Hi and welcome (Hei og velkommen)
Hi and welcome to my page my name is Harley I like Romance, Ecchi, Harem, Isekai, Comedy and things like that and occasionally things like one punch man and I tend to dislike anything with drama or sadness of any sorts usually and if I had to choose my favorite genre it would be Harem cause of EVERYBODY being happy in the end instead of just one person being happy so I like Harem a lot and I also like it cause it usually has some comedy in there as well. I also realize Harem can turn into normal romance with just a single heroine and vice versa can also apply. Regarding my list for my favorite Anime, manga/Ln and Characters I have many more than those that u see but I have them cause why not I do like them although I do like Issei( High School DXD ) and Ichika( Infinite Stratos ) and so on and so forth. If you're reading this have a good day Sir/Madam.
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