I haven't read LN so I don't know how much they left out but for me a very good continuation of the second series. MC is starting to show and reveal more and more how much he can do. At the same time we get to see more of the side characters and learn about the past not just the main character. The last few episodes have kicked off a big game and I think we have a lot to look forward to.
As far as the art style is concerned, I guess I wouldn't have anything to complain about, although there was the occasional frame
Mar 28, 2024
Nov 24, 2023
Goblin Slayer II
The first series of Goblin Slayer was pretty good on the whole but even here there were elements of all the female characters being in love with the MC. But in the second series, it's been almost every episode. If this anime was just a fantasy anime about killing goblins, revenge, and similar fantasy elements, it would be much better. Goblin Slayer, for me, is one of those anime that you have to be ashamed of in front of people who don't watch anime for the exact reason that it's full of half-naked girls.
The animations are pretty okay but even the dialogues of the characters ... Apr 23, 2023
Tokyo Revengers: Seiya Kessen-hen
Tokyo revengers second series was, unfortunately, a lot worse than the first series, which was very bad in the beginning, but turned around and was pretty good towards the end, in my opinion. As for this part in the manga, for me it was also quite worse then the other arcs but it was quite good to read. I hope the next series(if there is one) will be better, because the other arcs in the manga are a lot better too.
In the anime, Takemitchi is portrayed even more awkwardly than in the manga, which I thought wasn't even possible. He, unfortunately, spoils the anime the ... Apr 1, 2021
Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun
Okay so from the start i thought something like " This could be fun, something like Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy" .
¨ The few first episodes were kinda fun, but now its really, really bad. The anime is about a boy who is just playing this one game all the time. Then he find out, that girl from his school also play this game. But they have opposite personalities so she start to teach him "how to live life". And thats it. Nothing speacial and the graphic is nothing spectacular or something. Story have some progress for like 5 episodes. There is literally zero ... Feb 8, 2021
Sword Art Online: Alicization
Okay, lets talk about my favorite anime franchise - Sword Art Online. I love them all, I love the story, characters - everything so my review
is mostly optimistic about it. for the beginning I have to say - You have to watch SAO I and II seasons and Movie Ordinal Scale or you will not understand the story of Alicization Story I have to stay 9/10. Lots of people would say that is because i really like it no matter what but thats not all. If you've watched previous series, you probably know what most SAO seasons are about. Strong bond of friends, love, lost friends ... |