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Jul 2, 2022
Space Dandy, He Really Was Just a Dandy Guy in Space.
Coming back with that same awesome energy from Season 1 Season 2 is just as good.This is A Fun little romp full of One-off Adventures. The Art is even better than before; there are very impressive dance numbers, episode four really stands out and it blew my mind. Music is still good; whoever is in charge of picking the songs has a great ear. Same Cast you know and love: Dandy, Meow, and QT. Meow and QT take more of a back seat this season to give more
time to the supporting characters: Scarlet, Dr. Gel, and Honey. There is an episode dedicated to the fans favorite pairing; if you adore Love and Romance, the ending of Episode 10 will have you on the edge of your seat. Yes, Very enjoyable; I found myself laughing and always looking forward to seeing the next episode. I will Say i personally liked Season one more as a whole, whereas this one had a few more flat episodes mixed with a few great episodes; a fair trade off i guess. You could recommend this one to someone who may not be into watching Anime, and chances are they would find it to be exciting.
Overall a really good, lighthearted, well made show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 2, 2022
Space Dandy, Hes a Dandy Guy in Space.
I Found it to be extremely entertaining. The Character designs are really Iconic; you could immediately recognize any one of them at a convention. the Art is so Fun, Bouncy, and Outrageously animated for what is basically a one-shot comedy show. Yes, Most all of the Episodes in the Series are just one offs that don't have anything to do with one another. At most there may be a side comment of what happened in the past; don't get too attached to anyone outside of Dandy, Meow, and QT. The Episodic Story Telling does lead
to some Entries being stronger than others (Episode 13 was a pure delight). Although, Most Comedy anime do not translate well to the west; this one is a cut above the rest. There are many laughable moments; even people who may not like the anime medium, will find themselves having a good time.
The Art style is experimental, you will find yourself hypnotized for even some mundane scenes. There is a lot of Hype around this series, due to it being popular; It's pretty well earned. Do not get too high of expectations; in fact, go in with no expectations and enjoy the ride, baby. The Episodic story telling means many of your questions go unanswered. That will upset some viewers, while others will enjoy the air of mystery and the chance to speculate what happened. This show is not supposed to be taken seriously, it's pure enjoyment. I believe there is much fun to be had in this show, and i can definitely see this being a lot of people's personal favorite.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 24, 2022
I was obsessed with this anime when it came out. I made my dad get me the full season 1 box set on DVD, and I still have it. I even got the first volume of the manga, and I showed it to the other kids at school. Probably not a good idea because there was a lady jerking off in the first couple chapters.
I would rank this very low after watching many more shows since then. If you're a little teen that loves shonen & action this is going to be great. It's super cheesy, super Hammy, and very "cool". If you're an adult
however &/or have watched better things, you are not going to find anything of value here.
The character designs stand out & most of them are likable tropes. The action is entertaining, but nothing to write home about. The plot is pretty standard & you can guess where things are going to go. At this point, if I recommend the show I always tag it with "it's so bad that it's good"
like I said pretty standard but there are a few things I will pop out and make you think "what the fuck."
when I whipped out the DVDs on my fiance, we watched it all the way through. *Spoilers* There's a part towards the end of S1 where they're fighting this guy In some illusion room. It looks like it's inside a stomach & the guy literally says "this is my womb" and then proceed with the monologue about his womb My fiance turned to me and said "wow your parents really just let you watch anything."
Do not recommend, not that great,but somewhat hilarious.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 24, 2022
One of the most toxic shows a teenager can watch. I had read the Manga and the spin-off manga in junior high; I remember I enjoyed it at the time. When I started my anime Adventure, now as an adult, I added this to the list. I honestly couldn't remember a thing about it. It's bad.
