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Dec 30, 2024
Let me start by saying that I am a sucker for sports series. A lot of sports series that are considered mediocre, will be loved by me. On the one hand, this also goes for Do Retry. When I went into this series I expected the absolute worst, but I ended up enjoying it. But on the other hand, I can also confidently say that Do Retry is not good. And here is why.
Art: Let's start off with maybe the most important part of a series and well, it ain't pretty. The art feels static. Art feels rough, unrealistic and depressing. Bodies look like they
are drawn by a mediocre highschooler, especially the abs. The rest of the art is decent. Nothing to really write home about, good enough. There were some good parts, mainly in the matches, but overall it wasn't good.
Characters: Just like the art, the characters weren't good. They were all flat, if you could even consider them that. The author just gives everyone a sad backstory and acts as if that is enough to make anybody care for a character. Even the main characters feel empty. Aozora's whole character is that he... Yeah, no clue what it was, as it wasn't there. The only thing he had was his "strong heart", more on that later.
Story: The story is also just bad. Other than the setting of post war Japan, there really isn't much. The main character has to fight for his sister and then just randomly we get thrown into the end, this isn't completely the author fault as he had no influence on the series ending, but still it felt very very random. No build up or anything.
In conclusion, Do Retry is very bad, there are no reall good things to say other than that some of the action panels looking decently good. But for some reason I can't hate it. Maybe it is because I went in expecting it to be abysmall, or maybe just because I love sports series, but I really can't hate it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 13, 2024
Psych house is Omusuke Kobayashi's first attempt at a full serialization and Weekly Shounen Jump's latest axe. The series got heavy criticism in Japan for the main character stealing in chapter 1 (even if she had good reasons) and it never managed to recover. But that doesn't mean the series is bad by any means. And here is why.
First point of judgement is the art and it is solid. The world is very vibrant, while also being very detailed. The character designs fit right into the world and tehy fit perfectly with the super power (Psych) theme of the series. The art is very consistent,
without major drops in quality. The art just fits perfectly with the mood of the series.
Second the story, which is fine. Psych House is a Slice of Life series, so the plot doesn.t need to be anything special. The series is very episodic and all most all of the chapters do this style of story telling very well. The final few chapters are a bit rushed and very sudden, but that is because of the author suddenly needing a way to end the series. The final chapter leaves much to be desired, because of the sudden ending. It feels like you don't know the characters that wel, while the ending acts like you should. That is again most likely because of the sudden ending and I think the ending would have been great if we had a few more chapters with these characters.
Lastly I'll discuss the characters, which are oke. They are very fun, vibrant and interesting, but 17 chapters is just to little for us to really get to know them. Because of this they feel very bland and empty, like there was more to them that just couldn't be shown.
In the end I feel like Psych House is a decent read, that I would recommend, but it does feel like it had a lot more in store for us that could have really made the series a lot better. But it is quite fun and I would recommend reading it. I hope we see Omusuke Kobayashi back soon, as they are clearly better than they could show with Psych House.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 24, 2024
So what if the Demon Lord switches bodies with your childhood friend. That is how the story start and it does enough to hook you. But as it turns out the twist is done rather blandly and generic. Luckily the series get's better as it goes on. But is it good enough to waste your time on?
Let's start with the art of the series, which is good. The art is clean and appealing, though it isn't anything special. There are a few mistakes here and there, but it is generally very consistent. The character designs are unique and stand out and the art style fits
the fluffyness of the series.
The characters are fun. The main characters are likeable and have great chemistry. Their personalities are very simple though and most characters don't get much depth because of how short the series is. The series would have benefitted a lot from more time with the characters. The main villain also feels very forced and there was clearly not enough time to set him up.
Finally the story, which starts out very bad and generic, but with the second half of the manga it get's going and it becomes very good. The story leaves you satisfied and the ending is very fun. Again it feels like there just wasn't enough build up to the ending, but this is to be expected with how short it is.
