I want to eat our pancreas.
Not exactly a sentence I expected I would read the day I did.
Fortunately for me I am attracted to any and all abnormal/weird/special/(whatever you'd like to call it) things so I immediately felt intrigued by this anime, I read the description and, as you may have experienced yourself with movies, it went on my Plan to Watch-list and stayed there for quite a while. Yesterday at last I watched the movie, I was immediately interested in the characters, the seemingly emotionless one meets their opposite and all that. I knew from the beginning that this movie would be one
Dec 17, 2018
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
FMA: B is one of the first animes I watched, needless to say it's one of the most important ones for how my preferences developed and one of my all-time favorites as well.
There is little more that I can say about this anime then that it is truly great, an adventure from beginning to the end in which you follow the characters, see them grow and change as the story unwraps. Deaths and sad moments, wholesome ships between characters as well as epic fighting scenes. All of it is incorporated in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. To summarize for those at the beginning of their path towards watching ... |