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Apr 30, 2023
Overall enjoyment: 8/10
Story: 6/10
Graphics and style: 9/10 WOW!
Characters: 7/10
I would definitely recommend this manga if you currently have an itch for romance, comedy, and drama that you want scratched in your brain! The story revolves around the relationship between a junior and his senpai blossoming from cohorts, to dating, and through their drama.
In terms of the story, it's fairly straight forward; I wouldn't call it a unique storyline. Kouhai is a desperate college freshman that desires a girlfriend and meets senpai, a cool woman smoking by an isolated ash tray. The story subsequently evolves into being closer together through their jobs, going on trips,
and introducing side characters that add fluff and comedy. The drama mainly stems from miscommunication between the characters. I enjoyed how the author would switch between characters thoughts so you knew how they felt during the drama. The story was still very engaging and each chapter was composed of comedy, love, or emotion. I confidently went into each new chapter knowing something fun, depressing or interesting would happen between the characters; I never felt bored once while reading.
In terms of the graphics, I was stunned at how the minor details really left an impression on the page. The author was incredible at drawing faces and eyes! As the reader, you could feel the emotion of each character as they spoke on the page; their desperation, happiness, and melancholy. The expressions of the characters all resonated with the reader. I looked forward to each new chapter so that I could see the character's faces as they spoke with palpable, resonating emotion. You could tell the author was passionate about expressing their drawings into emotion.
Each of the characters were fun and unique! Senpai is a cool, flawless person with insecurities. She likes direct communication about feelings but ironically miscommunicates her own. Kouhai is a goofy, immature, and passionate boy who is learning about how to love for the first time. The other side characters such as the boss and 3 coworkers add comedy to the work. It was fun reading about how a composed senpai can learn to lean on a passionate kouhai who both desire a genuine relationship despite their own insecurities. I hope you have as much fun as I did while reading this story!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 7, 2022
Blue Flag became an incredibly compelling manga with just the first page. It was also incredibly subjective: If given a choice, would you choose your best friend over a lover? This manga doesn't give a straightforward answer to a straightforward question, but it gives a damn good explanation why it's a bad question. The manga is able to mix drama, romance, and friendship to blend into a confusing medley of philosophical instances while refusing to answer any obvious straightforward questions. However, that is a good thing, because not every circumstance has a simple answer!
I gave this manga an overall 10.
Story: 9/10 (NO SPOLERS)
The story
of Blue Flag is crazy, with a sequential set of themes that become intertwined towards the end. Themes such as loneliness, selfishness, destiny, and normality are frequently thrown into a state of disarray. It also beautifully tackles the main theme of insecurity. The main arcs of the story are best described in the form of questions that just barely get answered and instead leave the reader for interpretation. Here's some examples:
"Is it okay to be average?": The MC, Taichi, frequently feels inferior to his friend Touma. Touma is extremely popular, so why is Touma friends with someone average like Taichi? Is Taichi a nuisance? Does he deserve the same level of respect as someone that doesn't contribute as much to society as Touma?
"What's the limit to where being different is acceptable vs unacceptable?": This manga definitely tackles diverse themes of sexuality.
"Can you have no regrets in life while leading a normal life?": People make choices all the time to be happy, but it may come at the cost of hurting others. Is it worth it to make a choice where you place your own happiness over someone's misery thus disrupting a cycle of normalcy that came before the choice?
Characters: 10/10
Every character has an incredible amount of depth. The story shines because of the characters. Touma is a baseball superstar. Taichi is an average high school student without anything impressive to his resume. Another character, Futaba, starts out having a crush on Touma and using Taichi to become closer to Touma.
The characters in the story start to become unpredictable which fiercely mimics the uncertainties of life in an unsuspecting twist of events. Every 10 chapters or so, the manga forces you to think in a way opposite of how you would normally think of a situation. To name a few examples for each character:
Touma: For someone so talented, handsome, and popular, what is it like having no goals? Isn't life supposed to be easy for people like him? What if nobody understands him, even the ones he considers his best friends? What if his best friends don't consider him as the same?
Taichi: For someone so introverted, it's hard to break out of his shell. He thinks, "Everyone tolerates me because I'm friends with Touma". Is it possible to break this mental depression of viewing himself as inferior?
Futaba: What's the difference between admiration and love? Sure, it's easy to admire someone that's tall, stylish, and charming. But you can love someone because they are all those characteristics. How can you differentiate between the two?
