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Jan 14, 2025
Mixed Feelings
I have so many questions. It felt like I was on a weird trip. I thought the show was going in a completely different direction. I thought it would be more of a comedy, playing on the stario type of isekai, but it did not. The fact that it took itself seriously most of the time was really weird. It felt so bizarre.

The show over all isn't bad, but it's not necessary good. It's very middle in the road. The plot is as generic as a isekai show can be. Its very basic. The only thing that sticks out is that this dude is ...
Sep 14, 2024
Mixed Feelings
This show has one of the worst episode ones I have ever seen. After seeing half of the 1st episode, I wanted to turn it off. The fact that he is literally a month old is weird and it's when I had to stop. But after seeing more a little more of the show, they keep bring it up. Why!!! Its already weird enough, stop bringing it up!!!!
The show doesn't make much of an effort of building tension. Things build up almost immediately then drop just as fast. The characters are also boring. The harem of girl are useless, the 2 main girls are ...
Apr 22, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Honestly, I feel really conflicted about this movie.

The show is one of my favorites animes. It shows the feeling most of us military people go through when we come home and showing other what PTSD does to us. Violet was a perfect character for what she needed to be; a war-torn solider learning to be "human." The show was and still is amazing. As for this movie though, its conflicting to say the least. To be perfectly honest I was hoping that Major Gilbert would stay "dead." Threw you the show they imply that he is most likely dead but missing in action. I ...
Feb 27, 2024
I feel like I'm getting called out here.

I have never seen a manga that covers the topic of asexuality. Honestly, we need more of them. As an asexual, I related to Chika. Feeling like you are broken just because you don't see people in a sexual manner. That hit really closed to home for me. Everything Chika went through; I had gone through it as well. It's nice to see that other people have the same problems too. I was honestly jealous that Chika had this crazy support system. I wish I had that.

The big thing that I really appreciated was ...
Feb 11, 2024
Tribe Nine (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
I'm losing my mind here!
The show starred off extremely boring and confusing. Like what are the teams? Are they gangs who play this game instead of fighting? Who are half of these characters? Why should I care about them? Why is it even a sports anime to begin with? This makes no sense!!
Very little is explain. I feel like I'm getting punished for not playing the game the show is based off.
The only reason I watched the show was for Corpse Husband, but I don't even think he could saved this show.
I shouldn't have to play the original material just to understand the show! ...
Sep 8, 2023
Preliminary (10/? chp)
I have read the first 3 volumes of this serious, and this manga is an extremely boring and frustrating read!

The only thing I like about it, is the art style, that it.

The manga is an isekai for some reason. There is no reason for it to be one. The fact that the main girl is from "our world" dose nothing for story. It would have been better if she was just born as an intelligent girl. Skip all the pointless facts that her new world is an old game she played. The isekai aspect dose nothing for the plot. When get gets to ...
Sep 8, 2023
Sirius (Anime) add
Honestly it started ok with the first episode, but then the story felt extremely rushed. It felt like I was missing episodes, heck hole story plots. It just jumps from one thing to another with no prepose. There a bare bone story here. There is not a lot to say about this anime's story. Other than I have seen this story done before and WAY better than this.

It's just pretty moving art at this point. There's is nothing else here.
Sep 8, 2023
Mixed Feelings
I generally really enjoy the story. The manga is amazing, but this is an odd adaptation.
The intro and outro songs are really good. Will add to music play list later.
The thing that kills it for me is the animation. It is unfortunately CGI and it's a bit garring at times. Its feels like I'm waiting for the cutscene in a video game to be over. The CGI is distracting. The movements of the characters are sometimes really uncanny and not normal. How is it that the background characters are animated in 2D, and the main characters are in CGI? Its normally the other ...
Jul 8, 2023
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (10/? chp)
I have read the first 3 volumes of this.
Honestly, I have mixed feelings on this manga serious. InuYasha is one of my favorite mangas/ animes and its the hole reason that I love anime/ manga to this very day. It was my first.
So, seeing a continuation of the story was worrying to say the least. After the nightmare that which is Baruto, I didn't have high hopes for Yahshime. While it's not as bad as Baruto (which isn't hard to do) it had a lot of problems. I have never been so confused before, on what was happening in a manga. Like why is ...
Mar 8, 2023
Preliminary (11/? chp)
This is so freaking cute; I might die from it!!!! lol

But in all seriousness, I really enjoy these first 2 volumes. It's basically about this tiger name Kagetora and a wolf name Jiro and they go restaurant hoping around their city and the craziness of life that goes along with them. It's funny and all around just really cute story. It's great read if you are having a bad day and need something to pick you up from it. I love the art in this manga!!! Kagetora is so cute and fluffy, I honestly though he was a Shiba Inu. Jiro is just so ...

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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