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Feb 22, 2025
Story: A meet cute happens when a mediums daughter catches sight of the mystical creature when her mothers ghost needed to be sent to the underworld. Years pass and they meet again when the girl is swept up in another otherworldy ordeal, and so the story progresses. The lore is explained in enough detal that the reader can understand the concepts of light mediums, ghosts, shapeshifting animamorphs, gods, mystical creatures, and all that it entails.
Characters: The FL and ML had their cliche "bashful" moments, but it was well placed and fit well with the concept of the story and their personal backgrouds, so
it didn't come off as forced at all. Many side characters appear that have great personalities including the female raven and the FL best friend who is the stalking horse of the Manhwa to name a few.
Art: The drawing had an old-worldy kind of feel to it with muted colors for ghosts and vibrate colors for fantastical creatures. This really helped convey the times forgotten feel of the era The Black Wolf's Bride was a part of. There are also quite a bit of sound effects that are written out with large lettering, the same size as the acutally story lines. Which I find to be a positive thing. Seeing tiny little lettering in weird places to emphazise a sound doesn't really do much imo.
Enojoyment: This Manhwa was an easy 2 day read for me. It was translated well enough that I didnt loose focus because of language related barriers, and had an oppropriate art style for the kind of story that was portrayed. It held my attention well and even caught me off gaurd a couple times with the plot twists that the author incorporated into the story. Would recommend to fantasy readers. The romance aspect does happen but it is a slow burn and happens as naturally as possible in a fantasy setting.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 27, 2020
Yakuza-sama no Omocha is currently still being published, and according to Manga Updated is up to 2 volumes. As of this moment I have read the first volume at least 2 times through. So, here I am giving my review of this not even finished manga hoping to share the delight I had in reading it with others.
It starts off a bit cliched; man cosigns a loan, debtor takes off and thus he is stuck with payment. After that, the story gets really good and it flows well. There are even a few elements of surprise to engage the reader.
OMG.. the best part
of this manga is the art and characters. Love the drawing style. The definition for the eyes is quite unique. You can pick out Kirishiki, Tokico's works with that alone.
The stereo types are turned on their heads. Sort of reminds me of Honto Yajuu's characters but a bit different as well. I mean yes, one is a yakuza and yes the other didn't swing that way to begin with but after that, it is a completely different pair of couples.
As stated in the intro of my review, I have already consumed multiple times and come back for more if I ever need that itch to be scratched. Really enjoyed it!
Going to leave it here for now. Upon the completion of the manga I will delve further into the story and see what more can be praised about it. Let's just hope the enjoyment continues!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 10, 2019
Why give a short 5 chapter manga a 9 rating??? Because it is just that good. And I will tell you why! All spoiler free, and it might take you longer to read my review than the first chapter. But, here goes!
Jika Renai Chuudoku isn't anything overly original or chalk full of cliches either. The penmanship portrayed here is the highlight of this manga. Each word used eloquently, and portrays what is needed, "Nothing more, and nothing less." Right? Exactly on cue, the banter between characters is perfectly arranged and flows easily throughout the entire manga.
This would be where the one point was
taken away.(from the overall average) The art is not bad. I just wasn't happy seeing any of the color pages. When usually they increase my fondness for the characters. The feeling just wasn't there. Sadly, the colored pages were nothing special, and even a bit lackluster and hard to look at. Of course that is just my personal opinion.
Just as much as the story made me fall in love with this manga, so too the did the characters. Both of the MC's as well as a few side characters (the ramen stall vendor, and the cross-dressing third wheel) had just enough back story and development to match the story pacing and feel fleshed out. The important moments for main and side characters were highlighted and things that weren't as important stayed as a background noise,so they didn't take away from the story. (aka the small yakuza bit) This is usually where shorter manga fall short. Either not enough character development or so much that the plot never goes anywhere. That doesn't happen with Jika Renai Chuudoku characters.
I enjoy fluid stories with interesting characters and interactions. This manga gave me that in spades. Haven't the foggiest ideas on how the rating is so low. Unless it stems from the almost incest (they are adopted brothers, so no blood relation).Or, maybe, the horrible image given to females. I too dislike that aspect in most BL, but here it makes sense to show woman in not so bright a light. In this manga, it is used as a catalyst for the MCs relationship, in more ways than one.