These characters, and many others, like 5 others, are mentioned throughout the series as having personal struggles with common philosophical dilemmas. But each dilemma is portrayed exactly as life would let you play it out. For some, people get angry and fight when there's a cognitive dissonance. For others, they cry and shelter themselves. Some like talking to 3rd parties that objectively give a viewpoint. It's fascinating how every character has a different viewpoint on each situation in the manga. Thus, this leaves the reader to absorb each viewpoint and dictate which choices they may preform in similar situations.
Overall, I would absolutely recommend this manga to anyone looking for an emotionally stimulating drama. It fills and overflows the reader with excitement, anguish, and anticipation when approaching difficult situations with other people. The story plays out as you may or may not expect, but leaves enough interpretation for events that makes you question if you would do the same. The answer to the question of choosing a friend or a lover is a stupid question. The real question is how can you make it work out so you don't have to choose between one or the other? This manga seeks to understand the basic premise that open ended explanations are the best answers to straightforward questions; there is no such thing as a correct answer between 2 different people. I challenge you, as the reader, to stop and think for about 5 minutes after a dramatic scene occurs. What would you do?
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 25, 2022
Overall, I rated Chainsaw Man an 8 with an enjoyment of 5; everything else with better than average scores. One of the things that Chainsaw Man lacked was foundational story telling, but it surpassed expectations with it's story through images. After I finished, I had to go through a couple wiki's to really understand the purpose of each character which may have been more implied than explicitly stated throughout the manga. The manga relies heavily on visual graphics to stretch it's point across, so be prepared to observe each panel to draw your own conclusions.
Story: The story was so fun and interesting. Denji is a
poor boy who finds solace in his ability to kill devils, yet is never able to live a normal life. The story revolves around this essential foundation; Denji desires normalty. However, the story is interesting in that no matter how much Denji does to become normal, the story rejects it somehow. It's extremely entertaining to find out what happens next and how the story will somehow screw over Denji again.
One critique about the story is that, as stated earlier, a lot is expressed through images which can be pretty irritating. A lot of things are simply assumed, such as understanding the difference between a "fiend", "devil", and "hybrid", or how different devils have different abilities. These abilities are largely assumed by their name; for instance, the shark devil has the ability to swim anywhere. However, more obscure names like "darkness", "cosmos", "Hell", and "control" devils can get overwhelming. The panels and the art largely explain their abilities more though. It's a very unique way of story telling; almost as obscure as Evangelion.
Art: The panels and the art themselves often lacked good detail, and other times the manga was outstanding with portraying different scenes. So I rated it roughly a 7. The majority of the story telling appears here in the art. For example, instead of explicitly stating in the manga that a devil embodies the "crossbow devil", they will draw a devil with many arrows and crossbow-esque themes protruding from it's body. It's difficult to understand each character's ability, but the art more than makes up for majority of the portrayal, and often times is preferred other than the character saying, "I have the power to do blah blah and can destroy this thing with this power".
Characters: I rated the characters a strong 10. It was difficult to understand a lot of the manga, but you could feel each characters energy, always. Denji and his aloof attitude, Power and her craziness, Aki and his seriousness, Makima and her care. Each character had a very serious role, no character left without reason.
Enjoyment: I rated this a 5. Simply because I was hoping this would be a easy, unique read after just finishing a romance/comedy manga. I was honestly rushing to understand the story and that only hindered my ability to understand the next chapters. Nothing made sense, panels weren't flowing like how they did in the beginning, and I finished it just to see the last panel of the story. I was sorely underprepared for understanding this story.
Overall: I rated an 8. Be prepared to take the manga slow, go and backtrack if you don't understand an ability or why a person is doing something weird, make inferences about the panels that confuse you, and hopefully that will prepare you for understanding this manga. It's comparable to going to an art museum. At a glance, a painting and it's name mean nothing unless you take in the picture by observing key details within the art individually. Then piece together all the pieces to understand the whole picture.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 24, 2022
Overall, I rated this manga an 8, although everything about this manga was genuinely spectacular. It's an original story line that incorporates slice of life with dramatic overtones and weaves in fantasy. I do have several critiques: the first being how unnecessarily long the story became. I caught myself at time skimming the chapters simply because it became a routine, time and time again, to find witches -> cause another phenomena. The story became predictable and monotonous. Another critique is I felt entire arcs of the story would go through consistently dropping main characters and then revitalizing them, and then dropping them again. For instance,
Shiraishi and Ushio were dropped several times throughout the story. I feel like they played such an integral part in Yamada's school life, yet entire arcs would make a side character like Noa into a main character. It just felt weird sometimes and I caught myself wishing the author would invest more "on screen time" to the actual MCs.
