Mar 15, 2025
I don't think it's all that bad, but I just grew tired of it. Nothing ever happens on this show. Gotta have the most boring first episode ever known to man, ngl. It took 3 episodes just for the setup (a thing that could be wrapped in 1/5 episode) and I'm just tired. I bet that by the end of this season things will start moving for real until it leaves you in a horrendous cliffhanger, craving for the next one in 6 or 7 years from now. It's all so tiresome. Shows like this make me wanna endorse the "just read the manga" cult
Mar 8, 2025
I don't know if it's just me but I feel like this show has been rushed AF. Kind of a disappointing experience for those who read the manhwa, ngl. The show always seems to be cutting to the next scene and the next one and kind of ignoring the minor details that add to the whole experience and story. In the latest episode as I'm writing this, they cut a dialog where Jinhoo is talking about how he put his shadow guards in the shadows of the S rank hunters and no one ... Nov 23, 2024
This is the best thing I've watched the last couple months, gotta tell you I'm beyond surprised. It's addictive, has a bunch of compelling characters, the "edgy" stuff isn't cringe, it's always on point. I miss shit like this fr. Truth be told, I don't think i've seen an anime with this energy since 2016. It got everything you could ever ask for. Plus the MC isn't a cringe beta male doing edgy stuff for the sake of it. It's indeed a great piece of work to binge watch on an afternoon. I've felt a mix of Fairy Tail and Tokyo Ghoul there but in
Oct 20, 2024
One Piece Fan Letter
I'm not overhyped like most people here but I gotta tell yall, It's a decent filler episode. It's not great, doesn't bring anything new to the table other than fanservice. Actually, it's the first time I see someone portray the fanbase of something so well into an episode, that's pretty fun to see. But you have nothing truly engaging here. In 24 minutes, I couldn't care less about the nami-wannabe or the marine brothers. The greatest part in this episode is indeed the powerscale discussion, that's funny AF cuz it actually escapes from most filler-anime cliches and that's rare to see. As the name sugests,
Sep 29, 2024
Fairy Tail: 100-nen Quest
I've already accepted at this point that Fairy tail is an eternal beach episode series. If you have any hope of this becoming anywhere near "serious" give up man lmao. It's fun to watch tho. Fun to watch like a noise in the backgrond. A TV playing the news while you make yourself a snack at 3 AM. Character development will never be a thing here, and there's no problem, it's a comedy show. Same old show with the pseudo-hentai jokes and silly plots and storylines. You're losing nothing here. You'll have a better time arguing with your girlfriend than watching another batch of Fairy
May 15, 2023
One Piece Film: Red
Surely one of the worst movies ever. The movie Red doesn't have a real plot, it's just fan service for Shanks, who doesn't even appear much in his own movie, or at least that's how it's promoted. The lack of information about the Red Hair Pirates made this movie much worse and nonsensical than it could have been. A made up character just to serve as a silly villain, shanks that have abilities that you as a reader/viewer have no background on, characters that don't need to be here but are, for whatever reason. It doesn't add up. It's a giant mess to sell merchandise.
Nov 24, 2021
I've just finished Stone Ocean a few days ago, and this is pretty good. Pucci is a better villain than Dio, hands down. But are things that bug me in this one. All those stands are way too creative, no judging on that. I feel like some fights were too rushed and it killed the pacing sometimes. For instance, C-Moon fight was awesome but it ends way too abruptly. Just to be substituted for a OP stand to the grand finale lmao. The whole part at the Green Dolphin prison was good and I don't felt that was boring or "villain of the week" thing
Nov 9, 2021
I love Naruto classic series, nothing to complain at all. I'm here to talk about my biggest disappointment: Shippuden, more specifically, Obito Uchiha. Naruto Shippuden is one of the worst things in the story of anime/manga. And that's a fact. Many people say Shippuden should've ended after Pain Arc, it was the perfect end and bla bla bla. I agree in some parts. Tobi which turns out to be Obito Uchiha is the MOST underrated character of this story. Throughout the most part of Shippuden, he's display like a strong, confident and overpowered man. He schemes everything, always one step ahead from everyone. Nice ... Nov 6, 2021
One Piece Novel: A
Completely forgettable. Some guys decided to write a spin off story about Ace's journey/Pirate adventures, or so it seemed. Turns out it's the same brief story Oda tells you in the original manga/anime. Ace gets beaten by Whitebeard, Joins him, Blackbeard betrays Whitebeard, Ace goes after him, fights Jinbe, meets Shanks. Everyone already seen this shit. The only new thing here is how Ace found and eat flame flame fruit, everything else is forgettable. They could've expanded the story in a whole other level, but choose not to do it. Such a waste of time. I'M GONNA SAY IT AGAIN, THERE'S NOTHING NEW HERE BESIDES
Oct 29, 2021
Fairy Tail
Hiro Mashima truly hates Natsu, and I'll tell you why I think that way. Fairy Tail starts as any other shounen of its time: a simple story that expands itself as the years flew by. I'm gonna be dividing it in 3 parts, just like the anime version. It starts OK for a shounen but gets worse. Throughout the whole 545 chapters, 326 episodes, Hiro Mashima gives Natsu a couple power ups and Natsu simply doesn't "level up", he always stays the same as he was at the beginning. In the Oración Seis Arc, Natsu finds out about the Dragon Force transformation (or whenever you