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Oct 2, 2015
Since my previous review deleted because I haven't completed yet
Here's my review after I completed this anime
If you reading this review & interested in this anime, make sure you
1. Enjoy dirty jokes
2. You understand the meaning of "number 1" above xD
Yeah, because if you're not a pervert and didn't enjoy dirty jokes
This anime maybe not for you (You can skip to the very last paragraph maybe?)
But wait, there's a certain wise person said
There are only 2 people in this world
Open pervert & Closet pervert (See Log Horizon for futher info)
So, probably if you reading this... Yeah you're one of those two xD
You just never know what will come to your face until you watch it
Yep that's the definition of this anime
The story is about "terrorist" that want to make sure "justice" is everywhere
Looks like a superhero-cliche story
So why "terrorist"?
Because in this anime the society is too proper and way to clueless to something that lewd
At first maybe you're interested in this anime because you're hoping that the jokes will be like Seitokai Yakuindomo?
You're coming in a right place
This anime is like Seitokai Yakuindomo
Mainly the jokes are dirty jokes
But this one is lewder and have more "ecchi" scene than Seitokai Yakuindomo
FYI, this anime is kinda influenced by Hentai Kamen
Because of the costume and the superhero thing
The art, you can say it's really pretty
I mean J.C. Staff did the job done
They almost done the good job everytime
Yeah everytime until Denpa Kyoushi
OP & ED are catchy
The voice acting for this one
You just can't describe it with words
They really did a great job
Especially Ayame's seiyuu , you need to practice and more than bravery to do all of that
*clap hands
She's a pretty new seiyuu too, but she really did a great job (Just look at her other characters, so different)
Ah also I won't forget Anna's seiyuu
Her voice... I can't never go back
Mainly her seiyuu's characters are innocent one
But this...
Probably you'll shock to hear what you'll hear in this anime
The characters
I'm not going to spoil it so much
They almost have all of them
For the example
The straight-man (which is the MC), the open-pervert, the closet-pervert, the unsuspected one, the time-bomb, the very manly one, the supporting (perverts) characters
The way they interact with each other, episode by episode, bit by bit .. I mean like the character development kinda weird (in a good way) & amusing too everytime you watch
It's cliche but at same time it funny & really enjoyable
You'll be either facepalming or laughing, because they're so ridiculously dirty xD
This anime is full of dirty jokes, so you know what to expect right?
Probably you'll be cringe for the entire time, so make sure uhh.. you're ready to face dirty jokes!
Also don't watch it with someone else or in open space
That'll be so dangerous (&awkward), so good kid don't do that xD
If you enjoy something like Seitokai Yakuindomo
That have a big amount of dirty & s*x jokes
You should try this anime
It's rare to see a daring story like this one
Hope this review helps!! :)
Have a good day and support SOX by signing this review!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 5, 2015
You want to watch this anime but still undecided what to do?
Here I am to encourage you to watch this anime
Because this anime is funny!! Worth every your time
If you're looking for a comedy & 4th wall breaker anime here it is
If you like Gintama without the seriousness, sad stories & actions
You can watch this anime alright xD
May contain minor spoilers from here
Here's the thing...
Have you ever see some anime characters mocking their own anime?
Have you ever see an advanced "shiritori" game with a "taboo" card?
Cliche telepath communication?
Masamune Date Seal? (Date daze!)
You thought the voice actings are bad, later on you thought it's pretty good?
An overpowered gamer girl?
Cliche shounen's villains conversation (I'm the weakest of.. bla bla)
Being praised because you want to go home?
Then welcome to kitakubu!! *ED song start playing
Ehhhh... Just how much ypu want me to end this review?!
The story is exactly like this anime's synopsis
The MC (Andou Natsuki) wanted to be in going home club, so there she is,, wish granted
That what I want to say but actually she just wanted to home afterschool
Slowly but sure she starts to enjoy the club activity
The artstyle
Cute, simple, but nothing special like our MC xD
I don't know that much about Nomad studio, but they did this anime with clean and simple
The sound
OP&EDs are pretty catchy and you'll like it after 3 or 4 episodes
Well beware though, Claire can change the ED anytime she likes!
Voice actings?
The seiyuu(s) are mostly newcomers.. Seriously guys what did you expect?
For first timer I could say they did a very good job
First time watching this anime, maybe their voice sounded pretty weird
But it's actually suited their characters
They did it pretty full of expression too (the voices obviously)
Like Normal (invisible MC), Cute airheaded girl, Yandere Ojou-sama, OP old-gamer girl, and... who is she again? Oh right the club prez xD
Maybe you won't see their bonding very well
This anime make it pretty invisible, can't see those pretty well
But their characters & personalities make everything in this anime interesting & rather funny..