In short Demon Lord Exchange is rather bad at the start, but it becomes pretty good as it gets to it's ending. The series is rather fun, but it would have benefitted a lot from more time spend with the characters. The series is worth your time just for the second half alone and it has a good ending for a AXED series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 5, 2024
And that is it. After ten years of serialization, 430 chapters, 42 volumes, 7 seasons of anime, 4 movies and a bunch of spin-offs My Hero Academia has finally ended. And what a run it has been. I have loved every second of it and I will always keep it close, so this review might be a bit biased, but here we go.
Let's start with arguably the best part of the series, the art. MHA has some of the best art seen in Weekly Shounen Jump, maybe even in all of manga. Especially during the second half of the manga. There is so much attention
to detail in the art. Very minor panels get very detailed backgrounds, action scenes have an insane amount of detail, but they are still easy on the eyes. Character designs are very destinct and look good, especially Shigaraki who looks gorgeous in every panel he's in. The art in this series really is atleast to me the standout and is at least a 11/10.
Than the characters. They are really well written, if they are a main character. Characters like Deku, Bakugo, All Might, awell as the main villains all have really good character development and have stand out moments. Even most side characters are interesting enough. Characters Like La Brava or Monoma have enough development behind them that they are interesting and that you can root for them. Along as you aren't a one-off character, a class B character or Tailman/Sugarman that they have enough development to be called a good character.
And finally for the weakest part of this series, the story. It isn't bad. Peope that say the story is bad clearly have not read the series and are only there to hate. The story is as basic as a shounen series can be. Hero good, villain bad. That is basically the story summerised. The series relies very heavily on shounen tropes, but damn does it execute them well. Even if the story is very basic, it executes what it tries to be so well. MHA has never marketed itself as a very deep series and it never was the point of the series. It is a very good series, but not because of its story. Basically it does the job and that is all there is to it.
In short MHA is a series definetly worth the read, not for it's story, which is as basic as it gets, but for its great and fun characters and its beautifull art. MHA is just a very fun read. All it tries to be is fun and it excels at just that. I can't express how much I love this series and how much fun it has been. I cannot recommend this series enough. And all I can say is thank you for this amazing series Horikoshi, it really was PLUS ULTRA.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 25, 2024
Astra Lost in Space is an extremely underrated Sci-Fi manga that deserves your time that manages to make it feel like you know its characters even though it is just the first chapter. It combines mystery perfectly with its Sci-Fi setting. But there is more...
Firsty, the art is very solid. The different envirenments looks stunning and the double spreads are to gawk your eyes at. The amount of detail that goes into every panel, even minor panels like a regular shot in the Astra looks really good. The characters have diverse and interesting designs that reflect their characters without being to stereotypical.
Secondly, the
characters. They have as said earlier very diverse designs and they are all very likeable. Their motivations are logical and well thought out. All main characters fill their role perfectly and get a lot of character development, which is even more impressive because of how short the series is. The minor characters also manage to be well explained even if they get introduced late into the series.
Finally, the story and holy smokes is it good. The initial mystery seems not that intersesting, but we quickly unravel more and more mysteries that seem like they have no way of being explained, but the author manages to answer all of them even if some are a bit far fetched. The only nitpick there is about the story is that the last few mysteries that get explained after the big finally lack a bit of logical sense or are rushed, but they still function well enough as to make sense. Other than that the story is a rolercoaster of high points which doesn't seem to ever go down even at the end.
In short Astra Lost in Space is a phenomenal manga that deserves your time for its abaility to suck you in and its banger story and mysteries. The series has a great cast of characters that are both likeable and interesting. And most importantly the series itself is just fun. Even if you don't like Sci-Fi or you don't like over the top mystery series you can definetly still enjoy this series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 22, 2024
After School Mate is how to write a short series. It tells an absolutely beautifull story about finding your identity and self worth.
I'll start with the best part of this series being the characters. The main character Rika is extremely likable and you really feel for him for the whole story. HE feels like an actual person and his struggles with his family are perfectly executed. The second MC Satsuki's struggles with his family are a little bit of an afterthought, but in the end they are handeled wel, though I wish they were more prevelant. All the other characters are likable (or not,
but that's how they were intended) and they fill their purpose well. They are clearly just side characters, but they do have an actual caharcter and they are not two dimensional.