Have I gushed enough about how terrific this manga is, that you want to give it a read yet?? No?? Well, like mother always says, "Don't knock it til you try it." Of course, that was meant for meal time when a I was a child and a bit picky about my food. But, thanks to the coaxing I am now a lot less picky with my food and happier for it. So, take my advice and if you have just a bit of time and like reading BL, give this manga a try.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 24, 2019
The story of Nozomu Bekumonai is well paced and has just the right amount of information about the main couple. There are only 6 chapters, but the mangaka does a great job incorporating childhood, high school, college and adult life situations into Nozomu Bekumonai.
This is the second manga from the same artist that I am reviewing. The art didn't really grab my attention much at first, but now I find it sort of calming. You can always tell characters apart from each other and there aren't any disproportional body parts at all. It really is drawn quite well.
The sensitive serious uke and the oblivious
playboy are typical character types but fit well together in Nozomu Bekumonai.
Was a good read the first time and it still held my attention and left me with a warm fuzzy feeling the second time. This manga goes in the re-read zone.
Would recommend this one to all yaoi fans, especially those who prefer soft-core bedroom scenes. There are intimate moments, but they are not the main content of Nozomu Bekumonai. The story and relationship development between Sumiyoshi and Shinomoto is what this manga is all about; and it is quite lovely!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 16, 2018
Since there isn't a synopsis, I will start the review with a bit of the story line.
Such a wonderfully jumbled hot mess of emotions. Aisubeki Sadist is the story of how Fumitaka persuades Jun into being his queen (in the S & M way). Jun at the age of 20 works in a bar and does a S & M show once every 2 weeks. Fumitaka (age 32) sees the show and is taken with him, thus starts the romance.
Now that, that is out of the way, lets get on with the review of this completely addictive manga.
This manga is one of those that
you start reading and finish, then realize there aren't any more chapters. The story is fluid and the characters are well defined, having a few quirks to each of them.
The art is really nice. I especially liked: the hair styles that differentiate between each character, the costume designs for Jun (so sexy!), as well as the facial expressions of both Jun and Fumitaka that clearly showed their emotions.
S & M is a broad term; in relation to Aisubeki Sadist there are a plethora of toys presented, but, there aren't any brutal or torturous scenes at all. There is a bit of past trauma. So, if you can not handle a little bit of abuse then you should look else where for your sweet and fluffy BL. Aisubeki Sadist is not one of those stories that you can read with rose colored glasses on. But, if you are alright with a bit of angst and are okay with some sadist and masochist characters definitely give this manga a try.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 15, 2018
If you cannot handle a bit of extreme eroticism step away from this manga. There is quite a lustful story in this one!
Since there is not actual synopsis and just a bunch of titles labeled as one shots; I will take the opportunity to give a brief description of this rivetingly gorgeous yoai. Focusing mainly on chapters 1-2 +7. Since it is my favorite out of them all.
The main story in Nemuri Otoko to Koi Otoko is about Jude and Louis who are business partners. One straight the other is gay. As in most yaoi there are special circumstances. Royce (Louis) the straight
character has a sleeping disorder where he will unconsciously have sex with whomever is handy. Jude, the gay business partner just happens to oblige. Cannot divulge anymore than that without spoilers :P
The other one shots had good stories but, being one shots there isn't much background or plot to write about.
I completely love both characters. Their personalities and the drawing style is what makes me keep coming back to re-read this manga whenever I have time and want to read something sexy.
If I had any complaints it would be the switching between names for Louis, in the translated versions, he is also called Royce. Do not be fooled, it is the same character.
In closing, as stated in the beginning: if you do not like hot scenes of carnal desire **steer clear**. But, if you are fine with a smoldering bedroom scene or two, or three; pick this one up, it will not disappoint.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 3, 2018
This manga is written with very realistic circumstances and characters. There are two stories that are connected via a gay bar and one of its regulars. The synopsis actually does a good job in describing the manga so I don't need to add to it, because any more information would just be revealing too much.