Story: Fantastically original! As per the summary on MAL, there are high school students with super natural powers. It's when Yamada, the MC, stumbles upon one that he goes from being a delinquent to becoming a reliable friend. The first arc felt refreshingly unique, trying to find the school's witches and understand their powers, and the subsequent arc unfortunately followed the same exact trope. After the 3 times of the story trying to find new witches, it unfortunately felt old. But, I felt the interactions between the characters more than made up for the lack of diversity in the story.
Art: Very well done, no panel felt unemotional or conventional. Each chapter was beautifully crafted and I loved the variety of expressions, personalities, and designs each character could be portrayed as.
Characters: This story LIVES for the characters! Without spoiling too much, Yamada, Shiraishi, and Miyamura are all fantastic and unique characters with inspiring character development. It's a curious thing to inject a "shounen-esque" personality into an slice of life MC, but it actually worked. Yamada felt so unconventionally resilient and reliable throughout the story, yet he's also very much a delinquent. Hard working yet not. I won't go into each character, but they each felt excitable, encouraging, and loving. They are all very positive and free thinking characters; exactly how I would imagine an ideal high school life to be.
Everything about the manga was very pleasing. Although I bash the manga for being a little monotonous, don't let that stop you from reading this. Each arc has a reason for existing, it just tends to get exciting towards the end of each one. Overall, the lore behind each character, the variety of situations they're placed under, and the interesting ways everything spirals together is so fun! I hope you enjoy the manga as much as everyone else has.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 12, 2021
I've seen only a handful of commenters mention this, but this movie was a fantastic progression from the show. How spectacular to watch a movie that isn't filler, shows character progression, and furthers the story line! Countless times have there been shounen movies that are pushed for the sake of getting out a movie, but Mugen is a lovely flower in a field of monotonous green grass. Some people talk about the plot being generic, but I think they mistake the GENRE for being generic. This is a shounen: of course the MC will survive, get stronger, and defeat villains that are OP. However THIS
story of demon slayer, although cliche like all shounens, is a fulfilling story as part of Tanjirou becoming stronger. As described in the show, each Blood Moon is unique and unlike any demon Tanjirou has faced. The two he faces in this movie are unique and insanely OP and not just punching bags. Tanjirou adapts along with the other characters to ultimately defeat them in some obscure ways.
Story (9): Besides a couple of plot holes, the story was captivating. And I don't mean the graphics, but the actual story. A few plot holes I discovered were why Rengoku could unconsciously choke his way out of a dream that purposely mind numbs someone. It was kinda stupid his "sense of justice" can overpower his shut down central nervous system. Other than that, the story flowed very nicely. Yes the setting was unbearably boring; on a train. However it was flushed out to show the power of the characters. Rengoku could save 200 people between 5 different train cars in an enclosed space with precision. The story elaborated further into the back story of Rengoku and Tanjirou. Tanjirou's ability to adapt by snapping out of the dream, forcefully using the fire dance, and learning to heal his body are all major progress points. The villain was flushed out with amazing abilities. One plot hole was the villain's inability to continuously shut down Tanjirou since I never saw Tanjirou close his eyes to avoid dreaming.
I found Inosuke's and Zenitsu's dream sequences hilarious and the anime is somewhat comedy. I enjoyed Inosuke's mannerless aloofness and Zenitsu's freaky obsession with love intertwined with anxiety and depression. They're silly characters in a serious anime however they're also vital plot points. Even the demon acknowledges they're skills by ranting for like 4 minutes on their prowess.
Art and Sound (10): I compare the sound of this anime to Nier Automata; it's breath taking. The action sequences are synced gloriously with the intense musical score. The sad sequences are heart wrenching yet inspiring while compounded with Violet Evergarden-like tracks. Ufotable doesn't disappoint!
Characters (8): I won't describe Tanjirou, inosuke, or Zenitsu because that's moreso a S1 review, but Rengoku was fascinating. He's quirky, weird, but wholesome. He's awkward yet confident. I never really watched an anime with a personality like his before. He is leagues different from the major characters like Tanjirou who are described as "warm and gentle". Rengoku had a pleasant atmosphere with a flushed out background. It was simplistic, but why would Rengoku need a complicated background story? As it's said, he was born strong to protect the weak. I'm a medical student going to medical school because I enjoy caring for people. You don't always need a powerful, life changing background to commit your life to becoming the best in an area of interest. Rengoku's abilities were amazing though and that's how this movie cradled this character to be important.