Every character is a horrible person. It wants you to think that there is only one bad person in the main cast, that being Momo. As you watch each character make a decision, it is always the wrong decision. People might chalk this up
to them being teenagers, but this is beyond the normal scope of how high schoolers behave. People lie, keep unnecessary secrets, constantly talk bad about one another, sexually harass each other, make manipulative plans behind friends backs... it's terrible. Not just as a character study but as far as writing goes, it's all poorly planned out &written.
I dropped it on episode 4 when the main character (who you're supposed to be rooting for btw) threatens to kill herself by jumping out of the window, because her boyfriend won't listen to her. While two other characters plot to literally molest someone in the hospital.What a horrible things to do to somebody. The drama is too much these people have been together for less than a week and they're literally willing to die.
It's unfortunate because this series could have been a really good look into what it is like to look different, stand out too much, and to not feel pretty. Would have been interesting to see a dark-skinned main character represented for teen girls who lacked confidence. it could also have been a really good guide for children and teens being bullied and how to get out of it. And if they wanted to represent the relationship is toxic I wish they could have gone the route of showing how to get out of it properly and maturely.
Not much to say other than it was a disappointment. Would not recommend to anyone would definitely tell teens and kids to avoid it in just because I worried it would send wrong messages.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jun 13, 2022
This show is a visual marvel. I would see snippets on AMVs for years and be blown away. I was surprised it was only 3ep Long. That length is perfect since the story is told in an abstract & disorganized fashion.
Ironically this show's message is lost on those who need it most. You could replace the antique cup with a Crunchyroll subscription & maybe people would understand it better.
The concept is that there is a decent young man who gets quickly & unhealthily obsessed with a beautiful little girl. Much like how many modern anime fans have unhealthily obsessed with Lolita characters. He
starts out almost normal and quickly descends into madness. He puts her on a pedestal and treats her as if she's ethereal, a goddess. His constant talking, thinking, and moving as though she is in the room will have viewers debating if she actually is. She is not real she is a concept; An image that will never grow older or become "dirty"
The moments that she seems the most real are the moments where she does not seem to want this affection or attention. He creates the fantasy where she is loving him as obsessed with him , as he is with her. He does not listen to her words or how she feels about any of this.
He ignores real women, his job, & countless things in his life to spiral into the psychosis he created from his imagined relationship with this little girl. It is not pure, it is Tainted, it is dark, it is disturbing. He wants to harm her. He will destroy her & tell her it's her fault. He calls it love.
This is a very flashy metaphor, for you to go and touch some grass & not obsess about anime ass.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 13, 2022
Not a good show at all, can't believe I watched this as a child when it came out.
If the characters & art style were not pulled from a more popular source, literally no one would have heard about this series. The characters are very generic 70's stereotypes: cool guy, hot mysterious girl, obnoxious comedy relief. The twist is the short funny guy is the lead. This could have been interesting; seeing an under-dog\unloved outcast get treated poorly, but always manage to pull through. They take the plot too far, beyond realistic human behavior. Their choices make no sense to the point You can't relate to
his struggles, because they are so blown out of proportion & over the top.
Shorty is also dumb, creepy & unlikable. He smiles, leers, & even laughs when the female lead is being assaulted by the enemy(s)
The female lead is really strange. She's drawn beautifully & the artist always makes it a point to give her at least one full body nude scene. Nice. What's not nice, She gets attacked and raped more than once in the show. This never seems to affect her mood in any way, if anything her character weirdly wears it as a badge of honor. She will even brag about it to the other 2 leads, after.
If you wanted constant assault on women to prove how dangerous the wild west is, that's fine. What's messed up however, is how the creators obviously used this as a fetish fantasy. To parade around this subject like the victims enjoyed it is extremely distasteful & a bit sickening.
The cool guy was fine, he doesn't do much at all.
There's a sister character & other than that just about everyone else is a one off. They are all very predictable.
Abrupt ending, no resolution. Very cringe & laughable. It's definitely a "so bad it's good" fascination.
Make a prediction of what you think will happen in the show, You will always guess correctly (because this is not a good show)
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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