Yeah sometimes you'll just cringe because of their silliness
Maybe this wasn't serious, action-packed, full of stories anime like I mentioned at the beginning
But if you need something silly, make your day better for one or two laughs/cringes
Yeah you'll enjoy this (enjoy the silliness of this anime ofc)
You know what to expect right?
Comedy.. Cringe-worthy
Sometimes really funny
Bad voice acting at first, but you'll grow fond of it
If you enjoy comedy anime (with non stop silliness & cliche jokes), I'll definitely recommend this to you xD
Hope this helps
Please tell me if there's something wrong.. I'm not perfect you know :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 4, 2015
Tonari no Seki-kun : The master of killing time
So, exactly as the title of this anime
Or they should Yokoi wants to know all her next-seat classmate is doing? ╲(。◕‿◕。)╱
Well, it really worked pretty well for me.. For killing time
So, what's the best time for watching this?
When you're resting from doing your homework, waiting for someone/something, while eating snacks, when your TV at commercial break (Don't watch it before you sleep, because you won't sleep after 1 episode )
Ok here's a thing if you didn't notice
It's a 7-8mins short anime or 1/3 time of the usual anime (1 min+ for OP&ED)
Why I recommend this?
First the
Obviously the story is about killing time
Most of the time they just sit in a classroom while the teacher there
There is Seki who likes to play something else while the teacher teaching something (Good boys&girls don't do that xD)
And there is Yokoi, who's always curious with whatever Seki do, keep watching him & commentating furiously (not really), and regretted it after that
Because she didn't listen to the teacher's lesson
Simple story yet so interesting
Hmm I have to say nothing special about the arts
But overall it's good
The expression, especially Yokoi (Well she's the only one who had many expressions) just really really.. make things so interesting
I mean without those face expressions you obviously can't imagine how this anime will going to be.. right?
For Seki-kun oh well his expressions all went to his "creation" effects xD
So, how about the sounds?
Well voice acting... You need something more than this?
The voice acting is the one that making things alive!!
HanaKana, everyone's favorite
I'm pretty sure almost all of MAL's people knew her pretty well
She really did a great job
Usually you'll hear her as a introvert, shy, and a quiet character but adorable
So, how about this one?
Well her character wasn't really talking loud about all of her "comments"
But still her character obviously not a quiet one
Her voice really made Seki's "creation" perfect
Without her "tsukkomi" voice everything just become dull
Thank you HanaKana! Good job! xD
Seki-kun, many people said Shimono Hiro just doing nothing at all
But those guys are wrong
He's doing something amazing
His character wasn't not talking at all
But he's still doing other sounds, like sound effects..
Tbh it's kinda hard sometimes to do something like that
There'll be an episode that he have to do the sound effects by his own voice.. only his voice
He really did a great job! I mean really, you'll see later
OP is sung by HanaKana, the lyrics are reflecting Yokoi's feelings
ED just an instrumental+some gibberish by some student's tools (ex : pencilcase, pencil, "lab glass")
Let's start from Seki
A boy who didn't like studying in a classroom at all, so he brought all of his toys to the classroom
He's playing with them while his classmate looked at him (I think he's planning this xD)
And Yokoi
Because Seki's "creation" need someone's reaction to make it alive
They way she made the "comments" are way too hilarious, you can't deny her way to make them
Her voice too full of expression too, so you're bound to laugh / just grin widely
For both of them
Well I don't really know myself
But, I really shipped them even if there's no romance at all
I mean if you're watching them till the end, you know they're really adorable together
They have some kind of "red strings being tied together".. Right g-guys?
It's a short anime, but it's really interesting
When I'm watching this, I just felt it's just one or two minutes
That means, if you're really enjoying something, your sense of time just *poof.. Gone xD
Why don't you try for yourself the first 3 episode?
It's just 21 min, the same time like 1 episode of a "normal"
Thank you for reading my review
Hope it helps you
I really like short anime like this
How about you? You like it too?
Please tell me by adding me and write it to me in my comment section :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 3, 2015
Might contain a very minor spoiler (or just common thing about countryside & the lovely people xD)
Having a hard day?
Having a bad day?
You can't handle the pressure from your daily life?
You want something peaceful to watch and calming your heart?
You're at the right place!