I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and I hope some people can embrace this movie without mixing it in with other movies in the genre. This genre is saturated with shounen movies that are distasteful, bland, and generic. This movie is refreshing: Tanjirou is still weak, yet progressively understands his weak areas. Unlike several shounen anime, Tanjirou knows his limits. Naruto and Fairy Tail could have the MC literally puking out their internal organs and suddenly recall their family and friendship to overcome a galaxy destroying god. This anime is much more realistic and refreshing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 18, 2021
WHAT A SOLID, WELL WRITTEN MANGA! The kind that genuinely makes your heart flutter and leaves you with a sense of fulfilled emptiness. Even if you disagree with the ending, it's undeniable that any reader was left with a strong sense of emotional attachment to each character by the end. It's a wonderful feeling to experience any kind of emotion at the end of a manga; this one does a solid on my heartstrings.
Story 9: A teacher-student relationship that manifests into love is certainly a unique storyline especially when 5 students, let alone quintuplets are involved! I took off a point since at times I
felt the manga would drag on arcs for too long. However the overwhelming majority of story arcs expressed progress and development between the quintuplets and the student-teacher. Each arc was engaging, plot twisting, and emotional. Also the author did an amazing job of keeping who the MC would eventually marry a secret. THERE WERE NO CLUES! This story was amazing because the author did a fantastic job at giving almost equal screen time to each character while making the ending fulfilling enough were you could say, "Ah that's fair".
Art 9: The backgrounds were great, the characters were very nicely drawn, and it contained its fair share of fan service. The manga genuinely created scenes where you almost felt like you were in first person as the MC or walking around in the quintuplet's giant apartment. You could feel the atmosphere within the panels. The art was refreshing! Of course it has it's fair share of underwhelming panels, but the overwhelming majority of the manga was beautiful.
Characters 10: This is where the manga genuinely shines. THE QUINTUPLETS ARE SO UNIQUE! If anything, read this manga because of the characters.
You have:
-an aspiring actress with a reliable yet underhanded personality
-an aspiring athlete who is aloof and has emotional baggage
-an aspiring teacher who is normal? She has her own arc with interesting twists
-an aspiring cook who is a dominatrix
-a girl that wears indestructible headphones with the greatest character growth known to mankind
-a tutor who goes mad trying to balance school work and becoming experienced with love
*I can't even say there was a best girl because each quintuplet was truly unique. That says A LOT considering the depth instilled into each character.
Overall 8: I loved this manga. I decided to take off two points because the story was somewhat dragged along for too long and the ending could use a bit of adjustment, but overall it was wonderful. Without stating spoilers, the ending is ambiguous. Also it didn't feel like there was solidified closure with the other girls that the MC didn't date. But the BULK of the story and characters were truly unique. What a fun manga!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 8, 2021
Story: 6
Art: 10
Characters: 10
Enjoyment: 10
Overall: 8
Honestly, I came for the ecchi and stayed for the beautiful feelings of comfort this manga gave off. The story is as cliche as a gal manga gets; a shy boy and a delinquent girl hit it off. Seto, the shy guy, is very much your typical high school kid that's doubtful, single, and uncomfortable in his own skin. Despite Anjou, the extroverted gyaru, giving 1000s of hints per day that she's into Seto, Seto is uncomfortable with falling in love. Overall, there isn't much of a plot; it's pretty much just watching these two fall in love which is
as minimal as a love story gets.
The art and the characters are so fantastic though! The author is really gifted with the ability to draw characters in every scene of every circumstance with flawless energy. You FEEL the excitement and danger that Anjou gives off. You CHERISH the joy and companionship Anjou brings to Seto. You CRY when Seto feels lonely and BAM, outta no where, Anjou comforts Seto (and you FEEL the her warm personality). As a reader, I feel so immersed because of how well drawn and emotionally connected every chapter feels.
Also the characters are unique in their own way. Although a bit cliche, Anjou and Seto have really special personalities. Anjou, although a gyaru and delinquent, is super caring and loves to tease. She's very much in love with Seto and you just feel it through Anjou's actions. Seto, although a very traditional lad, is a conscious and daring individual. He constantly steps out of his circle of comfort and ends up having fun with Anjou each time. You can feel his self-conscious edge gradually release as he spends more time with her.
Overall, the everything conveyed in each chapter of the manga is literally palpable. If I could taste this manga, it would be regular comfort food that is just straight up delicious.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 28, 2021
This is the season finale of a young incel evolving into a genuine young adult. My Teen Romantic Comedy is Wrong as I Expected is just as wrong as Hachiman expected. In his opening monologue of S1 ep1, he explains youth as being evil and full of failures. This season goes through how his romcom is actually the exact opposite; being able to explore genuine relationships despite the tumultuous risk of losing friendships by falling in love.
