NOTE: if you’re watching nanbaka on crunchyroll you’ll find out that nanbaka has more than 13 seasons for it’s first season. That’s just because crunchyroll decided to continue the season, the season was still meant to end at the 13th episode though.
Story: 8 out of 10.
I rated it this because the overall story is pretty good. Nanbaka's plot had me hooked from the moment I saw those four idiots try to escape nanbaka prison. Nanbaka had a lot of action and I laughed at least three times during every episode. Though the plot was sometimes very random and I had trouble following it, I
found the story very endearing and good. I expected it to be a comedy anime (which it was) but it’s also a slice of life and action anime, in my opinion.
I liked that all of the characters (most of them) were able to have backstories. Backstories made them all feel less randomly dropped in the story and explained why they were there. Still, as I already mentioned, there were still some parts where I had to go back to the previous chapter because I couldn't understand what was happening. I did eventually get what was happening enough to continue watching the anime but me being confused with what was happening temporarily is why I couldn't rate it a 10. It was still a good, creative story.
Art (8/10): The art was okay. It wasn't outstanding but it was fine and I could watch the anime without cringing at it. The characters all looked very different and I liked how many colors they used on each character. I didn't understand why all of the characters were glowing but I didn't mind. They're fabulous so they deserve to glow...
Sound 9/10: I can't judge sound very well because I don't usually listen to anime openings or anything like that but I enjoyed the songs in nanbaka. I thought they were really fun and were not at all boring to listen to. As for the english dub... I actually didn't mind it. People complain about it but it's actually one of the better anime concerning english dub. I could do without the warden’s high-pitched voice, though.
character (9/10): I really loved the characters in nanbaka. The main characters and some of the side characters have really well character development and backstories. I can also relate to most of them, so that's a bonus. I didn't really get to see much of the prisoner’s in building 13’s background, only snippets, in the first season but I think/hope I'll learn more about them in the second season. They all seemed like a family and I loved that they were able to have that bond.
Jyugo: Jyugo is practically my child, I love him so much. I wasn't very attached to him in the beginning of the series but, after hearing his backstory, I got very attached to him and now I just want the best for him. I love his character development and he reminds me a bit about myself. He's a character you can relate to in a way or another. He deserves to be the main character and it is shown how he unites all of his friends in the later episodes in the season.
Uno: the classic gambler. I mostly paid attention to him because I ship him with Jyugo but now I just love him for him. I liked his cheery attitude and 'pretty boy' face haha. Actually, every main character but Jyugo had a very cheery attitude (something I love, ironic cause they're prisoners). He's kind of a 'tough love' guy and I love that. He pretends he doesn't care about others (*cough* Jyugo) but he really does and it's cute.
Rock: I love Rock, alright? He’s really kind-hearted and upbeat. His love for food is definitely very relatable. It's nice to see an anime character appreciate how nice anime food is. He's one of my favorite characters but I also love all of the other inmates to death. He’s also really kind-hearted and an overall great character.
Nico: I loved Nico from the start. Who couldn't? Nico is just soooo lovable. I used to think he was a girl but it was made very clear that he was a male a BOY and not not not a girl. I wish he was a real person so I could give him a big hug and rant to him about anime and manga. He is the best otaku (ironic but great) and his english voice actor totally fits how I imagined he'd sound so that's also great. He's so precious and I hope he never grows up.
Hajime: He definitely is a top notch guard. I have a kind of biased grudge on him because of a SPOILER but he isn't heartless.
Momoko: To be honest, I found her really annoying. She must be the only character I kinda really hate. All she did was fawn over Hajime in this really high pitched voice. She is one of the only female characters in nanbaka and I thought she could’ve had so much more potential then how she was used. Whenever she comes to the screen I kind of cringe...
Enjoyment (10/10): Nanbaka is an amazing anime and I will most likely watch and like the second season. It made me laugh a LOT, at least three times each episode, and it surprised me by making me nearly cry. It’s a really touching show and I love nearly everything about it.
Overall (9/10): Season one was really good and it had a great finale. Nanbaka is a really GOOD anime show and I highly recommend it to whoever. GO WATCH IT!!!
Dec 2, 2020
NOTE: if you’re watching nanbaka on crunchyroll you’ll find out that nanbaka has more than 13 seasons for it’s first season. That’s just because crunchyroll decided to continue the season, the season was still meant to end at the 13th episode though.
Story: 8 out of 10. I rated it this because the overall story is pretty good. Nanbaka's plot had me hooked from the moment I saw those four idiots try to escape nanbaka prison. Nanbaka had a lot of action and I laughed at least three times during every episode. Though the plot was sometimes very random and I had trouble following it, I ... Apr 24, 2020
High School Musical
I read this manga because I was like, 'it's the manga adaptation of High School Musical, cool!' And, honestly, it was probably best left as a movie.
Story (1): The story was... non-existant. Art(5): The one okay thing was the art. The art was actually halfway decent-it wasn't the best but it wasn't too bad. Still, if we were comparing how well they resembled the actual High School Musical cast then... the art didn't really succeed. I didn't expect a total copy of the cast to a point where they all looked EXACTLY like the cast but some of the characters didn't look at all ... |