Non Non Biyori, the oasis.. This anime is a oasis for your heart and your every cells xD
I really mean it
Tbh, at first I don't expect that much from slice of life anime
When it first started, I thought it's gonna be something like Yuri-action
Or something really really normal with lame jokes repeated over and over
But I was wrong, I was so wrong
At first
There's nothing special about there story
Just a normal slice of life and some funny things
But... Somehow it's really relaxing
This anime really calming my heart for some reasons
Maybe because of the countryside (full of green, nature.. so peaceful?)
Or the musics & sound effects?
You can't deny the view, the art was (and still is) so wonderful
(Thank you Silver Link!)
Maybe sometimes, when you're watching this anime, somehow you'll get the urge to live in a countryside
Because it's so beautiful and full of nature!
Also green colors is good for your health, so this anime will make you healthy!!? xD
I'm serious.. The colors, the background makes your body feels relax, so relax
I don't have to mention the sound right?
The voice actings were so interesting
You can hear that they're really having fun recording it, I wish I was there xD
The ost, bgm, sound effects, musics, everything that you can hear in Non Non Biyori just make you like you're in a peaceful countryside besides a flowing river with fresh air and there's a kid playing a beautiful music with a recorder
Seriously you can't be more immersive when you're watching this
I can stare at non moving section of this anime, just hearing the sounds make me like I'm in heave- I mean countryside xD
The characters
Let me start from Ren-chon, the most easily likable character
First, How can you not like her? How?
Her greetings? Her expressionless face?
Everything about her is so adorable
They way she speak, act like an adult more than her older sister
But sometimes she did stupid things like "DAI-NO-MAIT" too xD
Really 5th grader? Really??
You Sanae!!... Oh wrong anime ~de geso
When you need an adorable & fake loli
Here she is xD
She said she's an adult and want to be adult, but scared of so many things
Also she's shor- (ちっちゃくない、よ!!)
Hmm life is.. Well not gonna spoil it...
Maybe like her watermelon? xD
Also there are "Dagashi-ya", Renge's two older sis.. The clumsy one and the lazy one
If you're in a desert (of life), here's one of your oasis
I assure you, if it seems boring
But nope, it's just so peaceful
It'll mend any wounds in your heart
Try it, you won't regret it xD
If you need something please tell me or ask me or anything
I'm not perfect, you know
Ah if you like it you should check Non Non Biyori Repeat
It's not a sequel, but a remake..
But it's really different and still haven't lost the touch from the original
Hope this helps you, you awesome reader! xD
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 2, 2015
So how's it going?
I hope this review will help you :)
Also encouraging you to watch Gintama
It's worth every of your time!!
Have you ever cried with a sad story and *BAM
They suddenly throw their best jokes at you
So, you can crying and laughing at the same time?
Well welcome to Gintama then? xD
Where you can definitely crying because of the sadness & the happiness
201 episodes?
You must be thinking, it's just way too long
And must be boring especially when it's half-way (100 episode)
If you're thinking like that you're definitely wrong
This anime, if you really like to laugh, ridiculous things, and have a good sense of humor
You'll definitely have a good time for the entire 201 episode and the sequels
If you need something serious.. Gintama have it too
Usually the serious things will be in arcs
Gintama consist of many arcs, mostly the arcs just consist of 2 - 4 episodes
So it won't be that long too
Have you ever see an anime that broke 4th wall into pieces, bury them, burn them, and humiliate them?
No? Gintama did it anyway
They have a certain arc
That's really unique.. I can assure you there's no other story like that arc
I can't spoil you too much
But in that arc some characters in Gintama will try to kill the author
Yeah the Gorilla-sensei(Sorachi-sensei)
Also, Gintama don't care about copyrights
So you can expect a popular anime / your favorite anime being parodied by Gintama
I did recommend this anime to some of my friends who doubt it earlier
"Why gintama have a really nice overrated rating all the time?"
But once they watched Gintama, they finally understood it
And can't stop watching Gintama everyday xD
Ah, if you're a new person in anime&manga world, I suggest you prepare your heart first...
Because this wasn't like Naruto, Bleach or One Piece (Shounen in general) at all
Still not interested in Gintama at all?
You can ask me anything & add me if you don't sure whether you have to watch Gintama or not ^^
Note :
When you're watching Gintama, especially at the beginning (ep 1 -3 I think?)
Probably you'll get confused.. But don't worry, you'll back to track soon
(Pssh... Gintama never back in track once it sidetracked.. No JK.. Not really JK too I mean xD)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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