Similairly, the story is beautifully written and it fits the short series style, though the ending is a little bit ubrupt and it could have used one or two more chapters to tie the last few ends.
The art on the other hand is just good. it isn't bad by a long shot, but it does stand out with how phenomenal the rest of the series is. The character designs are good and the backgrounds are generally quite detailed, but again it just lacks a little bit.
In Short, After School Mate is a must read which is absolutely amazing and a must read for everyone. The series has no real lows and very high highs. The two main characters are splendidly written and the story is very moving. I can't recommend this series enough and I wish it had an official english release. Luckily there is an English fan translation that you can find on Mangadex and I hope you'll enjoy it as much as i did.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 22, 2024
ByeByeBye starts of as an weird murder mystery folllowing two elementary school children, but it ends as a whole bunch of nothing.
Firstly the characters, the two main leads Taishi and Ema are likable enough and Ema starts as a very mysterious character, but her whole character turns flat by the end of the series. All other characters are as 2 dimensional as they get. They are nothing more than a means to progres the plot and even that is executed poorly.
Secondly the story, which is a whole bunch of nothing. The main mystery get's revealed halfway through the series in a very anti-climactic
way and the chapters afterwards feel like they have no goal and lack any form of substance. The first few chapters are pretty good, but looking back with the after the later chapters they just feel pointless.
Finally the art, it sucks. It isn't terrible, but you can't name it good either. The art style does not acompany the tone of the series and it makes the character designs very bland and uninteresting. Backgrounds are generally very basic and uninteresting.
Basically the only reason to read this is to see what not to do with a mystery series. The first half of the series is decent and gets a 6 and the second half gets an four so a 5. If the premise interests you, just go read Takopi's original Sin as this is basically Takopi at home.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 14, 2024
Ayakashi Triangle is a manga that is not made for everyone. In a similair vain to series like Yuuna and the Hounted Hotsprings and To Love-Ru this series is extremely ecchi. Speaking of To Love-Ru, if you liked that than you will definetly like this as they are by the same artist.
Let's start with this series main selling point the art. The art in AyaTri is phenomenal. Yabuki Kentarou is a master at drawing humans and then specifically woman. But also the fight scenes and just general chill panels look really good. The art is clean and absolutely gorgeous.
Secondly the characters, they are great. The
characters are all quite unique and fun. They are generally well motivated and fun to see, even is they are sometimes a bit wierd (Reo). The only downside to the characters is that they are sometimes a bit too horny, but that is to be expected from the series.
The Story isn't amazing, as it is generally quite epesodic, but the overarching plot is generally well done and especially the ending is well done.
If you like ecchi then you will definetly enjoy this and if you don't then this is probably not for you. The series isn't amazing, but it is a ton of fun and it is good at what it wants to be: a ecchi romcom with action elements.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 10, 2024
Set it and Forget it is a short manga series which is nothing but wholesomeness overload. Every chapter is a feel good chapter and it entertains you every time you read it, just don't read it on an empty stomach.
The art is solid. It is not special or anything, but it does not need to be. For what it is the art is really good and there are no weird inconsistancies or mistakes. The character designs are cute and unique and the food looks delicious.
The story is episodic. Each chapter is relatively similair to the last, but it doesn't get repetative because of the limited
amount of chapters. The conclusion can't really be called a conclusion as it could just have been an ending to a chapter with a new one coming, but it is satisfactory.
I cannot reccomend this series enough. It is fun, cute and more fun. It leaves you wanting for more each chapter even after the final chapter. All in all it is a amazing little series that is definetly worth your time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 22, 2024
Basashi ga Tabetai is a very good short series. It manages to tell it's story perfectly within the limited chapter count. The characters are very fun and the dynamic between the two main characters is extremely wholesome. The side characters are very minimalistic as they all appear basically ones and then never again, which is a shame but expected with again the limited amount of page count. The art is good and the story is fun. There really isn't anything to complain about except that there isn't more.
Overall very good and extremely enjoyable. Definetly worth a read, especially with how short it is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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