Jun 28, 2023
Oshi no Ko is an anime that climbed to the top 10 rapidly after it has been released. But as the episodes go on its rating has been slowly falling. The reason for that is; Oshi no Ko is MID. And what I mean by that is, it's average and mediocre. Now you may be thinking, "Why?" and I'll tell you why because that's what reviews are for.
Story 6/10
I suppose you have already read the synopsis so I will skip explaining the first episode. After the 1st ep, the twins grew up and are now in high school. They meet a good amount of characters
and the show seems unique and well-made. The first few episodes are pretty much what the pilot episode made the viewers expect them to be like. The anime would be much better if the entire show was like the first 4 episodes. The issue is that as it goes on, the show doesn't really pay attention to the main plot and rather focuses on relationships between characters such as who likes who, and even ends with a love triangle and leaves the main plot for the 2nd season. It's unnecessarily long even though the ending could be made by episode 12 instead of dedicating one fourth of the show to Ruby, Arima, MEM-cho, and how they started a YouTube channel. That might have been a good idea if it was for defining the characters better, but that did not happen.
Characters 4/10
The characters become more typical and shallow as the show progresses. There's Ruby, an upbeat girl with big dreams who is always joyful and does her best to cheer people up; then there's Akane, a typical tsundere but with a sad backstory, Aqua the cold guy who doesn't pay attention to anyone but his goal and never smiles yet still girls fall in love with him for an unknown reason. The only character that can't be compared to any already existing popular character is Akane Kurokawa. Also just because something is unique doesn't mean it's good, but seeing Aqua being the exact copy of Todoroki from MHA is not something to be excited about.
Animation 7/10
There's not much to say about this. The only limit of the animators was the manga's art style and probably the budget. The animation of Aqua and Arima throwing a ball in episode 8 was nice. Unfortunately, it probably wouldn't be praised as much if they made eyes less glittery and detailed. The body motion is the best part of Oshi no Ko animation even though the eyes are the most praised.
Art style 4/10
This part belongs more to the manga reviews since it's what the anime's art style was based on. Anyways, no matter how much it was praised, the characters lack individuality. No matter how common it is in anime to have all characters built the same and have the same features, in some scenes the just look ridiculously similar. Imagine having four characters have the same facial expressions, eye shape, mouth shape, body movements, and tone. It is the most obvious when comparing side profiles. If Arima, MEM-cho, Ruby, and Ai had the same hairstyle and eye color, there would be no way of telling the difference between them.
It's not terrible, but it's not good either. Would recommend to people that read this review to see for themselves. If you like harem anime and isekai, then this might just be the thing for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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