There are no feminine looking men here. The characters are all drawn with distinction and appear very normal looking. Which is a plus in my book. No overly pronounces features, sparkly eyes, or bulging muscles; just regular looking men.
The profile of each of the main characters is well defined and they
develop well throughout the manga.
I have read this manga multiple times and it's one that you can return to and read easily. I love one of the lines said by Yuhara Kouji from the second story. "I don't care how pretty you make it sound, at the end of the day it's still ass-***" --last word omitted due to profanity. It just hits the nail on the head so well. I cant help but enjoy its well timed entrance in the story.
Work In is an adult (character age-wise) BL (more like Shounen-Ai) due to the lack of sex scenes, that has a down to earth take on the yaoi genre. It receives a solid 8 from me. What do you think?? Give it a try.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 19, 2018
This review is based on the entire series, which I just adore!
What a way to start a relationship! How about being made to agree to date someone while wearing handcuffs! This is how the beginning of the couple in this manga starts and it only gets better.
The art is a bit bulky especially the lips, but I can deal with some overly pronounced body parts.
Natsume is a normal businessman with a very rational outlook on life. Touji the student has a few weird kinks that make him a bit hard to read at times, but is still very lovable.
This manga had some key elements that I truly enjoyed. It has an age gap couple with a bit of a shaky start in their relationship, so there is something to look forward to with story progression.The pacing of the story and a few surprise plot twists paired with unique characters made me truly fall in love with this manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 2, 2018
For some reason this manga has been reviewed only by readers who truly dislike it... why?? If there is already a review describing the short comings, one should be enough. Was it really horrible enough to rate a 2 and review it as such a disgrace of literature that it was done twice?? NOPE!
Usually I only rate manga with a score below a 5 if it is truly heinous, and so bad that it isn't even worth giving a review. I find it a little unnerving that there are only negative reviews to judge this manga by, so I am going to write
one that showcases just how much enjoyment I got out of this manga.
Don't get me wrong, of course we read reviews to see if a manga is worth our time. And, it is helpful to read reviews that outline things readers may not want to read about. Such is the case with the rape scene, if you cannot stand a bit of forced intercourse, yes, stay away. But, I would like to point out that said scene is not over the top,and there is no shedding of blood or hellish bondage or mutilation at all. It takes up about 1 page and is ended almost as soon as it started.
So without further ado, lets start my review :)
Story: It's yaoi, the other reviews did have that right, it has most of the stereotypical scenarios that play out in most BL manga. But I found the format and delivery of the story to be good.
Characters:The attitudes and characteristics of the MCs are also correctly pointed out. There is an abusive uke (because he hates PDA) and an obsessive seme (to the point of stalking). But some how those characteristics charm me in some way. And lets not forget a better than average female character, the ukes sister. Most yaoi cannot integrate females in anything but bad conditions, and then they are removed from the story somehow. Plus one, right there.
Enjoyment: At the time of this review, I have read the manga twice. My initial score was an 8. Then I read the reviews and was in awe of how far off my score differed from them, so I read it again. Still sticking with a solid 8. The story kept my attention, made me laugh, feel for the characters in one way or another, and left me with a smile. To me, that's an 8.
Overall: In my humble opinion I think this manga deserves better than what was previously stated. Give it a read if you enjoy a bit of angsty college life and misunderstandings that result in a comedic couple.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 23, 2018
Story: A blue collar worker who loves food is enticed by a professional chef to try his food. In this manga the old adage "the way to a mans heart is through his stomach", is proven to be correct!
Art: I really enjoy this mangakas art. The characters are drawn in a way that makes me think of hearts, maybe it is the shape of the faces?? Being that it is for the yaoi genre, and a romance manga, it fits beautifully.
Characters: A tough blue collar construction worker uke, and a more feminine looking seme make for a great pairing. Their personalities clash but the
love of food that draws them closer is well played out (and believable) in both characters.
Enjoyment: This manga was really great to read. There was a just the right amount of tension between the main characters. There is also a love rival that added to the as story well. It went by so fast, wish there was more!
Overall: I would recommend this manga to fellow yaoi lovers. Double that if you are also a foodie. Then triple the rec if you are also one who enjoys a bit of role reversal since the uke is the more manly of the two (at least in terms of employment).
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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