This is my subjective and very biased view of the anime as my highschool experience was the complete opposite of Hachiman's by the end of the season. As expected
from the title, he ends up being involved in a romance. For me, I was in a love triangle in high school that ended in the worst way possible. My bestfriend and crush never told me they liked each other, the crush lead me on for the longest time, and they started dating after I went to prom with said crush. They dropped me like a sack of potatoes without even telling me they started dating. Hell, I had to find out about it from my best friend's locker neighbor. I was heartbroken in the worst way possible; by betrayal. This anime is the ideal story of someone in a love triangle. A man finding love with two best friends that push aside their emotions to maintain a genuine friendship. It provided the closure I never got from my friends.
Overall, the story was amazing. It was full of honesty, raw emotion, and flowed very nicely. At times it was a bit overbearing and confusing. It did require researching on google to understand what was meant by some encounters. The art was great. The sound was good and reflected the mood. But the character development is the most powerful part of this show. The development of Hachiman being an incel and turning into a caring adult. Yukino experiencing new friendships and exploring new emotions. Yui being the rock that has such a strong personality to always communicate and share her honest opinion. Overall, this anime was an ideal version of how a love triangle plays out while experiencing how the MC breaks down the walls around his heart.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 22, 2021
This is my first review. I've read up to the most recent chapter (180) and I've come to appreciate the uncomfortable parts where you scream at the protagonist to "JUST DO THIS" but that's part of the character development. A lot of people comment on this manga as being an interesting concept but extremely pathetic. BUT THAT'S GOOD! WE RARELY SEE PATHETIC PEOPLE, FINALLY A 20 YR OLD VIRGIN WITH INSECURITIES TRYING TO DATE SOMEONE OUT OF HIS LEAGUE THAT ALSO HAS INSECURITIES. The manga is the story of a boy, becoming a more mature boy, and a professional girl slowly breaking down the
walls around her heart.
Story (8): I gotta admit, this manga does a great job creating an original theme of the Rent-a-GF app and twisting it with just funny stuff. And it's pretty emotionally deep. Chizuru closes herself off to everyone to pursue her dream of acting. It's her dream to pursue acting for family and that's awesome. On top of that she has a part time job which conflicts with her relationship with Kazuya yet Kazuya still pursues her. In order to maintain Kazuya's dignity of "renting a gf" and bragging about Chizuru being his "real gf" to his friends and fam, there's a lot of funny ways they maneuver thro life. Without going into much detail, there's blackmailing, intense convos with exes, and big drama. I did find it stupid; however, how Kazuya doesn't give up on Chizuru. It's unrealistic in the fact that almost anyone would take a hint and stop pursuing this girl, but what's interesting is that Kazuya continues to pursue her.
Art (10): Very pretty. All girls are best girls. The detail of the backgrounds are superb, the clothing of each person is ridiculously detailed, and the art expresses lots of emotion. The art clearly expresses happiness, sadness, empathy, and awkwardness. I cried plenty of times during the crying scenes, and smiled plenty of times during the cheerful moments.
Characters (9): I love the characters! We have Mimi, the ex gf that ruins everything. She' extremely annoying, childish, and selfish. A lot of reviewers hate her and make the overall score lower, but that's her job as a character! She always secretive and is 2-faced. We have Ruka, the blackmailing trial gf that is dummy cute and in high school. She's also childish, annoying, and a tad selfish but she does it for good reason. Lots of people say she isn't a necessary token for Kazuya's development and interferes a lot with Kazuya x Chizuru; and that's her job! Makes the manga pretty interesting honestly with her in the way. Chizuru is this serious, professional, talented soon to be famous actress with lots of emotional insecurities. Finally, a girl with insecurities and emotional scars! She may appear as a blank slate at first, but her character development is pretty wild. Lastly, Kazuya is a horny, silly, and average college kid that just wants a gf. His character development is amazing; starting out as an immature boy. I was screaming at the manga saying "JUST STAND UP FOR YOURSELF!" or "PLEASE JUST DO IT, DO THE THING" and eventually matures later on to become a strapping young man. People say this manga made them feel uncomfortable in the first 5 chapters; that means the author did a GREAT job expressing Kazuya's pathetic side!
Overall (8): There's dull spots in the manga, times where the author flushes out an arc for too long, times where you say "Geez this could be reduced to like one panel instead of 20" but the OVERWHELMING majority of the manga is funny, original, and interesting! I loved the emotion expressed throughout the manga. I loved the annoying characters interfering with crap. It's pretty grounded in reality with some sprinkles of exaggeration that make this manga enjoyable. If you're annoyed, uncomfortable, happy, smiling, crying, or screaming at people to do something, then the manga is doing a great job portraying what the author is expressing! This manga is very good at expressing emotion and drama.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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