. Enjoyment:
If you've read this far it's not hard to guess that I have enjoyed this anime a fair amount. To me this is one of the most heartwarming and encouraging animes ever made. When I first started watching, I also expected hack and slash action, but I was definitely not disappointed, since I have a heart and it felt a lot of things watching this show.
5. Overall:
I would love to give this show an overall rating of 10, however that would be my biased opinion. This anime, realistically, for those who enjoy love drama, ranges between 7 and 9, depending on the personal likes and dislikes of each person. I will therefore give it a 8 for the sake of being objective, but in my own list it has a solid 9, because I just love it so much.
Jul 25, 2015
Sword Art Online
There are plenty of reviews for this show, yet I still decided to write my own. Mostly, because the majority of 'reviews' you see for this show aren't what I'd call actual reviews, they're rants by people who had their expectations disappointed, atleast 80% of them.
In this review I will try to set a few things correctly and actually try to highlight some of the controversy this anime is receiving. As I already said, I've read plenty of the reviews written for this and the majority just disturbed me, as they aren't objective at all. To begin I'd like to talk about this anime's biggest flaw. Oh ... Jul 25, 2015
Iinari! Saimin Kanojo
Spoiler Alert!
There are some nice thing's about this, but those few nice things aren't really enough to make up for it's flaws. I'll keep this review quick, after all there are just two episodes, so no need to go into too much detail. 1. Story: Actually this is the best about this series. The idea of using hypnosis to get the girl you like and your sister to perform sexual deeds for you, isn't really bad at all. Quite enjoyable in fact. 2. Art: Not bad, but also very mediocre. Some scenes look good, some not so much. There are some moments where the anatomy just seems ... |