Dec 10, 2013
Okay I am sure most of you have heard of "The Killing Game" before. Well this is almost like it. It first starts with rabbits and they must find the lying wolf. over the years it went on and then there was this site called Rabbit Doubt (by the way the site is real I am a member if you want to know more just message me) and 6 people decide to meet up and hang out but they were knocked out and abducted they woke up in a abandoned place and the game has begone. they have no choice but to play it. they
Dec 12, 2012
This is like my second favorite book. The characters are so amazing, and the plot is so magnifacent! I want to be in the story now i want to be alice i bet it would be awesome to be in it right? It's more different than the others types of alice in wonderland but thats okay its still amazing! I hope whoever picks this book up with keep and treasure this book and keep dreaming! (p.s boris is mine lol) Dec 7, 2012
Angel Beats!
Okay this is my favorite anime EVER!!!!!!!! i can't stop thinking about it. Everyday i listen to the band Girls Dead Monster on my mp3. I guess my favorite parts are from the band because the songs speak to me. Baiscally it speaks the truth of the world!!!
But the some other parts without the band are so funny and sad! but no matter what it just pulls you in more and more always wondering whats going to happen next. I just love it so much i can go on forever! I really recomend this to everyone especially to J-pop fans LiSA is singing for some ... Dec 7, 2012
Okay from my point of view this book is amazing~ I only read it twice and reading it again i dont know why but it makes me think. pretty much I'm like whoa! you seriouse! but its really good.
It is not concidered as horror its more of gore which is okay but not for younge readers though :3 remeber this though it might be in your mind forever once you read it. "There are people who kill and there are people who get killed" |